Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1820: Game overhaul

The Gerzi player hiding in the field did not experience a large number of deaths. Like the previous method, they used a shovel to dig a large number of pits in the field, specifically to avoid the banned curse.

When the players of the Brotherhood of Blood approached, they immediately raided a sneak attack. However, the parallel forward shield formed by a player of the Brotherhood of Blood, unless they were attacked by the same weapon as the Killing Thunder, otherwise, the ordinary The attack did no harm to them.

The only problem is that some enemies are hidden in the dirt. After the shield warrior players stepped on their bodies in front of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood, they will raid the wizards and healers in the team.

Both sides have used all the available combat methods, from the field to the forest behind. Since the war has been insufficient, the fighting situation has been described here. Both sides can only be described by blood fighting.


In the official headquarters of "Second World", the official principal looked at the banned spells in this area and said to all the military leaders of the countries: "See, this is no different from actual combat, as long as I changed my skills from magic to modern hot weapons. Your actual combat drills do not need to be carried out in reality, and you can do full simulation in the game."

An official representative of a country frowned, saying: "In reality, under the cover of long-range firepower, our personnel will never launch an attack, which is too far from reality."

"We change it, we will release an update in a moment. In the future, the damage of remote players will cause damage to melee players. The melee attacks will also cause damage to other teammates. There will be no team mode and peace mode. Free mode." The official said.

The official representative of a certain country nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Well, then the US$80 billion in cooperation funds will be received within one week."

"Our 50 billion euros will also arrive in a week."


The military representatives of more than 30 countries signed the order at the same time, and the Huaxia representatives saw this scene and could only sigh and signed the contract.

Soon, the official patch is ready, and at this time, the war in the game has reached the early morning of the next day, and there is no idea of ​​stopping on both sides. Many players have stayed up and played for almost 20 hours without him. The orange fortress is broken, and the rest is to kill and grab equipment. No one wants to miss this opportunity.

Lu Yang stands on the podium formed by the skills of the Earth Dragon Shock in the front, and there are many such podiums next to him. Xia Yuwei and the players of the affiliated guild are directing the battle.

Looking at the situation in the distance, Lu Yang understood it. Gertz was using these guilds to exchange time with personnel.

Now everyone knows that the funds within the Jagged Brothers League can only be played for a week. After this time, the battle must stop and all players will be disbanded. Otherwise, he will not have the funds to pay the high bonus during the war.

Tu Feng appeared beside Lu Yang, frowning and asking, "This is not a way to fight, is there any way to break through the enemy's defense line in a short time."

Lu Yang shook his head with a smile, and said: "How can there be such a method, this is no longer the kind of battle before, Gerrze's strength is more than twice as strong as Orma and the G8 team."

Gertz's real strength is not inferior to that of Lu Yang. Lu Yang only hit an orange fortress when he had Pence's internal response, so many spies, and countless high lights.

How many areas are needed to fight behind? These five village areas are one, and there are various formidable places such as fortresses, mountains, and intersections behind.

Tu Feng's face was anxious, and he said, "What can I do? I just received a message that the official will upgrade the game three hours later."

Lu Yang showed a surprised expression and asked, "A new information piece has been released?"

Tu Feng shook his head and said: "The official explanation is that only a small patch has been added. In order to make the war in the game more real, in the future the range of the mage's attack, if the player is in the range, his player will also be hurt."

Lu Yang was very happy and scolded: "I'm fighting now, he has such an update patch, what does it mean."

Tu Feng said: "I don't know."

"I asked." Lu Yang picked up the phone and called the director of "Second World", asking: "What are you doing, want to add patches, why at this time?"

The director looked at the military representatives from various countries who were talking in the distance and sighed, "Man, I am really sorry this time, and I have no choice. "The Second World" has just negotiated with the military of various countries. According to the agreement, a part of the military training will be carried out in the game in the future. For this reason, we have received a large order worth hundreds of billions of dollars. With this order, in the future players in the game who want to rely on the game to make money to make a living, it is true Is not a problem."

Lu Yang understands that the official is to make the game longer, and it is also a way for countries to ease population pressure and employment pressure. But when the war hits this critical point, isn't this pitting him?

"So what should I do?" Lu Yang asked.

The director said embarrassedly: "Sorry This time it was not me who made the decision, but the members of the plenary meeting voted it. You know, this is too much money. In front of the money, it is trivial, and, as you understand, the person who takes the money has the right to speak."

In fact, the person who initiated the motion was a Polish person. The director did not dare to tell Lu Yang. He was worried that Lu Yang would poke out, so the official would be embarrassed. It can be said that it is already the reason for the particularly good personal relationship between the director and Lu Yang. .

Lu Yang understood that this is tantamount to being in the real world, with real power institutions interfering with the game world. He couldn’t help but scolded, saying, “I know, didn’t I just modify the attack mode? I let Gertz die. Faster."

The modification of the game mode seems to be just a small change. In fact, the impact on the game is difficult to estimate. Normally, when players play monsters, many people have no brain output.

Spells and archers are aimed at the area carried by the anti-war, throwing range spells at will, random range skills in melee, and treatment is also directed to a certain area. After modification, you can fight this way again, and your own anti-war will be attacked by your side. The player is killed.

Not only is it anti-war, long-range may kill all melees, but also may kill the teammates around by melee, the whole battle will become shrunken.

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