Chen Yun's cooking skills are very good, which suits Jiang Che's taste. Not only is the cooking delicious, but it is also more beautiful when cooking in the kitchen. Jiang Che gave a thumbs up while eating and used a word to call Chen Yun - a good wife and a good mother!

Hearing this word, Chen Yun laughed and scolded: "Who is your good wife and good mother! Don't talk nonsense!"

"Sister Yun, I said you are a good wife and a good mother, not my good wife and good mother!" Jiang Che looked at Chen Yun with a spoon and corrected.

"Eat your meal!" Chen Yun rolled his eyes.

Three dishes and one soup, with good color, fragrance and taste, and the rice was steamed just right. Jiang Che quickly patted his belly and collapsed on the sofa.

Chen Yun was also very full.

She hadn't cooked for a long time. Eating outside tasted good, but it was not as good as what she cooked.

However, she didn't sit down. She said that sitting down right after eating was easy to grow a small belly.

I don't know if it's because of this habit, her belly is extremely flat.

Seeing that Chen Yun didn't sit down, Jiang Che didn't sit down either. He greeted her and stood up and walked out of the house.

Chen Yun didn't understand why, but she let Jiang Che pull her down to the underground garage.

Underground floor.

After walking out of the elevator for a few steps, Jiang Che took her to stop in front of the Porsche Boxster parked in the parking space.

"Is this car good-looking?" Jiang Che asked, pointing at the car.

White body, red convertible top, red interior... There is a reason why this car can still be called the king of picking up girls many years later. No girl can resist liking this car. Chen Yun nodded without hesitation and answered: "It looks good! Did you just buy this too?"

"Yes! But... I bought it for you!"

Jiang Che handed the two keys, including the key to the house upstairs, to Chen Yun: "Here, these are the two car keys, the driving license is in the armrest box, and these are the keys to the house upstairs... Yes, the house is also for you!"

Looking at the car keys and house keys in Jiang Che's hand, Chen Yun raised her head, her beautiful eyes staring at his handsome face: "What does this mean? Give me a car and a house? You want to support me?"

She was very angry.

Very angry!

Jiang Che actually did this.

Who does he think he is?

However, just as her anger value rose sharply and was about to reach its peak, Jiang Che laughed out loud.

"What do you mean by 'support'? This is a welfare benefit for you! In view of your outstanding performance, your probation period has ended ahead of schedule. This is your formal employment contract!" Jiang Che took out the contract and handed it to Chen Yun.


When the contract was handed to her, Chen Yun wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

Jiang Che said jokingly: "Sister Yun, do you still want to get both money and love? Don't be so optimistic!"

"Shut up!"

Chen Yun was so embarrassed that she was about to chase Jiang Che.

But she forgot that she stepped on the high heels when she went downstairs, and she tripped and fell straight down.

Fortunately, Jiang Che held her up.

But this scene was like she was throwing herself into someone's arms...

Chen Yun was so ashamed that she didn't even dare to look up.

"Sister Yun, be careful, don't sprain your ankle. Don't buy such high heels in the future. Comfort is the most important thing... Come and try the car and see how it works. If you don't like it, I'll change it for you."

Jiang Che pressed the key and opened the convertible of the car.

Seeing that he took the initiative to change the subject, Chen Yun breathed a sigh of relief...

When getting along with others, no matter who you are, the most important thing is to be relaxed and moderate. Jiang Che has long understood this truth.

Chen Yun sat in the main driving seat, and Jiang Che handed her a pair of white flat shoes. They were her shoe size. It was common sense not to wear high heels when driving. Jiang Che knew that she definitely didn't have flat shoes in Hangzhou, so he bought her a pair.

Chen Yun put on the shoes and found that they were just right. Some softness in her heart was successfully touched by Jiang Che...

Chen Yun hadn't driven for a long time. Under Jiang Che's hands-on guidance, it took her a while to get familiar with the operation. Naturally, she was very satisfied with this car, but she was very dissatisfied with the fact that Jiang Che gave her a car and a room.

She told Jiang Che that during the start-up period, one should spend every penny. It was reasonable for Jiang Che to buy two Mercedes-Benz cars for the company and give large bonuses to employees, but it was unnecessary to spend so much money on such a nice car and house for her!


In the contract Jiang Che gave her, he hired her as the CEO who would be envied by others! She was very worried about whether she could be qualified for this position. Let's not talk about this for the time being. Jiang Che's annual salary this year was a full two million!

Car and house, two million annual salary...

Even the position of CEO is not aThese were the conditions that a startup company should offer. Besides, she was not a well-known person in the industry. If she wanted to recruit some big shots, it would be understandable to offer these conditions. But she had no experience at all. She was just a master of business administration...

And more!

Jiang Che decorated the new company's office building with such fanfare. How many years had he rented there? If it was only three to five years, wouldn't such a huge decoration cost be wasted?

It was hard not to get it out.

Chen Yun spoke out all her thoughts.

Jiang Che stared at her.

Chen Yun raised her eyebrows slightly: "Why are you looking at me like that? Am I wrong?"

"Very right!"

Jiang Che laughed: "I didn't expect that Sister Yun, you care so much about me. This position of president is even more suitable for you."

Chen Yun didn't laugh: "Jiang Che, I'm talking to you seriously."

Jiang Che nodded: "I know, I'm answering seriously."

"I let Sister Yun take the position of president after careful consideration based on your work situation during this period. Judging from your work situation, your ability is no different from those so-called well-known executives, but you lack some so-called false reputation, so Sister Yun, you don't have to belittle yourself... I believe in you, and you just need to believe in yourself."

Jiang Che smiled and said: "It's a good thing that Sister Yun has never worked, otherwise there would be a lot of headhunters chasing you, and I wouldn't have a chance."

The word "believe" again.

With unparalleled penetrating power, it went straight into Chen Yun's heart.

He believed in himself...

Chen Yun also believed in Jiang Che.

But she was afraid that Jiang Che was still young and didn't know how much the company might invest in the future. His extravagant spending would eventually lead to insufficient funds...

In Chen Yun's heart, she had an idea that if Jiang Che insisted on paying her this salary, she would save it, and if Jiang Che really had no money, she would give it back to him, just like the 10,000 yuan she had temporarily kept at the beginning. However, before she could fully form this idea, Jiang Che interrupted her softly and said:

"I know what Sister Yun is worried about. Don't worry, there is no problem with money at all. There is a lot of startup capital for entrepreneurship, and it is impossible to be stranded halfway! As for decorating the office building...I bought that office building. How could I be so stupid as to spend so much money to decorate it for others?"

After Jiang Che said the first half, Chen Yun still didn't believe it.

But after hearing the second half, she turned her head and looked at Jiang Che in astonishment.




Chen Yun was startled, and subconsciously thought of something. She looked down and unbuttoned two buttons of her collar. From Jiang Che's perspective, she could indeed see a lot of white.

"Jiang Che!!!"

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