Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1834: Jagged Brotherhood wins the war

Radvedev’s stupid self-destructive prospects exposed his guild’s lack of money, elite resignation, and lack of senior commander’s fatal weaknesses, even though Radvedev had a vast space in the west and southwest. But it was a castle in the sky and a rootless root, and he could not hold it again when facing the attack of the enemy.

"You're right, I should join Roland to get rid of the stupid Radvedev first. This time, Lu Yang, in two or three years, the loan is not yet available. We can take advantage of this opportunity. Full-scale attack, kill Radvedev, get all areas in the central, western, southwestern and northwestern parts, and Luyang, Liu Jie three points new continent." Sanyou Weimen said.

"I will contact Roland for you." Furukawa Wuxing rushed away.

In fact, it’s not to blame that Radvedev underestimated the enemy. Who would have thought that neither Sanyouweimen nor Roland did their best to help Gertz, and they still have a certain amount of spare power to develop themselves, and, like Lu Yang, they have In its own game city, internal players become the new subordinate gods, and outsiders simply do not know.

Sanyouwei looked into the distance and muttered to himself: "My dream is finally one step closer, Lu Yang, thank you for removing so many obstacles before me."


New World Fire Wolf Mountain area.

Lu Yang, at the door of Sanyouwei, has returned to the battlefield at this time. Radvedev has destroyed the Great Wall by himself, so he should attack with all his strength.

In the battlefield of Huolang Mountain, Xia Yuwei has entered the wolf mouth of Huolang Mountain, and the team of Gerlz is competing with each other at the wolf stomach for control.

On the other side, on the battlefield of the Wanshu Forest, the hard-loved half-life also scored an area that shot 30 kilometers inside. Both sides played during the day and night. Maybe the iron-blooded brothers alliance was just snatched out during the day, and was freed by the Free Army at night. The man attacked and snatched it back.

The reason for this is the root of the insufficiency of the number of subordinate gods and the insufficiency of thunder gods. He loved half a lifetime and said depressedly: "The support given by Roland and Sanyouweimen is too great, and the loss of the subordinate gods is too heavy."

Lu Yangxiao looked at the bitter love for half his life and said: "Starting today, I will give you a new mission to launch an attack every night. I will add 5,000 lower gods to you."

"5000 people!?" The eyes of the hard-loved half of his life were bright, and he said excitedly: "Who?"

Lu Yang said with a smile: "The ferocious Wolf Corps."

"Thank you boss." Half a lifetime of hard love knows that he won the battle in the Wanshu Forest.

Lu Yang patted his shoulder and replaced Feilong and left. Three hours later, he came to the wolf belly position of Huolang Mountain and saw Xia Yuwei who was regrouping. He smiled and asked, "How is it?"

Xia Yuwei was sweating at this time, and she had been unable to eat a girl for more than a month of continuous battle, but she still insisted, clenching her teeth and said: "The war is fighting, sorry boss, let you be so hard this time. ."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "If I give you five thousand lower gods, can you beat this place."

"Five thousand people?" Xia Yuwei was as excited as half a lifetime of love, and asked, "Are you ready to attack ahead?"

Lu Yang nodded and said, "It's time to end, but we can't be too exposed. When fighting, try to fight at night as much as possible. Let the enemy not know the specific number of our subordinate gods. Do you understand?"

Xia Yuwei nodded and said: "The boss is at ease, I must guarantee concealment."

Lu Yang left with a smile. Now, he can finally reveal a part of his strength. At the moment, he gives orders, and the people who are full of enthusiasm, the lovely queen, the prisoner of the Pluto, Liu Yunpeng and Wan Zhonghui quickly bring the most elite masters under their control. The troops rushed over, and they had been holding back for more than a month, and finally no longer had to endure.

Evening in the game.

Perhaps it is because of the long and hopeless battle, and the hard love half a lifetime has not been spirited recently, but I don’t know why, he is particularly spirited today.

He was sitting in the command post of the main battlefield of Fire Wolf Mountain. Under the cover of the mountain, he looked at the situation of the war below. He looked at the high-level leaders such as Margaret and Coriolis with emotion, saying: " It’s been a month, it’s really hard for you."

Early tomorrow morning, when Gertz has run out of cash, he can no longer raise funds.

"Your excellency, don't say that, it's our dereliction to fail to defeat Lu Yang." Collioor said depressively.

He originally thought that by virtue of the game's revision, and these elite commanders in the army, they can quickly defeat Lu Yang, but they told them cruelly, although White Lion and Xia Yuwei have not served in the army, they can be in the game. After commanding large-scale operations for so long, they have become a master of the commander of the Great Corps.

Gertz no longer cares about this, he said with a smile: "Tomorrow, we will spend the day with the players on credit, so I hope you can temporarily keep this news secret, and stick to the week, I think, Lu Yang has also reached the limit, and now it depends on who of us can hold on."

Margaret said excitedly: "You can rest assured that the final victory must be ours."

Gertz smiled. In this way, Margaret is not needed. On the first day of his battle with Luyang, countless people told him this way, but it’s been two months. The war is still this. Look.

"The boss is assured that we are settled on a weekly basis, and there is no problem to fight for another week." Andre said.

Coriolis said: "With our means, I have the confidence to let the brothers continue for another week."

Gertz’s greatest satisfaction with Coriolis and their group is that when these players train the players, they will be accompanied by spiritual encouragement to make the players stronger in their willpower. Otherwise, they will be on the defense of Fire Wolf Mountain. Can't hold it either.

"Very well, with your words, I will be relieved. For more than two weeks, either Lu Yang will fail completely, or I will fail completely. I want to see if Lu Yang can hold it or I can hold it. "Gerz was a little crazy.




After a burst of violent explosions, Gerz and others quickly looked around, only to discover that a new attack by the Brotherhood of Blood had been launched.

Taking advantage of the dark night in the game, countless air combat players smashed the forbidden scrolls in the sky, and for a time, the entire area on the Gerds side fell into a sea of ​​fire.

"Damn, the whole army is ready to fight, to block their attack, to block their attack." Gertz growled frantically with a nervous breakdown.

Coriolis and others quickly ran to the front position, just when they were in place, the players of the Brotherhood of Blood had already touched the front.

"The lower god, follow me." Coriolis yelled and rushed up with the lower **** himself.

"Di Shi Tian Huo"


The twelve lower gods aimed at Coriolis at the same time. Fortunately, there was a tunnel under Coriolis. He fell down quickly and could hide inside the tunnel. His eyes showed an incredible shock.

In the two consecutive months of war, the lower gods on both sides suffered heavy casualties, and a large number of lower gods fell into the divine realm, so that the speed of playing materials on both sides could not keep up with the falling realm speed of the upper and lower gods.

In the battle of the past week, each side of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood has only three people in each team's attack, but this time it has increased by four times.

"Quickly inform the boss, the Iron-Blood Brotherhood has launched a decisive battle, Lu Yang has mobilized the lower gods of other battlefields to our side, let him quickly send the lower gods of other regions to support." Coriolis said excitedly .

The player ran back quickly, and when he ran back to the Gerz area, he found that Coriolis was beside him, scaring the player, he reacted violently and said, "The first defense Position, lost?"

Coriolis looked at Gerzi and said: "Lu Yang is in the attack, we must bring back all the people from other areas, otherwise we will lose this battle."

Gertz has been frightened by the conspiracies and tricks of many generals under Lu Yang, and he is also worried about the conspiracies and tricks made by Lu Yang, so he thought for a long time, so that Coriolis urged twice, he just ordered Nodded and said, "Okay, call the next gods from all areas to come and support."

Coriolis quickly issued orders, and all the lower gods of the seven defense areas were transferred to the Fire Wolf Mountain at the same time, but at the same time, Ice Dragon Mountain, Sky City, Poison Mountain, Iron Wall, Bright Castle and Abyssal God The players are all gone. The players there have only the defensive forces such as Fengshen Thunder and Falling Thunder.

"Iron Blood Brotherhood launched a full-scale offensive against us, brothers, keep the Fire Wolf Mountain, attack with me." Coriolis roared, and led the team to launch the charge.

Hansha and the light and dark thieves saw this scene, and they all smiled. Xia Yuwei said to Lu Yang: "The enemy has taken the bait."

Lu Yang nodded and said to the main vice presidents such as Baishi, Zhou Tianming and Tianyao in the group: "Take advantage of the night to attack together. Remember, don't easily expose the number of the gods of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood, let's get started. "





White Lion and Zhou Tianming responded to the order in turn, and then, in seven areas, more than 10 million players acted simultaneously.

"Iron Brothers League, kill~!" White Wolf personally took the lead and attacked the enemy with his men.

Jerz’s next team of gods had just battled with the Iron-Blood Brothers. On the other side, Barnes, Aiwanisha and others sent messages for help.

"The white lion led a large number of subordinate gods to storm the Binglong Mountain, in urgent need of support."

"Zhou Tianming led a large number of subordinate gods to attack the poisonous demon mountain in urgent need of support."


Gertz saw so much news that his brain was numb. Similarly, Seaman and Margaret did not know what to do.

"It seems that I lost." Gertz murmured to himself.

As soon as the words fell, Gertz passed out, and on the other side, the situation on the battlefield, as Gertz said, he lost, and he lost very thoroughly.

The Iron-Blood Brotherhood overwhelmed the Gerzi side with the absolute advantage of the number of lower gods. In only two hours, Ice Dragon Mountain, Poison Mountain, and Iron Wall Valley were lost, and finally, only Fire Wolf Mountain remained in Gyor. Hereby.

But such a mountain still has no meaning, and in less than half a day, the entire team was completely defeated.

At this point, more than ten million players of the Brotherhood of Blood Alliance, like the flood that broke through the dam, plunged into the hinterland of the Fortress of Gerz.

They have accumulated anger for a long time and let them vent their anger to all the things and people they see in the Gerz area.

Lu Yang didn't stop all of this. If today's failure is his own, the player on the Gerds side will only do more than he does.

"Boss, won't you go?" Xia Yuwei and the hard-loved half-life have broken the Fire Wolf Mountain and are ready to enter the hinterland.

Lu Yang looked at the two and said, "I won't go anymore. Now I'm going to the Heavenly God City, and the follow-up things will be given to you."

"Yes." The two took each person away.

Lu Yang went back to Tianyu God City alone, found a hotel, and then quit the game. Then he fell asleep on the bed.

This time, he slept for two days, and the next night, he woke up and found that Zhuojiu and the White Lion were sitting beside his bed.

"Oh, why are you here?" Lu Yang asked with a smile.

"My God, the boss you finally woke up and scared me to death." The bitter love half howl out directly.

Zhuojiu sighed and said, "Before you fell but you can't wake it up, but for a long time, we found it, and the diagnosis was that you were too tired, and we have been Stay by your side."

Compared to the White Lion and Zhou Tianming, Lu Yang is indeed more tired, because his more than a month of disguise and the integration of various aspects of the guild have wasted his great energy.

"I'm fine, did I win?" Lu Yang asked.

"Winning, Gertz announced that the guild went bankrupt and closed down, and entered the stage of bankruptcy liquidation. All the main groups under him fell apart." Tu Feng said.

Half a lifetime of love said: "We have now occupied the entire territory of the Gerds area and are closely connected to the fortress of Radvedev."

In this battle, the Brotherhood of the Predator occupied the entire area of ​​Gerds. From then on, the occupation area of ​​the Brotherhood of the Predatory included the northeast, east, southeast, south and part of the central part of the New World, which is equivalent to one person occupying three points of the New World. One of the areas.

"We are now closer and closer to becoming the king of the new continent." Lu Yang said with a smile.

Everyone nodded vigorously.

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