Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1786: New round of espionage

Lu Yang smiled and asked: "How is the equipment?"

Zhuojiu said: "At present, there are 5000 sets of divine power sets, and all the ancient **** sets are available."

This is the fundamental reason why the major vice presidents dare to declare war. The strength of the Predator Brothers has reached its peak at this time. It is definitely not something that any other guild can resist, even if two guilds are added together. It is also difficult to contend with the Brotherhood of Blood.

After thinking for a while, Lu Yang asked, "How many people have a response speed of 0.3 seconds?"

Zhuojiu said: "I have counted here, about 10,000 people."

Lu Yang asked again: "How many people enter 0.2 seconds?"

Zhuojiu said: "There are about 3,000 people."

Lu Yang said: "Order all the 7000 to enter the Shenhuo Fire Crystal Mine in 0.2 seconds, and kill the Zede Fire Demon with a reaction speed of 0.2 seconds. Still so many people are fighting together, and they should be able to flatten the pit."

"Yes." Zhuojiu said.

Lu Yang then said: "3000 people with a 0.2 second reaction speed, I will build a sentry tower on the line, you come here quickly to fight monsters to upgrade, remember, every coordinate I tell you now is top secret, all participating members, immediately Entering a closed management state, you are not allowed to call or go home. The duration is about 2 months. Ask all members and sign up voluntarily. If you have any difficulties, you want to come to the game city to help solve it. "

"Yes." Zhuojiu and Xia Yuwei all stood up one after another, and everyone's face showed an excited expression. They knew that the next battle of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood was coming.

Half an hour later, everyone logged into the game, and Zhuojiao, White Lion, Xia Yuwei, and Zhou Tianming started the mobilization activity. This time the reaction entered 10,000 people within 0.3 seconds, mainly the masters cultivated by the Iron-Blood Brothers.

35% are the little guys in the training center, 40% are the elite players in the game city, and 25% are from the sister group such as Liu Juan. After learning that all the staff are closed for training, everyone quickly agreed Down.


Lu Yang is continuing to kill Salamanca in the game. Xia Yuwei called. Lu Yang was curious and pressed the connect button and asked, "What is it?"

Xia Yuwei lamented, saying: "Something happened, Liu Juan and their sisters, there is no problem in themselves, but the sisters' **** parents came over and asked Liu Juan to pay a huge amount of maintenance. Liu Juan earned 500,000 yuan before. I gave them, this group of vampires thought Liu Juan had money and wanted one and wanted a second. "

Lu Yang snorted and said, "I dare to come and let the security guards push them out."

"Fucked, but the person was sitting at the door of the game city. This time there were more than one person, but more than a dozen. The TV station and the media were alarmed." Xia Yuwei first discovered such a disgusting person, said: " There is a bigger problem. Tu Feng and I have just discussed. Among these people, there are likely to be spies from other guilds. And, fortunately, they came before we assembled. If we come after a month, we It ’s possible that all their actions will be exposed by them. "

If these people do n’t have money for Liu Juan, they ’re likely to be used by other foreign guilds after being enlarged by the media, let ’s not say anything else, everyone knows that Liu Juan has become the main force of the Iron-Blood Brothers Alliance. The main force, if Liu Juan can't get in touch with them, there is only one possibility.

Lu Yang must not allow such things to happen, he said: "You call Liu Juan and they will ask about the situation one by one. If you want to solve their problems once and for all, you must have a practical solution."

He already had a way, and now he looked at Liu Juan ’s thoughts. He quit the game. After 5 minutes, the elevator door bell rang, and in black and white, only Liu Juan and their little girls saw it. They pressed the up button.

The elevator doors opened, and Liu Juan and their dozen or so little girls came to Luyang in tears. Liu Juan said, "Boss, we are sorry for you."

Lu Yang motioned for them to sit down and asked, "Let's start with Liu Juan, let's talk, what the **** is going on?"

Liu Juan said, almost collapsed, crying, "My mother is too eccentric. My sister-in-law went to jail for committing crimes, and even took my brother with him. Now my mother wants me to take money and let my brother do business ... … "

Who would have thought that a parent would be so wonderful that Liu Juan could not understand what he said, and Lu Yang summed it up to understand it.

Liu Juan's brother is already second marriage and has a child. After divorcing her ex-wife, she married her first love. But who can think of it, this first love is a woman who does that kind of thing in the bath. , Want to marry the elder brother, but the elder brother does not want him, found a pick-up man, just found her brother.

If this woman had a good life with her brother, both of them were not good birds. They were looking for someone outside, and the woman also found someone who smoked bad things, which also infected her brother. As a result, the two People have emptied the money.

Liu Juan ’s mother spoiled her son and kept looking for Liu Juan to ask for money to help her. When she did n’t get enough money, Liu Juan ’s sister-in-law wanted to make a divorce. Her mother came to force Liu Juan to give money.

"Boss, please tell me, why should I give the money? I have used the money to buy a house before. I want to pick them up and have a good life in my old age. I still have money now. Do you kill me? "Said Liu Juan crying.

"We haven't dared to eat or wear for so many years, just thinking about letting them live a good life, but why are they so eccentric."


A dozen girls have similar experiences.

Lu Yangchang took a breath and asked, "I have a solution, but I'm afraid to scare your parents. I don't know what you think."

Liu Juan gritted his teeth and said: "I will never take care of it again this time. Boss, please tell us what to do."

Lu Yang said: "To make you and your parents cut off the relationship between father and daughter, I have some jerks, but for a while, you must do this, not to make your parents feel, you should feed your brother all your life, that is bottomless hole, you want Adoptive parents, brother and sister-in-law, and their children. Five people per person. Do n’t you want to live your own life? Are you not married? Even if you have a fairy face, this is not a TV series It ’s the real world, who dares to ask you. "

A dozen girls were silent.

Lu Yang said: "The first thing is to temporarily clarify their parental relationship with them. Secondly, I will send them to the detention center in the name of spying on the intelligence of the Brotherhood of Blood for the foreign guild and shut them down for a while. They know If you are afraid, you wo n’t dare to come. As for the future, you ca n’t give a penny anymore. Your brothers are at least 30 years old, and they should be individuals. ”

Liu Juan thought for a long time and said, "I listen to you."

Lu Yang shook his head and said: "Don't worry, you go back and think about it. In fact, you don't come. Your parents come here this time, and there is a big suspicion. I will investigate and obtain evidence by myself. If it proves, you may not have. The Fa has stayed in the Iron-Blood Brotherhood. Do n’t blame the boss for not being close to humans. You also know that the enemies around us are surrounded. If you are not careful, you will lose all. "

This time Lu Yang made up his mind. If the sisters group really ca n’t stay, Lu Yang would not dare to stay. How much did he spend before he cleaned out the spies inside the Iron-Blood Brotherhood? Tian Feng's funds for their activities are hundreds of millions of dollars, and so much money can't guarantee the cleanliness of the interior. If the **** parents of the sister group are glued, they will all be finished.

Liu Juan had never thought about it. The harm their parents brought to them was not only monetary and spiritual, but also everything they had and hope for the future. For a time, everyone was stupefied.

Lu Yang didn't expect them to understand it now. After letting the black and white send them down, they called Tian Feng and said: "To monitor these women, I want to get their exact information to prove whether they are related to other guilds."

Tian Feng said: "Leave it to me. There are no such coincidences in this world. The parents of these people cannot come together. I also suspect any conspiracy among them. I will check them carefully."

Lu Yang hung up the phone, went back to the game, and said to Zhuojiu and others: "Everyone assembled according to the original plan, but the sister group can only stay in the Fire Spirit Tower and cannot come to the new coordinate point."

He established the sentry tower near the shelter's teleportation array. Soon, a team of players flew over, led by the first one. After seeing Lu Yang, he quickly ran over and said excitedly to Landing Yang : "Brother-in-law, I have reported."

Lu Yang looked at him carefully and smiled and nodded and said, "Your kid is doing well, my brother-in-law, I didn't hurt you in vain."

The person who came was not someone else, it was Lan Yu's cousin, Shen Congfei. Over the years, Shen Congfei had been with Lan Yu. The original Shen family wanted Shen Congfei to succeed Lan Yu's father's company, but Shen Congfei liked games and family members. No one can bear him, and he can only agree to his request.

Lu Yang liked this little guy very much. He took him by the side of Lan Yu when he was 14 years old. He often lives in his own home and eats breakfast and dinner together.

Now that the little guy is only 16 years old, and the speed of consciousness response has entered below 0.1 second, Lu Yang decided to let him out. As long as he has more social experience, he will be able to stand alone.

"Brother, I have come to report too." A little fellow in the back also ran over.

Lu Yang looked at the little guy with a smile, and said: "Tu Feng said that you have not complained about me a little bit, looking back at me not kicking your ass."

"Ah ~!" The little guy quickly shrank his head, scratching his head and said, "Why am I, anyway, you promised to let us go to the battlefield, but never let us come."

Lu Yang shook his head with a smile, this kid is Tu Feng's brother, called Tu Shan, the name in the game is Tu Qianli.

Lu Yang said: "Go and lead the team, this time you have the opportunity to participate in the war."

"Yes." The two ran quickly, complaining about Lu Yang, Shen Congfei also had a share. Although he was his own brother-in-law, in front of his brother, the sale had to be sold or not!

Lu Yang smiled and looked at the two people who ran to the whole team in the distance. They couldn't help but show their expectations. The new generation of the Brotherhood of Iron-Blood Brothers has grown up. This is one of the purposes of the establishment of the game city.

Lu Yang wants to let this game city continue to provide excellent children, so that the game city can continue, otherwise, only relying on him, the game city has no future, but now, look at the game city in You don't need to worry anymore within the next ten years, because these little guys have really grown up.

"Report the boss, the first team is assembled." Shen Congfei came to Lu Yang and said loudly.

The first team is 1,000 people. Lu Yang said: "The fighting videos and materials have been given to you. Eliminate the fire ant beasts outside and get their fire bags back."

"Yes." Shen Congfei and Tu Qianli led 3000 people to walk past Lu Yang. Every little guy looked at Landing Yang with tender eyes, full of admiration.

Lu Yang smiled and watched them leave. Not long after, Zhou Tianming personally led the second team. This is an old player team, only a few hundred people, there should have been a few hundred people, but those people are sister groups. , Dare not let them come.

"Bitter love has been leading people to the Shenhuo Mine, and I'm going to fight the ant beasts." Zhou Tianming knew that it was not time for Lu Yang to add chaos, and the whole team quickly took the people away.

Lu Yang felt a little relieved in his heart. It was not easy to train the sister group, and he didn't want to give up. Now let's see what these parents think.

He quit the game and sent a message to Xia Yuwei. Xia Yuwei, who was dealing with the dozen old women at the door, couldn't help but sighed and said to the dozen old women, "Let you quarrel, this time Well, the boss just ordered, Liu Juan and a dozen other girls, all of them were dismissed, and they were held accountable for the losses caused to the guild during their contract. You are here to wait, I will call Liu Juan to pack their luggage. Also, do n’t try to run, the police will come right away. "

"What? Dismissal? Still have to recover the loss?" Liu Juan's mother rushed to Xia Yuwei in one step, and said excitedly: "Why do you do this, what are your qualifications to do it, my daughter is your hero."

Xia Yuwei sneered and stared at Liu Juan's mother with cold eyes: "What do you count, what does your daughter count, what can stay in this game city, which is not a hero, your daughter is still in this guild, I see On their face, leave you three points thin noodles, and now they are fired, do you think you are qualified to speak to me Xia Yuwei? Don't look at your identity. "

"You ..." Liu Juan's mother and others were stunned in the same place. They never thought that Xia Yuwei, who looked to them and bullied with her before, looked so bully, so harsh in the next second.

"Black Knife, send someone to watch them. When the people from the Public Security Bureau come over, the boss will send a lawyer to inform them. Don't let them run away. Whatever happened to the Public Security Bureau." Xia Yuwei turned and left.

In less than 10 minutes, the police car arrived. The mother of Liu Juan and others got into the car in panic, and Liu Juan and they entered the police station half an hour later.

"What the **** is going on, my daughter, I will ask you for money, and why have you sent us to jail?" Liu Juan's mother cried.

Liu Juan said indifferently, "We are expelled and have to pay 300,000 guild upbringing fees. Hehe, all the money was taken away by you. Now I don't have a penny. I have to go to jail."

"What?" Liu Juan's mother was shocked and said, "You can't go to jail, you go to jail, what about your father, me, and your brother-in-law, and your nephew."

Liu Juan sneered again and said, "So you also know that I am important, but you also know that I raise five people by myself, so you still act like me."

"No, no, it must be all fake. You lied to me." Liu Juan's mother shook her head frantically.

The police at the police station patted the table and yelled: "What you shout, the court will start in the afternoon. You can't get the money. Wait for you to go to jail. When the contract was signed in black and white, your daughter earned 500,000 at a time. , I do n’t have any money yet, who do you blame? "

"What can I do ~!" Liu Juan's mother began to squander ~ ~ thinking that she could pass through, but this is at the police station.

The police and auxiliary police even roared with fright. Soon, Liu Juan ’s mother did not dare to play even the hanging scene. She could only shrink in horror and tremble in the corner.

Liu Juan's eyes looked at her mother's unbearable heart, but when they thought about leaving the boss before they left, they still held back. It was also a loss because their boss had this ability. If they were other people, who would solve this for them? If the problem cannot be solved once and for all, they will have to be dragged down by this family in the future.

It ’s not a matter of dragging, at least let them live a normal life, at least will not interfere with the safety of other brothers and sisters in the game city, Liu Juan they also love the game city, here is a pure land, so that they can forget The pure land of all troubles, they do not want to destroy, let alone to destroy the people here.

"At first, if I knew that my daughter who was going to be hurt by the **** would go to jail, I would never have agreed to his request and asked them about the situation of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood." Suddenly, Zhang Feng's mother in the distance twitched Howl, all the policemen's eyes were fixed on him.

"There are really spies." The director gritted his teeth.

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