Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1348: Mysterious visitor!

Pan Daoquan is a very straightforward person. After agreeing to help Shi Zhijian as a middleman to introduce Gao Chaohui to Shi Zhijian, he began to deploy at full speed.

In fact, Shi Zhijian and this young master also knew each other. It was at the last Chinese businessmen meeting, but the meeting between the two seemed a little unpleasant. Otherwise, Shi Zhijian would not use Pan Daoquan to approach Gao Chaohui.

In addition, Shi Zhijian knew that Pan Daoquan was a narrow-minded person. If he didn't know Gao Chaohui through him, but directly contacted Gao Chaohui, then maybe this guy would make a stumbling block in the middle.

The villain has to guard, and the best way to guard against it is to pull them into the water together.

That afternoon, when Shi Zhijian was still working in the accounting office of Rishi Shipping, he received a call from Pan Daoquan.

On the phone, Pan Daoquan told Shi Zhijian that he had helped arrange a meeting at the "Jin Baihan" dance hall at seven o'clock tonight.

Shi Zhijian knew that this tall boy was a well-known player. To put it bluntly, he was a **** who was good at eating, drinking, and having fun. It was not unusual to choose a place like a dance hall to meet and talk about things.

It's just that the Jinbaihan Song and Dance Hall is the place where Shi Zhijian "rises" in Thailand, but I don't know if Pan Dao chose such a place intentionally or unintentionally.

Shi Zhijian didn't think much about it, and hurriedly dealt with the work at hand after hanging up the phone.

When the work at hand was almost done, and seeing that it was already six o'clock, Shi Zhijian called Aji to drive the car, and he was going to meet the tall boy for a while.

The nightlife in Bangkok at 6 o'clock has just begun. Although it is not as colorful as Hong Kong, it is also colorful.

Rickshaws run past from time to time on the street, and there are swaying cheongsam girls, making Shi Zhijian suddenly feel that this is not Bangkok, but Hong Kong.

Aji is now very proficient at driving, and Shi Zhijian is thinking about getting him a driver's license or something, and it can be considered an official job.

In fact, Aji has been living a very happy life since he followed Shi Zhijian. After eating, he can get enough food and save money. Now he can even drive a car. For him, this is something he can't even dream of.

Now he sends money home every week. Since the yellow-faced woman at home learned that he had changed careers to become a servant, she didn't give a good face at first. After the week's salary was taken home, the yellow-faced woman immediately changed her face. Smile brighter than anyone else.

In the past, Aji was not successful, and he had to eat leftovers every time he went home, and because his wife made too little money, she didn't live with him, she always turned her back to him and didn't let him be next to her body!

Every time Aji begged with a sly face, the other party turned around and spread his legs, and then said with resentment: "Do it! You do it! Create a few more children and the whole family will starve to death!"

Now that Aji is prosperous, every time he goes home, he is treated like a head of state. Not only does his wife buy him wine and stir-fry vegetables, but he also takes the initiative to agree to him at night. When Aji is not motivated, she is unwilling, and complains about Aji: "Is there something out there? Woman, do you despise my yellow-faced woman?"

Aji explained in every possible way: "No, really not!"

So the wife straightened Aji's body, and rode on it vigorously and said: "Since there are none, let's have a few more babies! Then we will work for Mr. Shi together!"

"Aji, why are you laughing? So happy?" Shi Zhijian couldn't help asking when he saw Aji grinning from behind.

"Oh nothing, I just think of my mother-in-law!" Aji said, "She asked me to buy a cheongsam for her, but I don't know what to buy!"

"I'll teach you, the most important thing to buy something for a woman is that the price is expensive, and whether it's good or bad is second!" Shi Zhijian said a wise saying.

"My mother-in-law is different. She is definitely angry when she buys expensive ones. She always likes cheap ones!" Aji said unconvinced.

Shi Zhijian smiled: "How can any woman in this world like cheap things? Even if you say it, you are lying! Trust me, just buy expensive ones, it's right!"

Aji said "oh", but he didn't believe it in his heart. In his opinion, his wife must like the cheap ones, the cheaper the better!

After Shi Zhijian's "rectification" last time, Jinbaihan Ballroom has now become one of the best nightclubs in Bangkok.

After Charlie Chen bought the ballroom from the Xie family, he renovated the ballroom according to what Shi Zhijian said before, and installed high-tech equipment such as karaoke, and set up a luxurious independent private room. In Shi Zhijian's words, this is called ""!

Charlie Chen doesn't understand this kind of new stuff, but since the opening of the business, there has been a flood of customers, and the business is even better than before, making Charlie Chen a lot of money.

At this time, Charlie Chen had regarded Shi Zhijian as a business genius, and felt that Shi Zhijian had the super power of "turning stone into gold".

It was only after six o'clock in the evening, and the entire Jinbaihan dance hall was already full of people. Many customers who had reserved a box in advance drove over and called their friends to go in the box for consumption.

Those who didn't book a box were sitting in the ballroom hall and waiting to enjoy the wonderful performances of the fake "Four Heavenly Kings" and the fake "Little Tigers".

In short, the whole ballroom was crowded with people, and it was extremely lively.

At this time, the parking space outside the dance hall was already full of vehicles, and there was not even a single spot for other vehicles to park.

Not far away, the security guard in charge of parking is apologizing to the owner of a black Mercedes-Benz: "I'm sorry, the parking space is full, please park elsewhere!"

The owner of the Mercedes-Benz was very upset and said, "I am a Mercedes-Benz! What if you let me park somewhere else and break it?"

"I'm really sorry, there's really no parking space here!"

Seeing that the security guard said this, the Mercedes-Benz owner had no choice but to drive away.

At this time, the little Ford that Aji drove passed him, and the security guard saw that he rushed forward and shouted: "I'm sorry, the seat is full!"

But before the security guard finished speaking, he saw Shi Zhijian sitting in the car at a glance.

Shi Zhijian is dressed in white and looks so handsome, it is really easy to identify.

"Ah, it turned out to be Mr. Shi!" The security guard was shocked. When Shi Zhijian was the manager here, who didn't know him? !

Shi Zhijian also saw the other party and said with a smile, "It turned out to be Xiao An, are you okay?"

As soon as Shi Zhijian called out his name, the security guard named "Xiao An" was immediately excited, "Mr. Shi, do you remember me? I'm fine!"

"That's good, I remember that you took a leave of absence to go back to see your mother. Her leg seemed to be injured by the table before. How is it now?"

"Her leg injury has been healed, and now it's ruthless! Thank you Mr. Shi for your concern!" The security guard Xiao An was so excited that he was almost speechless.

How many of the little people like them who do odd jobs in the dance hall can remember their names? Not to mention remembering things at home!

Shi Zhijian is an exception!

No matter where Shi Zhijian works, whether above or below, no matter how many employees there are in the company, he can clearly call each other's name, and even know what day the other party's birthday is, how many people there are in the family, and so on.

This is a habit that Shi Zhijian developed when he was doing business in his last life. This is the case in Hong Kong and Thailand in this life.

"Mr. Shi, there seems to be nowhere to park!" Aji held the steering wheel and turned around and said to Shi Zhijian.

Before Shi Zhijian could speak, the security guard Xiao An hurriedly said, "No, no, there is still a parking space, just in front! Just park there!"

Shi Zhijian smiled and said, "Thank you!"

Aggie drove the little Ford to the vacant seat. This scene happened to be seen by the owner of the Mercedes-Benz, and he cursed in his heart: "What is the world, even a Ford car is so dragged?"

So he opened the car window and shouted at the security guard Xiao An: "What do you mean? His car can stop, but mine can't?!"

In the face of the mad Mercedes-Benz old man, Xiao An just smiled: "Because he is Mr. Shi!"

It has been a long time since Shi Zhijian came to Jin Baihan. Now Jin Baihan has added a lot of newcomers. Those newcomers don't know Shi Zhijian, but the old people have bright eyes when they see Shi Zhijian, and they all bow to Shi Zhijian respectfully and say: "Mr. Shi, Hello!"

Along the way, Shi Zhijian was like a general on patrol, and all the old people took the initiative to help him make way and salute him.

Seeing that the customers around him looked at each other in dismay, he didn't understand what kind of big man Shi Zhijian was, so he could be treated with such courtesy.

The newcomers were even more puzzled, and had to ask the old people: "Hey, brother, who is that person, and you respect him so much?"

The old man who was asked looked at Shi Zhijian's back with a look of admiration and said, "Haven't you heard that this dance hall almost closed down before?"

"I've heard of it! At that time, many people were going to lose their jobs, and many people were going hungry... But then they came back to life and created even greater glory! Many people think this is a miracle of miracles!"

"That's right!" the old man said in an excited tone, "and the one who created the miracle is Mr. Shi!"

"Mr. Shi?" The newcomer suddenly remembered something, looked at Shi Zhijian's back with a look of astonishment, and his eyes were immediately filled with infinite admiration!

Shi Zhijian touched his chin. He was a little not used to this process of being admired, being watched, and being constantly greeted.

Fortunately, the distance from the ballroom hall to their reserved private room is not very long.

When Shi Zhijian rushed to the private room, he saw that Charlie Chen was chatting with Pan Daoquan in the room. There was only a waitress beside him. On the coffee table were foreign wine Remy, Heineken beer, pistachios, cashews, and soda biscuits. , and some nice compote.

On the front of the private room is a new karaoke machine purchased by Charlie Chen according to Shi Zhijian's request. With a color TV, it looks very high-end and elegant.

Seeing Shi Zhijian come in, Charlie Chen smiled and patted the seat next to him: "Ajian, don't tell me if you have something to say, if I didn't know the news from Boss Pan, I wouldn't know that you are going to entertain guests here tonight! "

Shi Zhijian took off his jacket and handed it to the waitress next to him. The waitress helped him hang the white suit jacket on the solid wood hanger, and then stood up again in a serving posture.

Shi Zhijian walked over, sat down next to Charlie Chen, stretched out his hand, picked up a cashew nut and threw it into his mouth, chewing and eating while laughing: "It's not too late to know now, I'll ask Brother Charlie to hit me later. 20% off!"

"Hahaha! Don't talk about a discount, I'll treat you tonight! You can drink whatever you want here, and if you don't have enough, just call!" Charlie Chen knew that Shi Zhijian was joking, and put his hand around Shi Zhijian's shoulder, "But then again, tonight you Who is the distinguished guest at the banquet? Do I know him?"

Shi Zhijian glanced at Pan Daoquan who was drinking foreign wine with a smile, knowing that the other party hadn't told what happened tonight, he smiled: "Of course you know it, to be precise, as long as you are a well-known person in Bangkok, you all know it---Gao Jiada Young Master, Gao Chaohui!"

"Damn it, is it him?" Although Charlie Chen knew that the person Shi Zhijian invited tonight might be very important, he didn't expect that he would be a person from the famous Gao family, and he was the well-known demon king of chaos, a scoundrel.

"Ajian, you are so sharp, when did you get on the line with Gao Dashao?" Charlie Chen admired.

Shi Zhijian shrugged: "Thanks to Boss Pan for this, he helped introduce it!"

Pan Daoquan just smiled when he heard the words, and continued to drink the foreign wine without speaking.

Charlie Chen looked envious, "Ajian, you've grown up to know people from the Gao family!"

"How is it, Brother Charlie, do you want to be with us later?" Shi Zhijian asked with a smile.

"No! I can't accompany that eldest young master!" Charlie Chen said this, but he really wanted to get to know each other. After all, not everyone in the Gao family could get acquainted, but Charlie Chen also knew that Shi Zhijian invited that tall man. At least there must be something important, and mixing it in yourself will only get in the way.

"If that's the case, then next time I have the opportunity to introduce Mr. Gao to meet you!" Shi Zhijian gave Charlie Chen a reassurance. It's okay to miss this opportunity, then wait for the next time.

Charlie Chen now believes 100% of Shi Zhijian's words. Since Shi Zhijian said this, he will definitely be able to do it in the future. He was very happy, and he reached out and poured the wine and handed it to Shi Zhijian: "I accept your thoughts! Come on, Let’s have a drink first! Our brothers haven’t had a drink together in a long time!”

Shi Zhijian smiled and took the wine glass and clinked it with Charlie Chen, then drank it.

Pan Daoquan could see clearly next to him. Before, he guessed that Shi Zhijian and Charlie Chen were at most just a relationship of interests. But now, seeing the undisguised true feelings of the two of them, I feel a little envious!

Those people he knew were either intriguing or conspiracy to approach him, who had both interests and feelings like Shi Zhijian and Charlie Chen.

rice ball reading

Just when Pan Daoquan was sighing in his heart, a voice came from outside: "Feng Dance Hall, two distinguished guests!"

The "Phoenix Dance Hall" is exactly the private room where Shi Zhijian and the others are. One of the "VIPs" is, of course, the tall young master Gao Chaohui!

But what about the other distinguished guest, who would it be? !

In my impression, they only invited a tall young man this time!

Just when Shi Zhijian was confused, he heard the voice of a tall young man from outside: "Xue Xuan, let me tell you, this dance hall is fun, what else can you sing - you must be in Hong Kong. never seen it!"


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