Rebirth: Outstanding

Chapter 355: Cross-sea appointment

With two cans of beer next to Tang Boqi, he sat on the trestle bridge of Queen’s Wharf with ease and poured a sip of beer into his mouth from time to time. The boat was drifting with the flow, and there was a white old man sitting on it. He was drinking beer and fishing in the dark. He saw Tang Boqi sitting on the trestle and drinking. The old man raised his beer to Tang Boqi and gestured a smile, and Tang Boqi also raised his beer towards Tang Boqi. The old man said, wishing you a rich catch and a rewarding return.

It was probably an old British gentleman or old official in Hong Kong, who took off his old-fashioned suit and uniform during the day, and changed into sportswear at night to go fishing on this quiet sea and entertain himself.

Compared with the hustle and bustle of other piers, Queen’s Wharf, a small port, is quiet day and night, because it is not open to Chinese people. Indian security guards patrol outside the pier all the year round. Chinese people are not allowed to approach this place. The main function of the wharf at the beginning was to be used by the Governor of Hong Kong and British officials to travel to and from Hong Kong. Later, as the aircraft appeared and became popular, it was changed to a welcoming or farewell ceremony for British officials when they took up their posts in Hong Kong or retire to bid farewell to Hong Kong. It is a privileged wharf that is more symbolic than practical.

However, there are no restrictions on other foreigners to visit here, and foreigners who are not Chinese can enter and visit without restrictions.

So Tang Boqi carried two cans of beer and came to the pier to enjoy the night view of Victoria Harbour.

After even the old white man rowed away, finally there was movement at the iron gate of the wharf.

"Sir, you can't go in!" The Indian security guard stopped outside the iron gate and said to the two young men who were about to enter the dock.

Tang Boqi turned around, and under the gas lamppost in the distance, Lin Xiaokang, the sixth young master of the Lin family, and Lin Xiaoda the seventh young master, were also holding beer in their hands, standing outside the iron gate and waving at him.

"Sir, that is my guest. I invited it. I need to show you my U.S. passport and call the consulate before applying? Or can you let them in now? We can all save a lot of money. Precious time?" Tang Boqi stood up, walked through the small dock square, walked to the side of the iron gate, and said with a smile to the two dedicated Indian security guards.

An Indian security guard wearing a green security uniform with thick lips said to Tang Boqi: "Sir, you are an American and you can enter the dock, but they are Chinese."

"The two of them are Chinese students studying in the United States. They are my classmates." Tang Boqi took out a few zero notes and stuffed them into each other's pockets, and gently said to the Indian security guards: "There is no military base here, it's just a wharf. I can better appreciate the night scenes of Hong Kong. This is a small tip. For the sake of tipping, don’t let me watch the night scenes by myself.”

"Okay, don't be too late." The two Indian security guards glanced at each other. Anyway, Tang Boqi is an American. The Americans can enter and leave Queen's Wharf. It is not a big deal to invite two friends to enjoy the night view. No one told them, the United States. People who invite Chinese friends into Queen’s Wharf are not allowed.

Tang Boqi said thank you to the two of them. A security guard unlocked and opened the iron gate. Lin Xiaokang and Lin Xiaoda walked in from the outside. As the iron gate was closed again outside, it seemed that Hong Kong and this quiet dock were completely separated. Isolated.

Like Tang Boqi, the two of them walked to the trestle bridge and did not care about whether the trestle bridge was clean or not. They sat down freely, then opened their beer and took a refreshing sip in the evening breeze.

"Today, a company called Zhaofeng Trading announced that it was preparing to issue new shares. In the announcement, I saw the names of Song Tianyao and the female lawyer named Angie Peris. Undoubtedly, it was a company controlled by Song Tianyao." Lin Xiaokang pulled his tie slightly, unbuttoned the top buckle, leaned back, and said relaxedly with both hands resting on the trestle bridge.

Lin Xiaoda, who is about the same age as Tang Boqi, said next to him: "This shows that Song Tianyao has found money and issued new shares to raise funds, but I think that Song Tianyao can directly use his outstanding company to directly receive an investment. Come to issue new shares? Directly accepting an investment in secret is not a better way to hide the origin of his money?"

"Money can be hidden deeper in the stock market. Song Tianyao must have a licensed securities company in his hands. The money will not appear directly in the stock market. It will only enter his securities company, and then the securities company will sign an underwriting agreement with this Zhaofeng trading company. Or the underwriting contract, so the stock does not need to go to the stock market for a round, the money has already advanced to the account of Mega Trading. People who follow the stock market will only know how much money Mega Trading has, but they don't know how the securities company has that. A lot of money eats the new shares of Zhaofeng Trading. Of course, they don’t care. They only know that there are securities companies that are optimistic about the shares of Zhaofeng Trading. Then, the stock price of Zhaofeng Trading will rise until the stock price rises to a certain level. Highly, the securities company and Song Tianyao will kill the pig again and sell the stocks. People who lend him money not only don’t have to worry about not getting back the capital, but also make a fortune. Song Tianyao has raised money and lent him the money. I also made money and killed two birds with one stone. The only unlucky ones are ordinary stockholders who blindly follow the trend when they see the stock price rise." Tang Boqi made an upward movement with his hands, and then smiled: "Sometimes you have to admit that Song Tianyao is really smart. Human, I just thought of this trick before I was ready to use it. He already used it first."

"How's the fourth brother?" After Lin Xiaoda chatted with Song Tianyao, he couldn't help but ask Tang Boqi the topic.

Lin Xiaosen, Lin Xiaoze, and Du Shiwei all agreed with Tang Boqi’s plan to steal money from the stock market, and even hired Tang Boqi as the deputy general manager of one of the listed companies named Fuxing Rubber to cooperate with Du Shiwei. Compensation also directly gives the double standard of stocks and cash.

Tang Boqi poured a sip of beer into his mouth: "Preparing to use the same method to issue new shares, and then continue to use all kinds of good news to raise the stock price of Fuxing Rubber, and then smash the market with money to leave the market, and use the earned money to buy back the stock. "

"Brother Six, if we do this, will Brother Third and Fourth Brother blame us? The Lin family is now in need of unity, but we want to quietly use the news to make a fortune." Lin Xiaoda looked at the quietly beside him again. Lin Xiaokang asked.

Lin Xiaoda is the youngest and has no common language with those older brothers. Only Lin Xiaokang and Lin Xiaojie are still close to each other. However, after Lin Xiaojie married the daughter of the Ji family of the Bank of East Asia, he began to focus on helping the Ji family. This elder brother can take care of it alone. It is not his turn to be a fifth younger brother, so Lin Xiaojie took a different approach and took the route of his father-in-law. Among.

Instead, it is Lin Xiaokang and him. They are now two poor people in the Lin family. They are all high-achieving students who have studied in the Lin family. But whether it is money or family business, they have nothing to do with them. Their identity is known as Kang. Shao, Da Shao seems to have a lot of beauty, but in fact, he may not even be able to spend more than 100,000 yuan in partnership with others, and he needs a few older brothers to be the masters.

It was he who learned from Tang Boqi that a few older brothers were planning to manipulate the stock price to make money, so he was a little excited and prepared to quietly make a fortune in his own name. As long as he has money, even if the family business has no share, he can have the capital. Going to do some other business will not be the embarrassing situation where it seems to be glamorous but there is no silver in the bag.

Among the three, Lin Xiaokang, the oldest of the three, did not interrupt when Lin Xiaoda was chatting with Tang Boqi just now. When Lin Xiaoda asked about himself, he said a word, but a short sentence made Lin Xiaoda and Tang Boqi's beer thump. , Falling from the hand, the can slowly sank into the dark sea bath with bubbles.

"I asked Song Tianyao to meet here."

Seeing the two of them looking at him in shock, Lin Xiaoda drank all the beer in his hand, then threw the can into the sea, smiled faintly, and said something in English towards the sea:

"Victoryon‘tetomeunlessigotoit. (Victory won’t come to us, I must walk towards victory by myself.

Lin Xiaoda stared at his sixth brother in a daze. The sixth brother who said this American proverb in front of him was completely different from the usual frizzy, irritable, and willing to pretend to be ugly to make everyone happy.

"He is likely to be blocked outside the pier, and eventually we were driven out by the Indians." Tang Boqi recovered from the initial shock and said to Lin Xiaokang: "I haven't expected to see him again so soon. "

Lin Xiaokang pointed to the trestle bridge under his feet: "Only here, if you want to say something, can you not be heard by others. If Song Tianyao can't even come here, then there is no need to meet him."

It seemed to confirm Lin Xiaokang's words. As he finished speaking, a yacht on the sea in the distance suddenly turned on its navigation lights, turned abruptly, and drove towards the pier in a white wave.

As the yacht approached, Tang Boqi and Lin Xiaoda on the dock could already see Song Tianyao, who was wearing a windbreaker against the night wind, standing on the railing under the protection of bodyguards through the navigation lights of the yacht.

The three people on the dock slowly stood up and looked at Song Tianyao, who was coming across the sea, getting closer and closer.

In the moonlight, the four youths looked different.

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