Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1818: Stormwind Canyon

While the Iron-Blood Brothers attacked with all their strength, the other side, angry Gertz kicked the sand table model in front of him and shouted: "Fool, waste, Gerls is a fool, Barnes is a waste, waste. ~!"

Margaret and Andre wanted to comfort, but they didn’t know what to say. They could only stare at the cracked sand table. This thing recovered well. It only needed a button to recover, but it’s already There is no need for recovery.

The orange fortress was broken, and the defense line constructed by Gerrz spent hundreds of millions of euros and the labor force of countless players collapsed. The entire defense line must be withdrawn and rearranged. Otherwise, all hidden teleportation arrays in the middle of the fortress will be iron-blooded. Brotherhood captured from behind.

If you lose the hidden teleportation array again, just like the orange fortress, the blue, purple and other fortresses will be broken down by the Iron-Blood Brotherhood in turn.

"Your excellency, please give an order. Now every minute more delay, the siege of the Brotherhood of Blood will accelerate our siege by one point, and you can't wait any longer." Andre said calmly.

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled." Gerz hysterically roared, he took all the factors into account, and built a perfect line of defense in front of the Firestone Mountain. Before the battle, he personally inspected it and found nothing at all. Loophole.

This time, instead of saying Barnes made a mistake, it is better to say that he made a mistake. He couldn’t imagine how this group of girls came in, and even less, what kind of willpower this group of girls relied on at the cost of 10,000 people. , Blocked the attack of millions of people for five hours.

Gertz has always considered that his players are the best. Compared with the sister group of the Brotherhood of Blood, he thinks that his players are all waste, even a group of women is not as good as waste.

Andrey listened to Gerlz's roar, and his expression did not change at all. When Gerlz was finished, he said in a non-emotional voice: "Your Excellency, you just lost your first line of defense, don't forget In addition, we also have the village defense line behind and your newly recruited more than 10 million players. In addition to the first day, the Brotherhood of Blood can guarantee the combat effectiveness of 30 million people, and there will never be so many after that. In battles, we may also form an advantage in numbers."

The area controlled by Gertz is too large, not only in the southern area, but also in the entire southeast of the original Claudio. There are more than 600 fortresses, and the territory under control is not much smaller than Luyang.

Before Andrei and Gertz discussed how to defend for the second time if the first line of defense cannot be defended. After the two of them discussed at the time, the result was that the iron-blooded brothers came in and proceeded from all sides. Siege.

Even if you are in the occupied area, you must always attack the players of the Brotherhood of Blood. Of course, this is the last step. Now the Jerz side can also station a large area in the villages, forests, swamps and other areas behind the orange fortress.

No matter how many people are in the Iron-Blood Brotherhood, when you open the Internet to search, the personnel density will be greatly diluted, and the players of the Free Legion will indeed be formed locally, and the players in the Iron-Blood Brotherhood will be played more and less.

What's more, Gertz recruited hundreds of guilds and more than 10 million players. Together with the old gang players, there were nearly 30 million people.

Gertz was also able to recruit so many people to fight for him for the first time. He took the initiative to recover the sand table and looked at the vast forests and villages behind the orange fortress. He said: "Lou Yang cannot be so easily penetrated into our hinterland. Everyone went to the village and forest behind the orange fortress."

"Okay, yes." Andrea was hesitant. He didn't expect the battle method given by Gertz to be like this. He frowned and asked, "What about the supply warehouse behind Fire Stone Mountain, where it is too close to the enemy, yes?" Not withdraw first."

Gertz looked at the map. The supply warehouse was only half an hour away from Firestone Mountain. In a hidden canyon, there was a 100-level map. He said: "I guess Luyang doesn't know that we are here yet. There is a supply line, and as it is, keep it."

"But..." Margaret was a little worried, and just about to speak, Gertz indicated that he should not persuade, saying: "The defense line of the village behind the orange fortress, give priority to use this supply warehouse, I think the most is supply three Days, and then it’s gone. Three days of defense in this area is enough.”

Andrea and Marguerite looked at each other. The two no longer persuaded, but each was ready to go. Hundreds of guilds that had reached an agreement with Gerz and received orders from Gerz at this time, they The player in hand already has his own number in the Liberty Army.

Tens of millions of players who have already prepared are rushing to more than 30 villages and woodlands behind the orange fortress, preparing to fight against the Brotherhood of Blood.

When Lu Yang was leading the team, Pons called and explained the situation. For this reason, Lu Yang had to suspend the team and think about the solution.

"The defensive players in these villages have high morale and are very strong, and there are a lot of weapons such as Fengshen Thunder to kill the lower gods. You have to be prepared to fight hard battles." Pons said.

While looking at the map, Lu Yang asked, "So many people must need supplies, where are their supplies? Also, there is a supply station behind Fire Stone Mountain, right, Pons, don't deceive me, you are not qualified to be a bifacial , Tell me everything you know, otherwise what is the consequence, you are clear."

Pons showed his painful face. He didn’t expect that the Iron-Blood Brothers had such a strong analytical ability. He even guessed the supply warehouse behind Firestone Mountain. He said: "There is indeed a supply warehouse. It is in the deepest part of Stormwind Canyon, coordinates 786483.293829, There are only 800 defensive players."

Lu Yangqiang resisted the ecstasy and asked, "How many supplies are there?"

Pons said: "There are 8,000 supplies like Fengshenlei, 3 million sets of 180-level dark gold sets, 7 million sets of 170-level dark gold sets, and supplies such as potions, mixtures, and reels can supply 1,000. Tens of thousands of players have been fighting for three consecutive days.

"Everything before is forgotten. Nothing will hide from me in the future. This is the last time I spare you." Lu Yang said.

If you already know that there is a supply warehouse, Lu Yang will order the sister group to take the warehouse first. In this way, the supply of materials in the orange fortress and other areas will become very difficult. Maybe the fortress can be laid down earlier.

Pons was afraid that Lu Yang would sue the incident. He not only had his reputation ruined, but also had to bear criminal responsibility. He and his wife and family needed to take care of them. He dared not make mistakes at all. Interrupted the call.

Lu Yang took the phone and called Liu and asked, "Does the sister group still have combat capabilities?"

At this time, Flint Mountain is no longer fighting, the orange fortress is broken, and Flint Mountain loses the value of recapture. Barnes no longer knows where to go with people. On the entire Flint Mountain, only Liu Xiang’s sister group and De Bu Big Druid Corps.

Liu Xiang was in the whole team at this time. She also had the intention to take out the enemy's supply warehouse and said: "Report the boss, the whole team is here. The battle is over here. I want to take someone to find the location of the other party's supply warehouse."

Lu Yang smiled and asked, "Can I still fight?"

"Able to fight," said Liu Xiangsu, his voice full of confidence.

Lu Yang said: "Okay, the enemy is in the wild wind valley half an hour away from Huoshi Mountain. I will give you the coordinates. You took the sister group and brought this warehouse to me."

"Thank you boss for your success." Liu Xiang said excitedly.

She knows that as long as they make more credit, the sister group can be more stable in the game city station. If the sister group is enough to win this battle, no one will really say that the sister group is a spy group.

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