Rebirth: Outstanding

Chapter 395: launch

"Sir, last night, in the early morning, the two underworld gangs in Western District, Qunying, and Anle had many large-scale armed fights. The casualties were serious. The report of the new Hong Kong Island Chief Inspector Lai Minyou has been presented to your table."

"Sir, the Security Branch received a call from the Labour Department asking for rent. A large number of workers from the construction trade union went to the Labour Department to go on strike this morning, blocking traffic. The current number is about 600 to 700. The Labour Department hopes that the Security Branch can arrange manpower. In the past to persuade them to leave or disperse them, the Security Branch transferred the call to the police force office and asked the police force to arrange manpower to disperse the demonstrators."

"Sir, the Police Political Department called six minutes before you came in to ask if you arrived at the office and sent a document."

In the Hong Kong Police Headquarters office, the Commissioner of Police Duncan-Mackinta, the Chinese named Mai Jingtao, just sat in his chair when he heard his assistant turn over the notepad in his hand and report to him last night and today Work arrangements.

He is a Chinese expert. In his early years as the Chief of Police in Singapore, he had too many dealings with local Chinese. Chinese can be said to be his second language, and even various local dialects, such as Cantonese, Hokkien, Hakka, etc. Just a few words.

"When do I need to notify me of such trivial things as two gangsters fighting, those **** Chinese, I don’t care how much they die, and let Li Minyou handle things cleanly. Such trivial matters can’t be handled well. Liu Fu promoted him. Is it because I think I have been scolded too few times, I..." Mai Jingtao knocked on the table with a relaxed expression, cursed in proficient Chinese, and opened Li Minyou's report, hissed in his mouth. Air-conditioning: "That bastard... 78 people died and 231 were seriously injured? Did the Chinese fight the Third World War in Hong Kong?! Does Li Minyou think of the position of the Chief Inspector of Hong Kong Island? I’m uncomfortable, I need to find a quiet place to calm down! How could this kind of report be true, dismiss it, tell him, think about the number of casualties before publishing it, don’t let me see this horrible figure again, I My heart is very soft and I can’t see too many casualties. Also, tell that bastard, if I read this news in newspapers, especially English newspapers, or those big people in the Governor’s House and Chief Secretary also heard about it, I announced to the public that as a police officer, Li Minyou is colluding with gangs and disrupting public order. It is impossible for him to be transferred to the countryside. The best end is to spend the rest of his life in prison! Just tell him!"


Throwing Li Minyou’s report from the table like trash, Mai Jingtao impatiently picked up the second report and complained: "My good morning mood is ruined by this report, my daughter this morning But I personally made an omelet for me... Arrange two hundred to three hundred police officers? Does the Labour Department think that the police are very idle and are always on standby for the Labour Department? There are only one hundred people. Let the Indians from the stormtroopers rush over and arrest them. People, I like Indians, because Indians never care what the poor Chinese ghosts are going to do. They just take them back if they don’t listen to dissuasion, and let their families go to the police station to lead people..."

"Sir, the Indian police officers who returned to the team after the war had all their contracts expired and were allowed to leave the team half a month ago." The assistant gently spoke next to him, interrupting Mai Jingtao's fantasy and reminding him.

Since India's independence, Indian police officers working in the Hong Kong Police Force have been impatient to leave Hong Kong and return to their hometowns, even if they have a slightly higher status than the local Chinese in Hong Kong, they cannot stop these Indians. The enthusiasm of people returning home.

Mai Jingtao signed his name at the end of the report with a pen, and handed it to an assistant: "Damn Indians, the newly recruited Pakistanis are still in the police academy and they are rushing home... The Central Police Station and the Sheung Wan Police Station arranged 50 military uniforms, and then mobilized 80 stormtroopers from the headquarters to rush over, asking the people of the Labour Department to ask the poor ghosts the reason for the strike, whether it was because the Chinese bosses owed their salaries or The British bosses are helping them accumulate interest. If the Chinese are in arrears, let the labor department clean up those employers. Don't always let those Chinese vampire businessmen exploit the poor, and finally let the British wipe their butts. The Chinese police are better off. The Indian police are reliable, and they will only be perfunctory to let them arrest people."


Mai Jingtao picked up the last document sent by the Political Department of the Security Section, rolled a glance, and his face changed slightly. He raised his head and asked the assistant in front of him: "You just said that last night in Xihuan, which two gangsters had a fight? "

The assistant looked down at the notepad: "The names of the two clubs are He Qunying, which is also called Qunying and Qunying Tang, and the other is He Anle, which is also called An Le Tang and Water House."

"He Anle, An Le Tang." Mai Jingtao nodded and closed the documents: "Arrange the car, I'm going to the Chief Secretary's Office."

"Do you need to help you prepare any documents to carry with you?" the assistant asked respectfully.

Mai Jingtao's gray-blue eyes were fixed on the document on the desktop, and he shook his head slightly: "I don't need it for the time being. Let the Labor Department clean up the Chinese workers' strikes this morning. I have no staff to accompany them in the past two days. Play a game, put this document in a briefcase, and accompany me to the Chief Secretary's Office."

After speaking, Mai Jingtao got up and walked to the hanger to pick up his coat. The assistant walked to the desk, picked up the document sent by the police political department, and scanned it.

"A: Internal circulation:".

Seeing the name of the file, the assistant picked up the file and glanced at it indifferently. Because of the political part of group ab, group a is the administrative department, responsible for the daily document exchanges of the political department, group b is the operational department, and it is circulated internally. It is the lowest level of confidentiality of documents of the Department of Political Affairs. The confidentiality of documents of the Department of Political Affairs is classified into four categories: absolute confidentiality, highly confidential, confidential, and internal circulation. The so-called internal circulation refers to documents that are not suitable for disclosure. Slightly valuable information from neighboring countries or other countries.

It can be said that the office documents of most government functional departments in Hong Kong belong to the internal circulation level.

Open the cover of the document, there is only a thin page inside:

"The Political Department submitted to the Office of the Director: The Federation of Malaya reported that 37 Chinese were engaged in espionage in New Fuzhou, Sarawak, smuggling 18 kilograms of high-quality rubber tree species. They were arrested on the spot by British military police and executed. After investigation, 37 people went to the Federation of Malaya from Hong Kong, all of whom were members of the Hong Kong Anletang. After investigation by this department, Anletang offered to flatter the Japanese army before the fall of Hong Kong. The Korean war was difficult..."

The text assistant at the back did not look any further, put away the documents and followed Mai Jingtao out of the office, but even if he did not look at it, he already knew what was said later. It was nothing more than the fact that this gang called An Le Tang turned to Japan before the fall of Hong Kong. People, the United Nations forces in the Korean War are not advancing well, the situation is deadlocked, and Macau has recently been turbulent. Mainland China may at any time regain Macau by force and also take Hong Kong back. This Anyuetang may have moved to take refuge in China ahead of time. , So arranged for people to smuggle rubber tree species to flatter.

Seeing this document, the assistant would not be surprised if the Director directly signed an order to attack An Lok Tang, but he went to the Chief Secretary's Office. Why?


"Big guy, so hardworking, it's rare to meet you at the company." Song Tianyao gently pushed open the door of Chu Xiaoxin's office, and saw Chu Xiaoxin lying on his desk looking through the newspaper with an expression, but he didn't realize that he was coming. After two full minutes, he couldn't help but speak.

Chu Xiaoxin raised his head, saw Song Tianyao at the door, and smiled: "Are you here to withdraw the money? I've prepared for you a long time ago, I will let..."

"It's not lack of money. I originally saw Brother Shu Heng. I heard that Brother Shu Heng said you were there, so I came to see you." Song Tianyao stepped into the office and closed the door, then smiled relaxedly and sat down to Chu with a yawn. On the seat opposite Xiaoxin: "Tired and hungry, boss, you are so serious, you are a ghost? Are you ready to take the exam to study abroad?"

Chu Xiaoxin threw the newspaper on the table, Song Tianyao glanced at the head of the newspaper, "Lingxing Daily" which recorded gossip stories.

"Read this kind of newspaper so seriously."

"The traitor who thrashed the street actually became a patriotic righteous man? Many tabloids published the news today. People talking about Anletang ran to New Fuzhou to help smuggle rubber tree species in the mainland. They were arrested by the local military and police and shot." Chu Xiaoxin pointed to the head of the newspaper. A news section of the page said to Song Tianyao.

Song Tianyao smiled non-committal and ignored it. Chu Xiaoxin frowned and said, "I don't believe that those who rush to the street will be patriotic. Most of them are just like the Japanese who had taken refuge in the past. This kind of people is not a pity to be shot. I can count him as patriotic if he can open a few opium halls less!"

"Boss, now you are the president of the Pharmaceutical Association, do you know someone named Feng Yichang?" Song Tianyao did not pick up Chu Xiaoxin's topic, but changed the topic to explain what he came for today.

Chu Xiaoxin nodded. He is now the president of the Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Association, holding the agency rights of major pharmaceutical companies in his hand. The entire Chinese Pharmaceutical Association selling western medicines must look at his face.

"Of course I know, Feng Yichang, a man from Wuyi, who followed Zhang's family and wanted to play bitter tricks with Zhang Yujie. Later, when Zhang's family was removed, he was beaten and dragged several times by Shu Heng. Be docile."

"Do you know that my three aunts agree with you?"

"Well from the Lin family, what's the matter?" Chu Xiaoxin raised his head and looked at Song Tianyao, seeming to have recovered a bit: "Your sister, I remember the surname Feng... won't it be..."

Song Tianyao said indifferently: "Feng Yichang is Yunzhi's uncle, and Yunzhi's father was run by him to split the family. Speaking of which, the third aunt became a widow, he must be counted."

Chu Xiaoxin stood up for a moment of "teng", "Well, wait, Brother Shu Heng..."

He was going to call Chu Shuheng in directly, to stop Feng Yichang's pharmaceutical business, and rush to kill him. Song Tianyao hurriedly stopped him here.

My former boss is really impeccable with his friends and brothers, but his temperament is always a bit irritable.

"I would like to ask you to ask Feng Yichang to come out for lunch with him. I have something to talk to him. You are my boss and help me cheer by the side. I am more confident." Song Tianyao handed the cigarette case in his hand. Chu Xiaoxin took out the lighter to help the other party light it, and said with a smile.

Seeing that Song Tianyao was no longer tired and relaxed when he first entered the office, and his face was filled with an indistinguishable smile, Chu Xiaoxin took a cigarette:

"Feng Yichang is unlucky for Feng Yichang, he bumped into you this time."

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