Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1142: Hit hard!

Immediately, Charlemagne knew what to do, so he called to stop Tommy Shelby who was about to leave.

"What advice do you ask me? I want to tell you that before you leave, there is one more thing you need to do!" Charlemagne looked at Tommy and said word by word.

Tommy shrugged his shoulders with a hint of evil in his eyes, "What do you want me to do? You don't like coffee, so I'll treat you to a feast another day, how about a French feast? I know a western restaurant, French Bureau Snail, and The caviar is amazing!"

Charlemagne smiled: "Let's talk about the big meal later. Now I ask you to apologize to this friend of mine!"

"Uh, what did you say?" Tommy was stunned, then looked at Shi Zhijian, "You mean to ask me to apologize to this Chinese guy, am I right?"

"You heard right, that's what I meant!"

"God, you're joking!"

"Do you look like I'm joking?"

Tommy's smile faded and he became hideous: "Charlemagne, do you want to know who I am? I'm Tommy Shelby! Now you dare to threaten me?"

"Threats? Don't you think it's ridiculous to say these two words from your Razor Party?"

"What if it's ridiculous? I don't want to, what can you do to me?" Tommy said with a savage smile.

Without saying a word, Charlemagne drew a gun from his waist and pointed at Tommy's head: "What about now? Would you still like it?"

Tommy's smile condensed, staring at Charlemagne: "What do you mean?"

"it means---"


Charlemagne opened the pistol safety and loaded the bullet: "If you don't apologize, I'll blow your head off with one shot!"

The noisy scene was suddenly silent, and everyone watched the incredible scene in front of them!

Tommy's gang of younger brothers were even more annoyed and could not wait to take action immediately.

Tommy and Charlemagne looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths were sinister: "You haven't killed anyone, have you, Sheriff Charlemagne? You should know that I was in prison. I saw many murderers when I was in prison, and I knew them well. I remember clearly their eyes, the eyes they have killed are different from yours, yours is too clean and not threatening at all! Yes, that's it! So don't try to lie to me, I won't be fooled , I bet you won't shoot!"

"Boss, don't talk nonsense with him!"


Charlemagne shot the jumper, and then pointed the gun at Tommy's head again: "So now?"

Tommy didn't expect Charlemagne to be so ruthless that he actually dared to shoot!

The people around were frightened by the shot and screamed.

Some women looked at the little Razor boy who fell into a pool of blood while clutching his chest, and their legs were even weaker!

The members of the Razor Party were also shocked by Charlemagne's shot at this moment, and they dared not shout any more.

Tommy's eyes narrowed, and just when everyone thought he was going to be subdued, he saw him take the initiative to step forward, open his mouth with a smile, and then put Charlemagne's still uncooled muzzle in his mouth, and then used his fingers to pestle his head, Indicates that Charlemagne can shoot now!

In an instant, the situation became very delicate!

Charlemagne shocked everyone with a shot, but unexpectedly, this Tommy Shelby is as crazy as the legend, and he is not afraid of death!

Charlemagne's eyebrows twitched a few times, and his heart was full of struggle.

Shi Zhijian suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Barrister Hecarly, may I ask you when to shoot and kill without going to jail?"

"Defense, of course!" said Hecarly.

Charlemagne laughed when he heard this, and saw that he retracted his gun and walked to the dining table, then picked up the napkin and pulled out the razor blade that Tommy Shelby had shot on the dining table!

Tommy didn't know what he was going to do, and looked at Charlemagne in surprise.

In front of everyone's eyes, Charlemagne wrapped a napkin with a blade and slashed his forehead fiercely!

Blood gushed out from the knife's edge at once!

Charlemagne ignored the wound on his forehead. After doing all this, he aimed the gun at Tommy's head again: "This blade has your saliva on it, so it can be identified as yours! Now that I am scratched by your blade, I can shoot at any time. you!"

Tommy was completely stunned. He didn't expect Charlemagne to be so mean!

No, that Chinaman is too mean!

Tommy involuntarily looked at Shi Zhijian, but saw that Shi Zhijian was raising his eyebrows sarcastically at him.

Tommy hates Shi Zhijian! Turning his head to look at Charlemagne, who was bleeding from his forehead with a ferocious face, he knew that Charlemagne would definitely dare to shoot this time!

Tommy is a lunatic, but he never takes a bet he knows he's going to lose!

So he shrugged, bowed to Shi Zhijian and said, "I'm sorry, I was wrong! Please forgive me!"

There was an uproar at the scene!

No one expected that the domineering Shelby brothers would apologize to a Chinese!

Hecarly, who was hiding behind Shi Zhijian, was also shocked by her eyes!

She is very clear about who the Shelby brothers are. She didn't expect that even such a gang strongman would be crushed to death by Shi Zhijian! After thinking about it, she couldn't help but look at Charlemagne, who was about to be promoted to the police chief. She couldn't understand why Charlemagne defended Shi Zhijian like this. No, to be precise, he was more like Shi Zhijian's servant! Shi Zhijian can sway his decision with just one look. In this way, Shi Zhijian is even sharper!

Classmate Gates didn't think so much. At this moment, he was so excited that he was about to shout out, Boss Shi is amazing! Long live!

The disciples of the Razor Party watched as the boss Tommy bowed to Shi Zhijian and apologized, and their expressions were extremely ugly!

For them who are used to being domineering, this is a shame!

"Okay now, you can go!" Charlemagne waved his gun at Tommy and said.

Tommy didn't look at Charlemagne, but gave Shi Zhijian a deep look, and said savagely, "Dare to ask your name?"

He expected that Shi Zhijian would not dare to apply for the name.

But he was wrong.

"Shi Zhijian!"

"Shi Zhijian?" Tommy was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Shi Zhijian to be so courageous that he actually dared to say his name.

"Okay, Shi Zhijian, I will remember you! We will have an appointment in the future! Let's go!" Tommy said harshly, and led the crowd to leave the restaurant together.

Charlemagne breathed a sigh of relief when he saw them leave.

A handkerchief was handed to him next to him, Charlemagne took the handkerchief and wiped the blood on his face, then covered his forehead and smiled at Shi Zhijian: "Mr. Shi, didn't you scare you just now?"

"Fortunately, I would be embarrassed if you came a step late!" The reason why Shi Zhijian was not afraid of Tommy and the others was that he calculated that Charlemagne's police station was not far away, and he guessed that Charlemagne would arrive soon.

Charlemagne smiled bitterly: "This Tommy is a lunatic. You have offended him, so be careful in the future."

Shi Zhijian nodded, with a smile on his face, but a cold light flashed in his eyes, "Brother Shelby, it's very interesting!"

If Yan Xiong saw Shi Zhijian's expression like this, he would definitely be horrified. Only he knew that every time Shi Zhijian wanted to plot against others, he would have such a terrifying expression.

"How's the wound on your head?"

"Thank you for your concern, I'll go to the hospital for a bandage later."

Charlemagne spoke a few more words to Shi Zhijian and left first.

Later, Shi Zhijian said that he wanted to send Hecarly back. Although Hecarly was a woman, he was very courageous. He didn't let Shi Zhijian send him off, and drove away by himself.

Shi Zhijian turned his head and was pulled by Gates, "Boss, take me back, my legs are so frightened!"


When Shi Zhijian and Gates returned to Cambridge University together and walked towards the dormitory, Gates was still chattering about the scene just now, saying how dangerous and exciting he had never encountered in his life.

After a while, Gates suddenly said, "Boss, that Tommy is not a good person. Do you think he will chase after this school, or maybe he will ambush us!" After speaking, he looked around worriedly.

Shi Zhijian knew that Tommy Shelby was a rebellious person, and he might do things like ambush, but he would never be at Cambridge University.

Where is Cambridge University? The world-renowned universities are filled with the proud sons of the British Empire, and many of them have prominent backgrounds. If something happens here, even if his mother is the Queen of England, he will not be able to protect him!

So Shi Zhijian reassured Gates, saying that such a situation would not happen. Besides, if something really happened, let Gates run first, and he will stop later.

"Is it too unrighteous for me to run first?" Gates said with a wink, "But since you are the boss, what you say is what you say, and I will listen to you!"

The two came to the bedroom between talking and laughing. Before entering the room, they saw a dark shadow flashing in the bedroom.

"God, there is really a problem!" Gates pointed to the shadow and said, "Will there be an ambush there?"

Shi Zhijian also saw the shadow, and he was stunned, thinking that he guessed wrong, that Tommy is really a lunatic, dare to ambush here?

Just when the two of them were suspicious, they saw the shadowy figure pushed open the door and came out, still holding something in his arms.

Seeing the situation, Gates said, "It wasn't someone in an ambush, it turned out to be a thief! The dog has even stole from us!" Immediately, he wanted to go with Shi Zhijian to catch the thief.

Shi Zhijian squinted at the man, and was about to speak to remind Gates not to be impulsive, but Gates had already rushed up and flew out!

"Dare to steal? Seek death!"

That black shadow was holding something in his arms, and when he saw a small skinny man flying over, he shrewdly ducked sideways!

Gates couldn't stop the car, and his entire body kicked in the air with a swish! A staggering, almost committed suicide!

"Don't get me wrong! I'm not a thief! I live here too!" Sombra said hurriedly.

Shi Zhijian had already seen the person coming, he was in his twenties, his face was thin, and he looked familiar.

At this time, Gates also put aside the idea of ​​continuing to punch, looked at the man and said, "Are you our mysterious roommate?"

The man smiled and said, "That's right, it's me! I'm from America like you! My name is Spielberg!"

Gates was fine, scratching his head, and seeing that it was a misunderstanding, he introduced himself: "My name is Bill Gates, it's a pleasure to meet you! I really don't know each other!"

When Shi Zhijian heard the name, he compared the other person's appearance again, but he was a little stunned at the moment, and then determined that the person in front of him was the super Hollywood director from last time and space, who filmed "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and "Jurassic Park". Big coffee.

"Hello, my name is Shi Zhijian, I'm from Hong Kong, China." Shi Zhijian calmly reached out to Spielberg.

The other party glanced at Shi Zhijian, and gestured with a wry smile for what he was holding.

When Shi Zhijian saw it, he was holding a lot of video tapes in his arms and a camera slung over his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I prepared something and was about to leave, and now I can't take a lot of things in my arms - I'm sorry!"

"You want to leave?" Shi Zhijian asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I don't have much to learn here anymore. I was also dismissed from applying for a director's job in the company. It seems that I'd better go back to the United States to develop!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, "Do you know how to film?"

"I came here to study directing!" Spielberg was a little unhappy, feeling that Shi Zhijian looked down on himself by asking such a question.

"But I wonder if you will shoot commercials?"

"Eh?" Spielberg was taken aback, "What are you asking about?"

Shi Zhijian showed a harmless smile, but he was already thinking about the future director in front of him.

"Uh, that's fine!" Spielberg agreed with Shi Zhijian's issue.

Gates took the initiative to step forward: "Come on, let me hold something for you!"

"Need not!"

"You're welcome!"

"I'm not being polite."


"Because I'm afraid you'll break my things!"

"Eh?" Gates was stunned, "You are too sincere—I tell you, it's not good to be too honest!"


"What, you asked me to shoot a short commercial for a company?"

In the dormitory, Spielberg looked at the serious Shi Zhijian in surprise.

Shi Zhijian told him very clearly just now that he has a friend named John Hong, who is going to sell a new type of electric bicycle there, and wants to find an excellent director to help them shoot a short Spier If Berg likes, he can introduce them.

Gates coaxed next to him: "You have to believe our boss Shi, he is very powerful! If he can help you, he will definitely help you! And do you know that female star named Michelle, if it weren't for our Shi Boss help her..."

Shi Zhijian was afraid of Gates' big mouth, so he interrupted him and said to Spielberg: "The little queen Michelle is also very familiar with me, and this time Mr. John Hong has invited her to be the spokesperson on behalf of the Shinhwa company. You are shooting an advertisement. To work with her!"

"What?" Spielberg was surprised again. "You mean that Miss Michelle is the heroine of my short commercial?"

"That's right!"

"Oh my God!" Spielberg covered his face, looking unbelievable, "It's really... I'm not dreaming, right?"

"No, it's all true. Now you only need to nod your head and you can sign a contract with Shinhwa to be the director of this short commercial!" Shi Zhijian said.

Spielberg was about to become numb with excitement. He never thought that such a miraculous thing would happen in the world. When he was desperate, he would be lucky, not only to become a director, but also to be a famous European and American queen Michelle. Filming!

After waking up from the excitement, Spielberg couldn't help but say: "Can I ask one more question——" Brown eyes looked at Shi Zhijian, "Why do you want to help me?"

Shi Zhijian smiled, reached out and patted Spielberg's shoulder: "Because of you, I hit it off!"

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