Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1504: Give you 1 chance!

Chapter 1505 1504 [Give you a chance! 】

When Shi Zhijian came to the teahouse, the three of Chen Zhichao were already waiting in the private room. Seeing Shi Zhijian enter, the three of them who were talking immediately stood up and said hello to Shi Zhijian.

"Mr. Shi, hello!"

"Mr. Shi, hello!"

Shi Zhijian nodded towards them, "Everyone is not an outsider, just sit wherever you want!"

The three of Chen Zhichao didn't dare to sit down. Only after Shi Zhijian took the main seat, did the three of them take their seats separately.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Shi, I'm so anxious to invite you over!" Chen Zhichao said, "To be honest, the three of us are desperate now!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect the Hong Kong government's anti-corruption efforts to be so strong this time. Even if we help Superintendent Ding conquer the Kowloon Walled City, those people from the ICAC will still trouble us!" Lan Gang said, "Now we really don't know What should I do, so I ask you for help!"

Shi Zhijian took a look at Chen Zhichao, the police tycoon who had stood shoulder to shoulder with Lei Luo before, and even crushed Lei Luo, then took a look at the big detective Lan Gang who has always been unruly, and finally his eyes fell on the big guy who always likes black mouth and black face Inspector Han Sen: "A Sen, what do you say?"

Han Sen hesitated for a moment: "It's best to survive, no one wants to be imprisoned in the next life!"

Shi Zhijian nodded, and glanced at the three of them: "Then how do you want me to help you?"

The three of Chen Zhichao, you look at me, and I look at you.

Shi Zhijian said again: "Actually, I've already helped you once, haven't I?"

Of course, Chen Zhichao and the others understood what this sentence meant. When Ding Yongqiang led O Ji to attack the Kowloon Walled City, why didn't Shi Zhijian directly ask for their support? He was giving them a chance.

They did seize this opportunity and became the people's heroes, thinking that with the halo added to their bodies, they could get the gold medal for avoiding death. Unexpectedly, the people from the ICAC did not follow the routine. The spearhead was aimed at them.

Not to mention anything else, Chen Zhichao's office alone has been raided three times. It can be imagined that in the future, it will be at home and other places. No matter how good Chen Zhichao hides the evidence of corruption and bribery, it will be found out one day.

The same Lan Gang and Han Sen have been having a hard time recently.

Especially Lan Gang, who is romantic by nature, has countless lovers outside. During the investigation of Lan Gang, these lovers were also filtered out. As a result, Lan Gang stepped on three, four, five or six boats, and several lovers almost got into a fight .

Han Sen is a little better, but including himself, his wife and son are followed all day long, which is always annoying, and it always feels like there are two eyes staring at you.

"Ahem, yes!" Chen Zhichao said, "Of course the three of us know that you have helped us once, so we have always wanted to find an opportunity to thank you! But now, please help us one more time!"

At this moment, in order to avoid legal sanctions, Chen Zhichao had put his face on the line and asked Shi Zhijian for help.

Seeing this, Lan Gang and Han Sen had to bow their heads and beg for help: "Yes, Ah Jian, oh no, Councilor Shi, Mr. Shi, please help us!"

In fact, the phrase "A Jian" was intentionally said by the two of them. Before Shi Zhijian was not well-developed, they used to call him this way, which seemed affectionate.

Sure enough, Shi Zhijian was recalled by their words "Ajian". At that time, he was just a young man in Hong Kong who started his business. At that time, Lan Gang and Han Sen had to take care of many things—

"How do you guys do this? I've been here for so long, and I haven't even served a cup of tea?" Shi Zhijian suddenly changed the subject, "Are you afraid that I'll make you poor?!"

A trace of surprise appeared on Chen Zhichao's face, and he immediately greeted Dr. Tea: "Come here, serve the best Pu'er tea here!"

Shi Zhijian turned the teacup, and the mellow Pu'er tea in the cup made people salivate.

Shi Zhijian scanned the three of Chen Zhichao and said, "You all resign!"

"Uh, what?" The three of Chen Zhichao looked at Shi Zhijian expectantly, wanting to hear what good ideas he could come up with to help them, but they didn't expect that Shi Zhijian's first sentence was to ask them to "resign".

"Ahem, Mr. Shi, I heard you right, you want us to resign?" Chen Zhichao asked.

"That's right, the plan for now is to resign, take the initiative to resign!" Shi Zhijian took a sip of tea, slowly spit out the tea fragrance, his eyes sparkled with wisdom: "You all know that this wave of anti-corruption, you can't run away! There will be two, first, go to jail, second, run away, third, save face and resign voluntarily! And my suggestion to you is the third."

After a pause, Shi Zhijian said again: "And time waits for no one. The sooner you resign, the better. You can apply for early retirement, or you can apply for voluntary resignation due to physical discomfort, etc."

The three of Chen Zhichao looked at each other.

"Ahem, we can follow your orders on this point..." Chen Zhichao said.

"Yeah, it's just resignation! If you don't work as a policeman, you can do something else! Start a company like you, Jian, and be the boss!" Lan Gang said carelessly.

Han Sen has always been calm and sophisticated. At this moment, he didn't make a sound, but looked at Shi Zhijian, knowing that things were not that simple.

Sure enough, Shi Zhijian continued: "I haven't finished my sentence, the premise of your resignation is to hand over half of the money you have been greedy for so many years!"

"What?" Lan Gang immediately widened his eyes, unwilling. "Am I not mistaken, you want us to pay... half of the money?"

"You heard me right!" Shi Zhijian looked at Lan Gang and said coldly, "You really think it's so easy to resign, and after you resign, the ICAC and the Hong Kong government won't bother you anymore? You're so naive. Keep an eye on them very closely, maybe they will issue a killing order from the ends of the earth, even if you go to the ends of the earth after resigning, you will be arrested and brought to justice! Even after you resign, you will still be in prison!"

"Uh, this—?" Lan Gang shrank his neck, startled by Shi Zhijian's words.

Chen Zhichao and Han Sen knew that Shi Zhijian wasn't joking, it was all true.

The three of them and Lei Luoke were all "big tigers" in Hong Kong's money empire period. Now Lei Luo took Chen Xijiu, Zhu Youzai, and their family to Thailand, and finally took a connecting flight to Vancouver. The three of them stayed in Hong Kong and now they are in danger.

"What if... I mean, what if we don't pay?" Lan Gang tentatively asked.

"Then you guys just wait to eat oranges. It is said that the food in Stanley is very good now!"

"Ahem, what if we hand it in? Can you guarantee that we'll be fine?


"Ahem!" These words almost choked the three of Lan Gang to death.

Shi Zhijian said: "I can only assure you that if you pay the money, at least you can survive. Even if you go to jail, you won't have to sit for so long. If you don't pay the money, then you will die!"

After saying this, Shi Zhijian drank the tea in one gulp, and put the empty cup on the table with a bang, "I'm done talking! I'll give you three days to think about it!"

Shi Zhijian stood up, took out his coat hanging on the hanger, and when he was about to walk out, he suddenly remembered something and turned around and said, "Oh, by the way, thank you three! The tea here is very good!"

Watching Shi Zhijian leave, the three of Chen Zhichao were silent for a while.

Shi Zhijian asked them to hand over half of their wealth, which was more uncomfortable than killing them. What's more, Shi Zhijian himself said that even if he paid the money, he might not be able to survive.

So in the end pay or not?

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

As expected by Shi Zhijian, Chen Zhichao, Lan Gang and Han Sen gritted their teeth in the end. According to Shi Zhijian's instructions, they handed over half of their property, totaling 370 million, to Shi Zhijian's house in person!

At the same time, the three said that they had already written a "resignation letter" and asked Shi Zhijian to hand it over to the Hong Kong government.

Shi Zhijian nodded in agreement.

It's just that when Shi Zhijian sent the three of them out, he was stunned by the scene outside. He saw a long queue at the gate of his house. Many of them Shi Zhijian knew. They were all members of Hong Kong's current police force, and some were ghosts!

"This is—" Shi Zhijian looked at Chen Zhichao and the others in surprise.

Chen Zhichao said with a sneer: "Please don't be angry, Senator Shi! We only leaked a little bit of information, and if you can save people here, these people all ran over!"

Shi Zhijian understood that this must be the work of Chen Zhichao and the three of them. He was afraid that he would not keep his promise, so he directly magnified the matter and told the corrupt and bribery police officers that Shi Zhijian had a way to keep them safe. He only needed to spend half of his wealth...

These people had been in panic all day long after Lei Luo ran away. Now that the news came suddenly, they seemed to have grasped at straws, and no matter how painful it was to hand over half of their wealth, they all came to the door for help.

Chen Zhichao thought that Shi Zhijian would be very angry knowing that they were responsible for this.

Unexpectedly, seeing the scene in front of him, Shi Zhijian just smiled slightly, looked at Chen Zhichao and the three of them, and said, "You guys, um, you did a good job!"

"Eh?" Shi Zhijian's reaction made Chen Zhichao and the others stunned for a moment, not understanding what Shi Zhijian meant.

At this time, Shi Zhijian didn't care about talking too much with Chen Zhichao, so he directly called two barristers, Hu Juncai and Liang Youcai, and a group of financial personnel began to make registration records for these police officers who took the initiative to "pay black money".

After the recording was completed, Shi Zhijian asked Hu Juncai to start the selection process, eliminating some troublesome ones, and taking all the other people's money!

For a whole week, two-thirds of the Hong Kong police force came to "visit" Shi Zhijian. To put it bluntly, they all came to pay money to ensure safety.

Finally at half past ten in the is settled.

Shi Zhijian poured himself a glass of red wine in the study, and looked at Hu Juncai and others who were still crackling and working hard.

When Shi Zhijian almost finished drinking half a bottle of red wine, he checked the time, and it was already one o'clock in the morning.

At this time, Hu Juncai had already compiled the statistics.

"Mr. Shi, I have already counted the number—" Hu Juncai clicked his mouth, "There are 537 people in total, and the total amount of stolen money they paid is 130 million!"

Shi Zhijian wasn't surprised by the amount of hundreds of millions. After all, even Lei Luo alone could be greedy for 500 million, and Chen Zhichao and the three of them exceeded 300 million, let alone these people.

"That is to say... Now add the 370 million that Chen Zhichao and the others paid, and the total is almost 500 million?" Shi Zhijian shook the red wine glass.


"Hehe, 500 million? This number is so auspicious!" Shi Zhijian put one hand in his trouser pocket, raised his glass with the other, and drank it down in one gulp!

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