After completing the handover coordination, Jiang Che walked out of the office, clapped his hands outside, and attracted everyone's attention. He said, "Everyone, I will announce the company's future plan and the most important work of your development department in recent times... Come to the office."

It was really inconvenient without a multimedia conference room. More than a dozen employees entered the conference room. Cheng Yuan stood in the front, and Chen Yun stood beside Jiang Che behind the desk. The office, which was not big in itself, became even more cramped.

But this is not the key.

"Reform the Kankan APP, from the original uploading and sharing of gifs to uploading and sharing of Vlogs... Real-time updates, random browsing, and corresponding video push based on big data calculation preferences... Create a Vlog social media platform!"

Jiang Che turned the computer screen to face everyone.

Looking at the product reform plan PPT made by Jiang Che on the screen and listening to his explanation, a clear future plan appeared in people's minds, making everyone open their mouths involuntarily!

It's amazing!

Cheng Yuan felt an unprecedented subversion in his heart.

Chen Yun was even more so.

"Mr. Jiang, this plan is truly epoch-making, but if we switch to Vlog, the requirements for the server will increase, and there is also the big data calculation preference you mentioned..."

Cheng Yuan pointed out the current problems and said bitterly: "Our existing servers can't even support a Vlog, let alone big data algorithms, and they are about to expire... Not only is the server lease about to expire, but the company's site will also expire in three months..."

"That's not a problem. I'll contact Zhejiang University to rent their servers and try to complete the corresponding access before the existing servers expire." Jiang Che said.

The School of Computer Science and Technology of Jiangsu and Zhejiang University is the top computer discipline in the country. They just completed the construction of a set of super-large servers last year. In recent years, they have been recruiting investors to meet the initial use, which is more than enough. After the company is fully on track, we will consider building our own servers!

"As for the company's site... I'm looking at a place in Qianjiang New City. If nothing goes wrong, I can get it in the next few days. It's just three months, enough time for decoration!"


As expected by Jiang Che, Ma Chun called him not long after and agreed to sell it for 50 million. Jiang Che, who happened to be in Hangzhou, went directly to sign a purchase contract with Ma Chun and completed the transfer. This four-story single-family street-facing commercial building became Jiang Che's asset and will soon serve as the first base for his business empire!

After taking the site, Jiang Che registered the company "Linyuan Xianyu" and planned the original Kankan Network Technology into a subsidiary under the name of "Linyuan Xianyu".

Chen Yun made a detailed subdivision of Jiang Che's plan and did not follow Jiang Che around during this period.

Cheng Yuan has also begun to lead people to develop apps according to Jiang Che's ideas.

Everything is gradually getting on the right track.

And these days.

Chen Feirong didn't know how many times she called Jiang Che, asking him whether he had been out for so many days, or whether he had died outside.

There was almost nothing left for Jiang Che to do, so he took a plane back to Shicheng.

Finally, he stayed at home for a while, as it was almost time for school to start.

But Chen Yun suffered.

Jiang Che became a hands-off boss.

Not only did she have to recruit talents, but she was also responsible for completing the decoration of the office building, and she was exhausted every day...

Ding Dong!

Su Rongyin, who was sitting on the sofa, heard the sound and quickly picked up her phone to check it.

After seeing that the person who sent the message was not the name she expected, she was extremely disappointed and angrily deleted the person's WeChat.

"Su, shall we go to a buffet tonight? I'll treat you!"

"Su, do you want to go to a buffet together at noon?"

"Su, do you want to..."

Send a message to Su Rongyin every day, asking her if she wants to go to a buffet. Qin Xiaolong believes that as long as he perseveres, Su Rongyin will agree to it one day. But after sending the message this time, a red exclamation mark instantly shattered his heart.

"SuRongYin" has turned on friend verification, you are not his (her) friend yet. Please send a friend verification request first, and you can chat only after the other party passes the verification. [Send friend verification]...

"Wu Ze, come out, I'll treat you to a buffet, Fran Buffet Restaurant, hurry up!"

Qin Xiaolong sent a message to his deskmate WuWu Ze called and said that there was wine in the buffet, so he could drink as much as he wanted. He wanted to get drunk.

"Sorry, gentlemen, your two tickets are too wrinkled and the numbers can't be seen clearly, so we can't use them for you..."


The two extremely wrinkled tickets handed back by the front desk undoubtedly stabbed Qin Xiaolong in the heart again.

"I'll pay!"

Wu Ze was called over, and Qin Xiaolong couldn't bear to leave without using the tickets. He took out his wallet and handed all the few hundred yuan left in it to the front desk.

"Squad leader, this is too delicious!"

"It's too expensive here. I always wanted to come here before, but I didn't have that much money. Now that I have some money, I can't bear to spend so much on a meal..."

Wu Ze ate very happily during this meal, and kept thanking Qin Xiaolong for his hospitality. Qin Xiaolong's depression was finally relieved a little.

But suddenly, Wu Ze asked: "Hey, squad leader, I remember you said that if Jiang Che passed the exam, you would castrate yourself or something? What happened later?"

"Puff cough cough cough..."

Qin Xiaolong sprayed a mouthful of wine from his nostrils...

"You still remember to come back?"

As soon as Jiang Che returned home, he was given the ultimate cold stare by his mother. Jiang Che went up and rubbed his shoulders with a smile, saying: "I have nothing to do during this period of graduation. Go out and have fun to relax. There is still some time before school starts. How about we go out as a family of three?"

"You can go out if you want to. Why don't you say no in advance? Suddenly a phone call came saying that you were out of town. I thought you... went to wash your hands and eat!"

Chen Feirong punched Jiang Che.

"What did you think was wrong with me?" Jiang Che was full of question marks.

"Your mother thought you were arrested for doing something improper, and she even found someone from the public security department to check. She was relieved to confirm that you were not in the police station." Jiang Liyun walked over and said.

"I..." Jiang Che didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

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