Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 820: Fast grading

A whole day.

Lu Yang was sleeping and resting. He didn't wake up until the afternoon. Vice-chairmen such as Xia Yuwei and Bai Shi took turns to rest. At this time, they all logged in to the game.

"Boss, how did you get to level 66?" Asked bitter love for a long time.

Everyone opened the ranking list, only to find that Lu Yang returned to the top ten of the ranking list. All the people in front of Lu Yang were rushing madmen and willing to spend money.

Lu Yang said: "The number one now is Liu Jie, level 69. Look, I overtook him within half a month."

"Boss, have you found a good place to upgrade?" Sun Yu asked.

Lu Yang said, "I have entered a special upgrade map, and the experience is quite impressive. You arrange for people to stare at the silk language and his men, and the rest go to upgrade."

"Yes," the crowd said together.


In the next few days, the national clothing was still in a turbulent period. The war between all ethnic groups stopped, but the sweeping work was not over. Many players in the failed guild were unwilling to fight, and small-scale battles spread all over the server.

Lu Yang played for 5 days in the Wanhundian, and the level rushed to level 71. On the evening of the 6th day, when it was almost level 72, Tu Feng called and said, "Boss, go to lùntán, something happened. . "

"What's wrong?" Lu Yang asked.

"Liu Jie invited people to buy people's hearts. He announced the construction method of the wild fortress on lùntán, and Liang Yun announced that he would cancel the hostile relationship with him." Tu Feng said.

Lu Yang hesitated, opened lùntán, and saw that there were news from Liu Jie and news from Liang Yun.

Lu Yang took out the phone and called Liang Yun. After two beeps, the call was connected.

"Brother, what's the matter with me?" Liang Yun asked.

Lu Yang said, "Brother, you won't really dissolve the hostile relationship with Liu Jie."

Liang Yun said: "No way, my guild will also survive. Since Liu Jie is willing to relax the relationship and share such a big secret, all of me do not agree to continue the war with Liu Jie. I am alone No way. "

Lu Yang is a little speechless. He knows what Liang Yun means. He complains that he didn't tell him the secret of the wild fortress, but can he say this? If he said it earlier, let Liu Jie send someone to know secretly. Liu Jie will Will develop rapidly.

"I don't want to tell you, I'm just afraid that someone under you can't control it and sell this secret to Liu Jie. I originally wanted to tell you this secret after Liu Jie was killed." Lu Yang said.

Liang Yun smiled and said, "Brother, don't blame my brother I don't talk about morality. Now all the vice presidents and chiefs of my army are grateful for Liu Jie's help. I don't want to fight anymore. All my mind is raising money to build a fort in the wild It ’s true that I ’m making money. In the future, let ’s stop the partnership between Liu Jie and let ’s not mention it.

"Beep, beep, beep"

Lu Yang looked at the phone in surprise, Liang Yun even hung up.

Inside a special space.

Tu Feng, Xia Yuwei and others are discussing the impact of this incident. The light flashed and Lu Yang appeared in a special space.

"Boss, what did Liang Yun say?" Tu Feng asked.

Lu Yang said, "Liang Yun told me that his alliance with us to deal with Liu Jie was lifted. I am afraid that Liu Jie will come and hit us in the future, and Liang Yun will help him."

"Hey, why is this person like this? Mothers have milk," scolded bitterly.

"We didn't help Liang Yun before. How could he be so indifferent?" Zhou Tianming said uncomfortably.

Lu Yang said: "No way, who makes Liu Jie better? Let's work hard. Liu Jie found out how to build a wild fortress. He won't go to war with us for the time being, he will build the fortresses first. . "

"Boss don't have to worry, we have been killed by the lingering troops, and there are no more enemies within our sphere of influence." White Lion said.

Lu Yang said: "No matter what they are, we will continue to upgrade. If we want to defeat Liu Jie, the first one to be destroyed is Ma Lizhe. Everyone is ready. I will start a war with Ma Lizhe after a while. "

"Yes," the crowd said together.

Exiting from a special space, Lu Yang continued to upgrade. In order to upgrade faster, Lu Yang simply used a forbidden attack to attract hundreds of thousands of ancient souls at one time.

The old man from the twilight called and said, "Boy, don't worry about Liang Yun's rebellion. If you need additional investment, I believe in your strength."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Father, please rest assured, everyone is looking down on me right now, just right, I am at ease, and after a month, I will let everyone know what they are doing wrong."

The old man in the twilight laughed and said, "Have you found a solution?"

Lu Yang said: "There is no way. The soldiers came to cover the water from the soil. This was how the Jagged Brothers Alliance developed in the first place. In the future, Jie Brothers will likewise push all the enemies in front."

The old man in the twilight nodded understandably and said, "No wonder the Brotherhood of Iron and Blood is so fierce. It turns out that you are the boss's temperament here. I don't ask you any more. If you need any help from me, please tell me Just fine. "

Lu Yang thought about it and said, "I really have to ask you a favor."

"What is it?" The old man asked, and Lu Yang was able to use support words to show that the matter was great.

Lu Yang said: "You have many contacts in Modu. I would like to ask if you have any connections with the police?"

The old man said, "The director grew up with my son from an early age. This level is not enough."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Enough. When I just defeated Wang Teng and Li Xiuyu, I received an official email. They hoped that I would be able to participate in an official interview they organized in a few days. This is a public interview. , I'll be on TV. "

"This is a good thing, your kid has become a star, and more players can gather." The old man said.

Lu Yang said: "Although good things are good things, I suspect that Wang Teng and Liu Jie will send someone to come to my trouble. I hope you can let that director find two capable people to protect me."

The old man said, "There should be no problem with this. You really need someone's special protection. You want a lot of your life. How many people have lost your money?"

Not to mention that Wang Teng and Liu Jie's billions of dollars hit the water, the Li Xiuyu family invested more than 2 billion, but also disappeared because of defeat to Lu Yang, and the sword killing **** of Iron King City, which one is not hate Lu Yang hated to die. I really knew that Lu Yang had come to the visit. He hadn't come to Lu Yang to take revenge. He told others that no one believed it.

Lu Yang said: "I don't want to do this either, but they mess with me first."

The old man in the twilight said, "Don't care, it's not the enemy who is doing the big things, the habit is just fine. You are only a few enemies. There are many more enemies than you."

Lu Yang laughed and said, "You are open-minded, I will learn from you."

The old man in the twilight is proud of how he defeated all the enemies when he was doing business, and made the business to the scale of today. He said to Lu Yang, and finally said intently: "I will tell you more when you come, I Let's go to Lexus and let the kid get it for you. "

"Thank you," Lu Yang said.

Turning off the intercom, Lu Yang's eyes became sharp. He exited the game and came to the security room to find the black and white. He said, "How have your brothers been doing recently, have you been slack?"

Black and White said: "Be on the battlefield at all times, rest assured, boss, we are not a group of people who can enjoy a comfortable life."

They gave their relatives a comfortable life, and they were ready to die at any time.

Lu Yang patted him on the shoulder and said, "Tell my brothers, five days later, Wang Teng is very likely to come to nshā me, you must be prepared. This time the danger is very high. The enemy has a gun. We have no gun. . "

Black and white eyes became sharp and said, "The boss is assured that we will protect you well."

Lu Yang smiled, flung his sleeve on his right hand, and the left side was far above the wall 15 meters away. He flew to the center of the red heart, his black and white eyes widened.

"Boss, you." Black and White said unbelievably.

Lu Yang said: "The average person can't help me, don't say it."

Hei nodded in black and white. He always thought that Lu Yang didn't know **** people. But when he saw Lu Yang throwing his flying knife away at the moment, the black and white felt that Lu Yang's hands were no less infected than him.

Lu Yang then said, "Did I buy the body armor you bought before?"

"Buy it, this is what I wear." Black and White said.

Black and white wore a suit. The suit, jacket, and vest were all bulletproof vests. They were from the US arms company, and they were the same models worn by the president during his inaugural speech.

Lu Yang said, "Give me a set, and I'll wear him today."

He nodded in black and white, personally went to the warehouse to get a set for Lu Yang. After Lu Yang changed, there was no problem, he returned to the room and continued to upgrade.

Five days later, Lu Yang's level rose to 76. This level has far surpassed everyone. Liu Jie's level stopped at 72, ranking second, and 4 levels behind him.

Early in the morning ~ ~ At the studio door, Lu Yang said to everyone: "Don't give it away, I just go to an interview show, there is no need to be so grand."

Xia Yuwei said: "Not the same. When you come back, you will become a big star, but not an ordinary person."

Everybody laughed.

Lu Yang shook his head, said goodbye to the crowd, and took two cars in black and white and 10 men to the airport.

After getting off the plane, just after leaving the platform, Ling Zhitian personally came to pick up the station. There was also a man in a police uniform standing beside him.

As soon as Lu Yang stepped out of the platform, Ling Zhitian saw him, beckoning and shouting, "Lu Yang, here."

Lu Yang saw Lei Zhitian come over with a smile, and said, "Why are you here in person."

Ling Zhitian said with a smile: "Your boy, it makes people think if you don't see it. I'll introduce it to you. This is Zhang Chao, my brother, my old man, and I told you. From today on, your safety will He's here to take charge. "

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