Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1454: Huddle together to keep warm!

Chapter 1454 [Holding together to keep warm! 】

Xie Dongcheng was sitting on his seat, and he had been enduring the sarcasm and sarcasm of this group of people. Seeing Hou Dezhi's villainous appearance, he couldn't bear it any longer, and stood up and said, "Hou Dezhi, don't pretend to be a good person here. Our Xie family is now Although it is in decline, the result of the election has not yet come out, and it is not yet determined who will win and who will lose!"

"Haha, what a big breath, there is no set number? I will sentence you to the street now!" Hou Dezhi stopped pretending, stood up and pointed at Xie Dongcheng's nose and sneered: "You don't even pee and look in the mirror, look at yourself now What do you look like? People don’t look like people, ghosts don’t look like ghosts! Do you think you are the young master of the Xie family? Have you paid back the money owed by the Xie family to the bank? I heard that you are poor and are about to sell your property and sleep on the streets !"


"I've also heard about this. Xie's family owes a lot of money to the bank, and the bank goes to their house to collect the debt all day long!"

"Why don't we take pity on the poor people and raise funds to buy their Xie's building, so that they won't really sleep on the streets!"

"Yeah, we are all Chinese, we have to help each other! At worst, we have to build a kennel or something at home, and invite Mr. Xie to stay in!"

"Hahaha!" People laughed even more wildly.

Xie Dongcheng's lungs exploded.

He and this group of people are considered "friends" at ordinary times, especially when Xie's family was still prestigious, he even took the initiative to invite this group of people to have dinner and dance in nightclubs.

At that time, these people yelled Xie Dashao one by one, not to mention being affectionate. What's more, I wish I could crawl over and help him lick his butt!

But now, the situation is stronger than people.

As soon as the Xie family fell, the true colors of these people were all revealed, not only speaking sarcasticly, but also mocking him for sleeping in the kennel.

It is tolerable, what is unbearable!

Just when Xie Dongcheng wanted to get violent, the polling area not far away had already ended, and the leader of the councilors who presided over the election announced: "Everyone, be quiet and start checking votes!"

"Wow, the fun has begun!"

"Yes, this voting is open, fair and transparent! Brother Hou is sure to win this time!"

"Some people might really want to sleep in the kennel!"


This group of people once again sneered at Xie Dongcheng.

Xie Dongcheng endured the urge to have a cerebral hemorrhage, sat back on the chair, and waited for the ticket check to end before announcing the result.

The atmosphere at the election scene was tense.

A lot of people began to gather beside that Hou Dezhi, congratulating him in advance.

"Congratulations, Brother Hou will definitely come out on top this time!"

"Yeah, the result of the ticket check is coming out soon, brother Hou will have a treat!"

Hou Dezhi's expression was high, "It's easy to say! It's easy to say! Then everyone should drink a few more glasses!"

The result has not yet been announced, and everyone has already decided that the voting result belongs to Hou Dezhi's sure win.

The leader of the congressman who supervised the vote check urged the check to end quickly--

Soon, the results are finally out!

Everyone took a deep breath and waited and watched.

Hou Dezhi was full of complacency, putting on a proud posture and waiting for the announcement of the result.

Xie Dongcheng was also looking forward to it, but felt guilty.

A congressman writes up the results and presents them to the head of the congressman.

The head of the council looked at the results of the vote check, and glanced at Hou Dezhi.

Hou Dezhi immediately became ecstatic.

Seeing this posture, the others knew that Hou Dezhi was going to be selected.

"I declare—" the leader of the council read in a loud voice, "this time the replacement for the council is—"

Hou Dezhi stood up vigorously——

"Xie Dongcheng!"


A thunderbolt fell!

"How is it possible?" Hou Dezhi looked ahead in disbelief.


"I don't believe it!" Hou Dezhi yelled, "Cheating! There must be cheating! I have the most votes, how could it be him who won?!"

Hou Dezhi frantically pointed at Xie Dongcheng, then pointed at the stage and yelled.

The others were also stunned by the results in front of them.

Especially those who flattered Hou Dezhi before, their jaws dropped in shock at this moment.

"My God, how is it possible?"

No one expected that Xie Dongcheng would turn against the wind in the end, and Xianyu turned over!

The leader of the councilors frowned: "This is the election site, please keep calm and restrain your emotions!"

Xie Dongcheng didn't expect this kind of result. He stared at the crazy-looking Hou Dezhi with his eyes wide open and his mouth wide open. He could understand Hou Dezhi's mood at this moment, and he probably wanted to die.

"I can't restrain myself! I protest, I demand to see the voting results!" Hou Dezhi yelled at the stage.

The head of the congressman frowned very high, and said in a bad tone: "Are you questioning my result?"

"I'm not questioning you alone, I'm questioning all of you!" Hou Dezhi pointed to the other dozen election councilors at the scene and said, "You are all like dogs, you must have colluded in private! I want to check the results -"

Now Hou Dezhi offended all the bosses at the scene, even if some of them stood by him and thought that he had been wronged, they couldn't help being angry at the moment, thinking that Hou Dezhi had gone too far.

Some even felt that Hou Dezhi deserved to lose, and with this kind of "political awareness" that he couldn't afford to beat others with a stick, he wouldn't last long even if he became a member of parliament.

Hou Dezhi pointed at his nose and scolded him twice in a row, and the leader of the council got angry. He picked up the ashtray on the council table and threw it on Hou Dezhi's head!

The glass ashtray hit Hou Dezhi's forehead with a bang, and blood oozes from the forehead!

Hou Dezhi didn't expect the opponent's head to be so accurate, he staggered and almost fell!

Pointing at Hou Dezhi, who was hit by his own ashtray, the head of the councilor said angrily, "What kind of place is this? How dare you yell here? As a candidate, you don't even have the minimum political awareness! Come on, Drag him out! He knows that he won't be eligible to run for election again for three years!"

Two security personnel in charge of maintaining order at the scene stepped forward from behind the heads of parliamentarians, dragged Hou Dezhi and walked towards the outside of the election hall. At this moment, Hou Dezhi struggled in the hands of the security personnel and shouted to the head of parliamentarians: "I protest!" I will report you for fraud! I want to personally check the election results, I—” When he tried to shout again, he was already dragged out of the door, and his mouth was directly gagged.

After Hou Dezhi was dragged out of the election hall, the head of the congressman took a slow look at the crowd, including Xie Dongcheng, whose expressions changed in shock, "Now, who still has doubts about the result?"

With the lessons learned from Hou Dezhi just now, no one in the hall dared to speak casually, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, hoping that others would have the courage to wait and see from behind.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, no one spoke, and then the leader of the council announced again: "I announce that Xie Dongcheng has won the election! Everyone applaud!" After speaking, he clapped his hands first.

Seeing the situation, the others applauded without hesitation.

Some people even took the initiative to smile at Xie Dongcheng: "Congratulations, congratulations!"

"Yes, congratulations, young master Xie, you have achieved victory!"

"Young Master Xie really lives up to his reputation!"

Everyone at the scene turned on the rainbow fart mode one after another, and praised Xie Dongcheng for a while.

Especially those who flattered Hou Dezhi before, at this time they took advantage of the wind and began to shoot Xie Dongcheng frantically.

Some were afraid that Xie Dongcheng would settle accounts later, so they hurriedly came over to change the ridicule and sneer at Xie Dongcheng before, slapped himself in the face and said that he was blind, his heart and lungs were covered with lard, etc.!

Looking at everything in front of him, Xie Dongcheng felt that everything was like a dream.

This change in the situation was unexpected.

He looked at the leader of the council, but he saw that the leader of the council was also smiling, not at all as harsh as he had been to Hou Dezhi just now.

Xie Dongcheng got up slowly, and only then did he fully accept the congratulations from everyone.

For a time, the entire election scene burst into thunderous applause.

"Wow, the atmosphere just now was really tense!"

"Yes! I didn't expect Hou Dezhi to fail!"

"Xie Dongcheng is a miracle, he can come back against the wind!"

"I don't know what the mystery is?"

After the election, everyone left the election hall.

Many people gathered together and couldn't help muttering in low voices, full of doubts about what happened today.

In fact, Xie Dongcheng was also very puzzled.

After accepting the congratulations, a staff member came over and invited him to the small conference room at the back, saying that the heads of parliamentarians wanted to meet him alone.

Xie Dongcheng tidied up his appearance after hearing the words, and then walked towards the small conference room at the back under the guidance of the staff member.

Boom boom boom!

The staff member knocked on the door, and after getting permission, he opened the door and invited Xie Dongcheng in.

Xie Dongcheng walked in.

The staff behind closed the door of the room again.

The head of the councilor was sitting behind a table smoking a cigarette. When he saw Xie Dongcheng coming in, he pointed to the sofa and asked him to sit down.

"You looking for me?" Xie Dongcheng asked respectfully after sitting down.

He clearly knew that the other party was the top leader in the parliament, a big shot among the big shots, who decided many important matters related to the national economy and the people's livelihood. It is difficult for many people to meet him normally, let alone this kind of private appointment.

The leader of the congressmen nodded, "Coffee or tea?"

"Coffee is ready."

As soon as Xie Dongcheng finished speaking, he saw that the leader of the congressman stood up and made a cup of coffee for him himself, and walked over to pass it to him.

Xie Dongcheng was overwhelmed by the fact that the other party's identity and his own were to receive such courteous treatment.

Seeing Xie Dongcheng's excitement, the leader of the council smiled and sat down next to Xie Dongcheng: "You must be curious about what I want to do with you—I just want to ask you three questions. First, you have become a councilor. What to do next, second, how do you become an MP, and third, what qualifications do you think a MP should have?"

Xie Dongcheng was stunned for a moment, knowing that the other party was testing himself. Fortunately, he had done his homework before, and immediately said: "When I become a member, I will plead for the people and help the hard-working people. As a member, I must seek truth from facts and care about the citizens. .Finally, I think the most important thing a member of parliament should possess is the quality of serving the country and the people!"

The head of the congressman smiled, looked at the nervous Xie Dongcheng, and made a gesture to invite him to drink coffee.

Xie Dongcheng picked up the coffee and took a sip.

Leader of the Congress: "Actually, I have only one answer to these three questions."

"Uh, an answer?" Xie Dongcheng looked up at the leader of the councilor.

"Yes! The answer is—" The leader of the congressman smiled slightly: "Report to the group to keep warm!"

"Huh?" Xie Dongcheng was confused.

"I know you don't quite understand the meaning of this word, so let me explain it to you—" the leader of the council patted Xie Dongcheng on the shoulder, "Only when we hold each other tightly can we gather strength and help the people serve! Only when we hold each other tightly Only then can you keep your seat and not be pushed down by others! What is a member? It is a collective, a team, so you must have team spirit when you become a member!"

Xie Dongcheng seemed to understand something, isn't this a typical official protecting each other?

The leader of the council looked at Xie Dongcheng's expression and smiled slightly: "I know what you want to say, yes, it is what you think! We are a group, and we must consider everyone when we do things! If you are selected today, then you will know what to do in the future huh?"

Xie Dongcheng immediately expressed his loyalty: "I understand! I will definitely do my best for Your Excellency!"

"Hehe, it's not for me, it's for the collective, for the team! And why is our collective team, of course, for the country and the people! You must understand this logical relationship. If we are good, the country is good, and the country is good, it is Hello people!"

"Yes! I understand!" Xie Dongcheng nodded hurriedly.

He knew even more clearly that as long as he became a member of the council, he could help the family to seek benefits. At that time, the Xie family would rise again, and no one should underestimate it.

"Very good, a child can be taught!" The head of the congressman praised, "So do you have anything else to say in the end?"

Xie Dongcheng thought for a while, and said, "I am very grateful to Your Excellency for teaching me! I will do my best to serve the council in the future!"

"Okay! I have received your sincerity!" The head of the councilor smiled and stood up and said, "But the person you should thank is not me, but someone else!"


"You can go, and say hello to your brother-in-law for me!" The head of the congressman smiled and got up to see off the guests.

"Huh?" Xie Dongcheng was taken aback for a moment, as if he had figured out something, "My brother-in-law? Shi Zhijian?"

The head of the councilor smiled slightly: "Yes, besides Mr. Shi, do you have any other brother-in-law?"

Xie Dongcheng was stunned. He never thought that Shi Zhijian would also help in this election.

Until Xie Dongcheng was about to walk out of the meeting room in a fool, the leader of the council behind him stopped him again: "Wait a There is a gift that Mr. Shi asked me to help you—"

Xie Dongcheng turned around to look, but saw the head of the councilor took out the note announcing the election results from his pocket, and handed it to Xie Dongcheng.

The real result of the election check was accurately written on that note.

It was this note that Hou Dezhi yelled and asked to see before, but now the head of the council directly gave it to Xie Dongcheng as a gift.

Xie Dongcheng took it, put it in his arms, thanked him, and then turned to leave again.


The door of the conference room was closed behind him.

Xie Dongcheng, who had walked out of the room, stopped and breathed a sigh of relief. Driven by curiosity, he couldn't help but took out the note just now from his arms, opened it with the help of the overhead light, and was stunned——

The election result on the note has only three words——

Hou Dezhi!

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