Lin Xixue can be one of the small knives. It can't cut anyone's throat, and it won't hurt even if it hurts, but it will make people hurt and itchy, and it's very uncomfortable...

Lu Jiajun smiled at Lin Xixue.

Lin Xixue's heart was filled with hope again. Anyway, as long as she was pregnant and gave birth, she wouldn't go to jail. In this case, who would have **** with and for whom would she not have a baby?

If she can be with Lu Jiajun, she will be able to get rid of her current life!

Both sides smiled at each other with ghosts.

Three years have passed in a blink of an eye, and Mu Jingqing and Yu Shengxia are both in their senior year.

In the Imperial Capital University, several girls who were obviously freshmen gathered together and talked: "I heard that Senior Brother Mu and Senior Sister Yu are about to graduate. Since their senior year, they rarely come to the Imperial University."

"I'm so depressed, I'm a loyal fan of Muxia CP! I originally wanted to see idols and show affection at a close distance, but I didn't expect that they would not even give me a chance to abuse me!"

"What's the matter? Isn't the school where they show their affection the same style? Seen it, that table, it is said that they like to eat at the table by the window the most! Every time Brother Mu will order many kinds of Sister Yu If you can’t finish eating the dishes you like, Sister Yu will pack all the rest... God knows how he maintains such a good figure... He eats so much every time!"

"It is said that the aunts in the cafeteria nowadays don't know what Brother Mu likes to eat. They only know that Sister Yu likes sweet and sour pork ribs, Mapo tofu, spicy crab..."

"See if there is a pool over there? Brother Mu and Sister Yu will bring their own lunches from time to time. It is said that sometimes they are cooked by Yuan Jingchu, the founder of Muchu Xiaozhan! Every time they finish eating, they will Go there and wash the lunch boxes is said to be washed together, but it is said that Senior Sister Yu’s water has never been exposed to water!"

"No? Brother Mu is too spoiled, right... Don't even let the senior sister wash the bowl?" The girl glared at her boyfriend on the opposite table, and the other party also heard what they were talking about, and quickly lowered her head. Desperately grilling rice, crying in my heart:

Brother Mu, can't you leave a way for the other men in our Imperial Capital University? ! In this case, he will be expelled from his boyfriend by his girlfriend!

This is also the common idea of ​​many boys in Imperial Capital University. In the past three years, although Mu Jingqing and Yu Shengxia did not appear in the school every day, they have never stopped showing their love for three years. The legend about them ...It is also spread so widely that Imperial Capital University, including several surrounding universities, has established a "Muxia CP Support Club". Every time they show up and show affection, those details will be passed on to this group of CP fans. In the group, Mu Jingqing was too good and too spoiled for Yu Midsummer, which directly caused the eyes of these girls to become higher, and the percentage of bachelor boys in the surrounding schools, especially the Imperial University, was greatly reduced compared with three years ago!

Moreover, boys with girlfriends are also used to compare with Mu Jingqing from time to time. These boys complain so much that they dare not speak up. After all, they are not as good as Mu Jingqing.

"If you are not allowed to help wash, then why did Senior Sister Yu go'to wash together'?"

"Stupid, Brother Mu was chatting with her while washing! You don't know, the picture is just like walking out of the comics, under the sun, both of them are so beautiful and unreal..."Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! Latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (their legend in Chapter 1876), and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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