"Not bad, not bad at all. He made a lot of progress in this exam, scoring more than 70 points more than last time, with a total score of about 640 points." Su Rongyin said quickly.

"Improved by more than 70 points?!" Xu Jingjie was surprised.

"Well! He improved by more than 30 points last time!" Su Rongyin said, with a tone of pride.

"So, now that you two are at a similar level, it's not difficult for you to apply to the same school. But..." Xu Jingjie changed the subject:

"But he has improved so much in the two exams, and there is no guarantee that he will improve in the future. Yinyin, you have to work hard, otherwise, Xiaoche will get a score that you can't reach and go to a university you can't go to, and you will have no choice."

"But I don't know which university he will apply to. I asked him, and he said he wouldn't apply to Jinling University anyway..." Su Rongyin pursed her lips: "I told him before that I want to apply to Jinling University..."

Xu Jingjie rubbed her head and said: "There will always be a way to know where Xiaoche will apply, but the premise is that your score must be enough, so Yinyin, come on! There are only a few days left before the college entrance examination!"


Su Rongyin wiped the tears from her face, nodded vigorously, and her eyes were more determined than ever...

The countdown numbers on the blackboard were erased and filled in again and again.

In a blink of an eye, the college entrance examination is just around the corner.

There are only seven days left before the college entrance examination, and the senior year students have their last mock exam.

In this exam.

Jiang Che's score has improved a lot, 660 points, 7th in the school.

If he is lucky, this score in the liberal arts college entrance examination may be enough to get into Tsinghua or Peking University!

After this exam.

The math and physics teachers came to find Jiang Che once.

Jiang Che's answer sheet this time made them feel that Jiang Che was a genius in science, and it was a pity to study liberal arts. Why did he apply for liberal arts at that time?

The reason why Jiang Che chose liberal arts at the beginning was naturally because Su Rongyin chose liberal arts.

And now...

"Liberal arts graduates are management talents, and science graduates are practical talents. I am a bit lazy and I just don't like practical work."

In one sentence, the two teachers were speechless.

Qin Xiaolong did not perform as well as last time in this exam, and fell back to his original level of around 600 points.

But he fell, and Jiang Che's score was so much higher...

This is more painful than killing him!

And what's more painful.

It's still Su Rongyin.

He originally thought that if he worked hard, he could catch up with Su Rongyin's score, so during this period, he kept asking Su Rongyin which university she applied for.

But in this simulation, Su Rongyin's score actually rose a lot.

The total score of more than 650 points is 50 points higher than his this time!

What a school...

Qin Xiaolong recognized himself, and the two consumer coupons in his trouser pocket that had been in his pocket for many days were once again tightly clenched into a ball.

Su Rongyin got the test paper and started to correct the mistakes immediately.

Jiang Che's total score surpassed hers, which made her belief in learning more firm. She absolutely could not accept the result of not being able to go to the same school as Jiang Che because of a few points difference.

But what Su Rongyin didn't know was.

Jiang Che didn't show his full strength in this last test.

"Chezi, are you a human? How many times did you sleep during the exams? How can you get such a high score?"

"Then I have taught you for so long, and you only got 450 points, are you a human?"

Jiang Che pointed at Chen Yunsong's transcript.

"Didn't I accidentally fall asleep during the history exam?" Chen Yunsong scratched his head and said, "Don't worry, I can definitely guarantee that I will pass the undergraduate exam and keep the second place and strive for the first place!"

"You can even accidentally fall asleep during the exam?" Jiang Che opened his eyes and looked at his friend carefully: "Did you reward yourself by being a life mentor again last night?"

"Life mentor? Reward yourself? What does it mean?" Chen Yunsong asked innocently.

And if he knew what these words meant.

He would blush immediately.


Jiang Che guessed right.

June 5th, cloudy.

The weather on this day is always cloudy.

There may be a little rain.

For office workers, this is an ordinary Monday.

For other students, this is a day off when it is not a holiday.

But for senior high school students.

Today and tomorrow will be important moments that determine the direction of their entire lives.

The 2014 college entrance examination has officially begun!

"I... I didn't bring my admission ticket!"

"Teacher, why can't I find my exam seat?"

"Classmate, can I copy later?"

"Go away!"Damn you..."

In the extremely tense environment, there was a commotion inside and outside the examination room. All the parents at the door were anxiously waiting, pacing back and forth, and the anxiety in their hearts was difficult to control.

The next day, the situation was much better.

But there were also many parents pacing back and forth.

Jiang Liyun and Chen Feirong were among them.

Jiang Che said that they were not allowed to send their children. There was no need to stay outside in the sun for a day. What if they got heatstroke?

But they didn't come on the first day, and they were so uncomfortable that they couldn't go to work.

Jiang Che had no choice but to agree to let them send him.

"Old Jiang, do you think this brat will not perform well because he is too nervous? "

Chen Feirong was also one of the people pacing back and forth at the entrance of the examination room. As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a familiar handsome figure with his hands in his pockets walking out from the entrance of the examination room. Who else could it be but Jiang Che?


How could he look nervous at all?

Seeing him come out, several reporters who were waiting for interviews at the school gate rushed over.

Reporter A: "Classmate, how did you come out so quickly?"

Jiang Che: "Long legs."

Reporter A: "..."

Reporter B: "Classmate, are the questions in this year's college entrance examination easier or harder than in previous years?"

Jiang Che: "This is my first college entrance examination. You should ask a repeater this question."

Reporter B: "..."

Reporter C: "Then, classmate, how do you think you did in the exam?"

Jiang Che: "That year, I put my hands in my pockets and didn't know what an opponent was! "

After saying that, Jiang Che left, leaving the reporters with questions...

"You are getting bolder and bolder now. You even dare to complain when the reporters are interviewing you!" Chen Feirong directly punched Jiang Che in the shoulder.

"Let's get in the car first. It's going to be hot." Jiang Liyun opened the door of a Volkswagen Lavida next to him.

Jiang Che sat in the back seat and turned his head to take a look.

The college entrance examination is a transformation.

In the college entrance examination in his previous life, Jiang Che was confused and almost didn't know what happened. In the end, he did very badly in the exam and transformed into a sewer.

And in this life.

He will transform into an extremely dazzling one!

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