Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1826: Giant waves and thunder

Military players such as Cole, Seaman and Andari were right next to Coriolis, and all thoughts were heard, and a group of players played on the sand table for half a day. Finally, Seaman raised his head fiercely and said, "No, We missed something."

"What's the matter?" Coriolis asked quickly.

Seaman pointed to the circular position and said: "Water and thunder, damn, I ignored this. If everything simulates reality, if Luyang attacks with water-based spells and thunder-based spells, our tunnel will become a pond, Although the damage of thunder and lightning can't directly hit the player, it can hit the pond, even with conduction, our players will also be hit hard.

If Wan Leiqi made it, our position was simply paperless. Now we are like a group of cows and sheep to be slaughtered. This circular position can no longer be used. Quickly retreat and let everyone withdraw from the position. "

Coriolis, Andari, and others listened to Seaman's words, and then they reacted. Everyone's face suddenly showed a terrified expression, but when they thought of retreating, they became hesitant again.

"The position we just established, just withdraw?"

"We made a package ticket with Gertz for this circular position. If we give up such a large place now, our prestige in the Gertz team will be gone."

"Yeah, those vice presidents and commanders of the army will no longer look down upon us."


They didn’t want to lose face in the first game, but Coriolis was different from them and said excitedly: "Even without us, Gertz will use this kind of positional warfare, but it is not as clever as our circular position. Therefore, we are not ashamed. If this battle is defeated, we are really ashamed."

"But can Lu Yang be as smart as Seaman imagined?" Andali asked.

"Lu Yang has been playing in this game for almost 6 years. He doesn’t know anything, he doesn’t understand anything. He knows everything you don’t understand, don’t play tricks on him, let alone have it in front of him. Any fluke, you can't play with him at all." Seaman said excitedly.

Coriolis sighed a long time and nodded. "Siman was right. I asked Gerz to order his men to retreat and reorganize the line of defense."

Everyone was speechless.

Gertz was standing at the forefront of the battlefield at this time, looking excitedly at the waves of wrecked Brothers of the Iron-Blood League. I don’t know how long he didn’t feel the joy of victory, watching the players. With the death of the blockbuster, he has felt that he is about to become the ultimate winner.

He will not hesitate to give a speech on various platforms in major TV stations and games around the world, and make a ruthless mocking of Lu Yang. He will let everyone know how unbearable and unhealthy the undefeated God of War is in front of him. .

"Just hit me, hit hard." Gertz growled, gritting his teeth.

Coriolis saw Gertz and quickly came to his side and said, "Your Excellency President."

"Oh~! It's Coriolis." Gertz now sees Coriolis more and more likes it. Without him, Gerez's deputy presidents can also arrange a tunnel defense line, but they can form a circular position. They can't arrange this meticulous high-end position.

Before there was no battle, he could not feel the difference between this position and the ordinary position. Now that he has come to the actual battlefield, he knows how many times the circular position is stronger than the ordinary tunnel.

"It's really the right thing to come to you. I won the war and I reward you." Gertz said with a big smile.

Coriolis said awkwardly: "Your Excellency, your words make me feel ashamed. I apologize to tell you that we must retreat."

"Retreat?" Gertz frowned sharply and asked, "Why retreat?"

Coriolis said: "I suspect that Lu Yang may use a mixture of water spells and thunder spells against us. Although we have a spillway, once the enemy's water spells are too many, the water volume cannot be discharged in a short time. In the case of the pond, the enemy's thunder spell attacks and the players in our tunnel will die."

Gertz listened to Coriolis blankly, and then he glared at Coriolis angrily and said, "What do you think about it now? Only now, do you know, now withdraw from the battle, mine How much is the loss, can you afford it?"

Coriolis shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm sorry about this matter, but this is the truth. If I don't come to you, your men will not find these things, and your failure will be even worse."

"You." Gertz was speechless and scolded: "Look back to you to settle the accounts. All the vice presidents and the commander of the army gather to prepare for retreat."

The voice just fell.

On the other side of the battlefield, Lu Yang looked at Hai Lang and the 200,000 Water Masters behind him, and said, "Let's release together, and once flooded me 100,000 square kilometers of fields across."

"Yes." The sea wave was full of excitement, looking back at the command of each team, shouting: "Tsunami Master Group, prepare~!"

200,000 people took out the staff at the same time.

"The tsunami~!" the waves roared.

At the same time, 200,000 people pronounced spells. On the vast vast plain, on the side of the positions of the Brotherhood of Blood, suddenly there were countless blue water elves floating.

Due to the large number of water elves, the entire sky is like opening a faint blue door, or the sky breaking a hole.

Jerz saw the scene at a glance, and was shocked by the scene instantly. He muttered to himself: "There will be no such power."

The voice just fell.

On the side of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood, a ten-kilometer tsunami suddenly swept in. The raging seawater was like a flood gate, and it was like a horse galloping, with a roaring sound, rolling up the dust on the ground, dark and earthy Brown came turbulently.

The defensive player on the Gerds side is hiding in the position. Eight shield battles, four mages, four archers and two treatments form a small square, just like a small bunker.

While they were waiting for the players of the Brotherhood of Blood to rush up again, all of a sudden, a huge wave of more than 20 meters high rushed over, and their reaction time was only 1 second by the tsunami mixed with sand and dust. Submerged in the position.

"Thunder Master is preparing, cursing lightning storm is forbidden, ready~!" Lu Yang shouted.

More than 200,000 thunder cursed mages took a step forward while raising their wands in memory of the cursed mages.

The water elves in the sky had not yet dissipated. Countless violent blue elves danced with the water elves together. After 5 seconds, the black cloud fell to a height of only 200 meters above the circular position covered by the tsunami.



The friction sound of thunder and lightning in the clouds seemed to explode. When the blue and purple arcs appeared in a large range in the black clouds, countless thunder and lightning fell simultaneously and bombarded the area covered by seawater violently.

Players of the Free Legion, who had been submerged in the ring position, had just struggled out of the water, thunder and lightning fell in the sky, and the defense war quickly raised their shields to protect the mage, archer and healers around them. All were electrocuted.

"This, how is this possible?"

"They were not hit by lightning."

"How did you die?"


Players who don’t respond well don’t know the reason yet, but on the other side, Lu Yang doesn’t give them a chance to think.

"The whole army attacked!" Lu Yang waved his hand, and nearly 1.5 million players who completed the team formally launched an attack on the ring position.

The formation of the entire team is very scattered, and it is no longer the shield war, but the earth mages protected by the shield war. Their role is that once the enemy releases the same tsunami spell, all earth mages release the most Simple earth wall skills to block enemy spell attacks.

"In the future, the role of anti-war will be greatly weakened, and the earth-based mages will replace the role of anti-war. The war has entered the era of true mages." Lu Yang left a sentence to Xia Yuwei, with the lovely queen and the prisoner Pluto , Liu Ruohuai and Wan Zhonghui and others flew to the Corona Fortress.

The battle in the five villages behind the orange fortress is already a must-have war, and Lu Yang does not need to worry about it again, as long as Xia Yuwei continues to attack in this way according to his method, the Gerzi side, who has been knocked out, is bound to resist Can't help but retreat to a farther area to reorganize the defense.

As long as Gerlz’s headquarters fails, even all the fortresses in the frontline area with purple, blue, red and green fortresses will be terminated by the victory of the Brotherhood of Space Inside, Lu Yang took advantage of Wan Zhonghui's team outside the Coronation Fortress and said to the White Lion and Zhuojiu: "Now there are only two roads in front of Gerz, or you can watch the defense of these fortresses. The player is divided by us to destroy them, or, let everyone take the initiative to die, exit this defense zone, no matter how he chooses, you can attack these fortresses as much as possible, they will not have any reinforcements."

Once the defensive positions of these five villages are broken, all the underground teleportation lines around will be occupied by the Brotherhood of Iron-Blood Brothers. Inside these fortresses, you will no longer be supplied with any equipment and potions. The Brotherhood is the winner.

"The boss is assured that we must fight a beautiful annihilation battle." Kuai Ai said excitedly.

White Lion, Zhou Tianming and others nodded one after another. They had already felt the upcoming victory. After playing with their brothers for so many days, they could finally enjoy the victory.

"Go busy, boss, I should attack the Forbidden Fortress." Lu Yang said with a smile.

"I wish the big banner a victory." Everyone bowed to each other and then exited the special space.

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