Taking advantage of this wave of popularity.

Jiang Che struck while the iron was hot.

He first contacted the author of the video and forwarded the video to his Xianyu account for push.

He also posted the pre-recorded promotional video!

"Do you have a skill but can't support your family and are not understood?"

"Do you guard the thousand-year heritage with difficulty but are unknown and unheard?"

"Do you have touching moments around you that you want to share with others?"

"Do you have exciting moments that you want to make known?"

"Does your hometown have a treasure-like scenery that no one has read..."

"Come to Xianyu, share your life, keep the touching and beautiful, and spread happiness and love!"

The emotional background music, the video recorded and edited to fit the theme, and Jiang Che's deeply rooted voice made this video perfect. Once it was released, it caused a very high heat. Coupled with the means of buying hot searches and other means of fueling the flames, it quickly rushed to the top of the hot search with a thunderous momentum, and the heat remained high for a long time!

With the explosion of this video, Xianyu has officially entered the public's field of vision.

Looking at the rapidly rising number of users, 2 million, 2.5 million, 3 million... Jiang Che knows that from now on, the Xianyu app that created and led this era will have an unshakable position.

Because, the explosion is just the beginning!

There is the development template of Xianyu.

Cheng Yuan made five short video apps in just a few days, connected the server and listed them.

The various investors who are developing apps at full speed and preparing to get in saw it.

What the hell?

Why are so many people jumping in first?

All of them became a little hesitant.

You have to follow the trend quickly, otherwise you can't eat shit in time.

Five of them have already started eating, and they can't help but think about how much will be left after they finish developing the app.

Even if there are more left, can they eat them all, and can they compete with the wolf-like opponents one after another.

It is right to think more.

But it's obvious.

Hesitation will lead to defeat!

They are destined to lose, but the moment they hesitated, they no longer have the qualifications to compete...

The rapid popularity of Xianyu has naturally attracted the attention of relevant departments.

Jiang Che was interviewed by various departments.

In this conversation, there was no flowery words or any cleverness. Jiang Che knew that he didn't need to do this.

He only needed to tell the other party his product concept, what impact he wanted it to have, and what impact it might have in the future.

What is Jiang Che's product concept?

It is all the beneficial things in the future under the influence of the short video era.

It is to inspire people's feelings engraved in their bones, a word of love, one call and a hundred responses.

It is to share one thing, place, and culture worth discovering, and help things worth promoting spread everywhere.

It is to inherit the ancient culture, to vent the pressure of life, and to let people see the vast mountains and rivers without leaving home...

Looking at Jiang Che who was talking freely.

Such a grand blueprint was drawn in front of everyone's eyes, and they also realized that this young man would most likely bring unprecedented changes!

Jiang Che spent five days to get all the necessary approval documents, and the Xianyu app was also listed as a group of key supervision of network information, but this also means that they can grow without scruples.

The only thing to pay attention to is that in terms of work review, it must be strict and strict again.

After Jiang Che returned to the company, the first thing he did was to set up a subsidiary company specifically responsible for the layer-by-layer screening and review of works.

In addition.

Daily Toutiao has also been launched, starting the spiral push mode with Xianyu.

The user base has risen sharply in a short period of time, breaking through the million user mark in less than a month.

In the past month, several short video apps have followed suit.

However, under the strong pressure of the Xianyu app, the number of users of the other five short video apps of Linyuan Xianyu Company has only exceeded 200,000.

These apps have just been launched, and I feel the oppression and hardship of surviving in the cracks...

Early November of the Gregorian calendar.

The temperature in Hangzhou has dropped sharply in late autumn.

The weeping willows by the Hua family pond are slightly bleak, and the originally lush green bamboo leaves in the bamboo forest have gradually turned yellow. The breeze blows, and the rustling sound is even louder, making the small courtyard in the bamboo forest even more artistic.

Xiao Xiaoyu sat opposite Jiang Che, digging into the fried sea cucumber in small bites.Meals.

Over the past month, she has been eating meals in the store, and has gained a little weight. Her figure is no longer so thin, but she still feels weak, and her face is still malnourished and sallow.

But even so, Xiao Xiaoyu's beauty has begun to emerge, but she has always been timid and lowered her head. Recently, her long hair has somewhat covered her cheeks and her beautiful eyes with extremely long eyelashes that are always watery and clear, making this moving beauty like the stamens under the closed petals. No one can see it. Only Jiang Che, who is watching the flowers at close range, can occasionally catch a glimpse of this incomparable scenery when the breeze blows by.

After finishing the company's work, Jiang Che directly pulled Xiao Xiaoyu back and cooked for himself at mealtime. Everything returned to the mode at the beginning, but compared to the beginning, the relationship between the two has already warmed up a lot.

"Drink the milk, I can't finish it."

Jiang Che held a large bowl and gulped down half a bowl of hot fresh milk, and pushed the remaining half in front of Xiao Xiaoyu.


Xiao Xiaoyu nodded in response.

Unlike Jiang Che who drank like a cow, she took small sips for a long time before she drank all the remaining milk into her stomach.

She has now learned a skill.

That is self-imagination.

It saved Jiang Che a lot of things.

Jiang Che said: "Drink the milk, I can't finish it."

She would automatically substitute the other half of the sentence: "Otherwise, it will have to be poured out"...

After dinner, Jiang Che came to the sofa as usual, watching Xiao Xiaoyu busy cleaning up. This scene, with a phrase to describe what else can you ask for, is not an exaggeration.

It's not that he doesn't help.

But if he helps a little, it will bring a little guilt to Xiao Xiaoyu.

Instead of doing this, it is better to let Ansheng sit down, which is good for everyone.

"Classmate Jiang Che." After Xiao Xiaoyu finished cleaning up, she walked to Jiang Che's side.

Jiang Che looked up at her, only to see her take out a stack of money from her pocket and handed it to Jiang Che.

"I just got paid, and I'm paying you back with this."


Jiang Che raised his eyebrows in confusion and chuckled again: "What is this? Payroll? Isn't it a bit too early?"


Xiao Xiaoyu waved her hand and explained: "This is the money for the mobile phone. I checked it. My mobile phone is more than 1,000 yuan!"

"Here is a total of 1,400 yuan. In addition to the money for the mobile phone, I have been eating your meals during this period... and the things you bought for me when school started..."

Jiang Che looked at her with a pair of starry eyes.

Xiao Xiaoyu lowered her head deeply and looked at the money in her hand. She said: "I know this should not be enough, but I only have this much now. When the salary is paid next month, I will continue to pay you back..."

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