Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1465: How could it be there?

   How can chapter 1465 be there?

   Helian Rongjiu said: "Then ask the princess to take Madam Shi to the inner hall in person, Madam Rong, Madam Wei, you guys too."

   Just before the three of them nodded, Murong said: "Your Majesty, don't be so troublesome, in fact, you can find that thing without undressing."

   Mrs. Shi said gloomily, "What do you mean?"

   Helian Rongjiu was also curious, "Miss Murong, what do you mean, that thing is where we can see it now?"

   Murong nodded: "Your Majesty is wise, that thing is now in the bun on Mrs. Shi's left side, just ask the maid next to the princess to check it out."

Mrs. Shi laughed loudly when she heard the words, looked at her like a fool, and said mockingly: "Miss Murong, how could there be something in this bun, there is something on my bun, could it be? Don't I know it myself? Don't you know that you are about to be exposed, you are stimulated to lose your mind, and you start to talk nonsense? Tell you, it's too late to pretend to be crazy now!"

   Murong smiled lightly and said, "Am I insane and talking nonsense, why don't you look inside your bun yourself, how about you?"

   Mrs. Shi smiled contemptuously, "No way, Mrs. Ben won't listen to you."

   Helian Rongjiu said coldly, "Then you don't listen to what I say?"

   Mrs. Shi was stunned for a moment, and immediately became frightened, "Could not dare."

  Helian Rongjiu looked at the princess and said, "Since Madam Shi is not cooperating, please ask the maid next to the princess to come forward and find out the truth."

   Mrs. Shi knew that Helian Rongjiu was angry, and when she saw this, she dared not say another word, and said, "Your Majesty forgives the sin, and the ministers and wives cooperate."

Princess    said, "Mama Li, since Madam Shi doesn't mind anymore, then you can go."

   Li Ma nodded and quickly walked to Mrs. Shi's side.

   Helian Rongjiu and others also surrounded him.

  Li Mammy rolled up her sleeves to her arms in order to prove that she had nothing on her hands. Anyway, she was old and didn't care about being seen.

  Mr. Li said: "Mrs. Shi, it's rude, the servant will be careful not to mess up the bun of the lady. If it is accidentally messed up, the servant will tie it up again for the lady."

Mrs. Shi was watched like a monkey, and she was already irritable. Knowing that she was going to be rude in front of so many people, she felt even more depressed, but His Majesty was still there, and she didn't dare to show disgust, so she could only say with a blank face: "Then there will be a mother-in-law."

  Mamma Li nodded, stretched out her hand to her bun, and as soon as she brushed her hair away, an emerald green earring fell and slammed onto the cold floor with a ding. .

   Everyone's eyes widened when they saw that something really fell.

   Mrs. Shi looked like she had seen a ghost when she saw that thing, and her face immediately turned pale.

how could it be possible?

How could    really be in her bun.

  Shan Zhu saw that thing, her eyes became frightened, how could it be there?

   She clearly... clearly put that thing in Murong Lingran's place herself.

   Just now, she asked the person who served the food. There are no earrings in that position. There is no other possibility except that it was picked up by Murong Lingran.

  Shan Zhu turned her head to look at Murong Lingran, and saw that her eyes were like a hungry ghost coming from hell, suddenly thinking of a possibility, her legs suddenly softened and she collapsed to the ground.

   (end of this chapter)

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