Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1736: Sturdy line of defense

"Forget about it for the time being and order our Legion Mage Legion to release" Super Electromagnetic Storm "to this area. We can't release the skills, and don't want to release the skills." Sanyou Weimen said.

After the last failure of Olma, after all parties ’conclusions, everyone agreed that if Lu Yang did not own the" Super Electromagnetic Storm "legion, the Brotherhood of Blood would definitely not defeat Olma within a month. In fact, it takes at least two or three months to fight.

Therefore, not only Luyang has the Super Electromagnetic Storm Legion, but also the Sanyouwei men. The number is only two-thirds less than that of Luyang, but it is enough for local wars.

After all, they need to defend a smaller area, so after just a few seconds, the super-electromagnetic storm army of Japan that was let go later also released their skills. For a time, the frontal attack area of ​​the Iron-Blood Brotherhood, both sides Can't use skills.

But in this case, the Sanyou Weimen side also had the support of catapults, fortress cannons, and lightning towers, but the Iron-Blood Brothers side did not.

The elite players of the Brotherhood of Iron and Blood, facing this situation, a large number of players were killed or injured for a time.

Seeing this scene, the men of Sanyouweimen shouted and laughed loudly, and the Sanyouweimen were also full of relief. They said loudly: "I knew that the Iron-Blood Brotherhood could not win us at all, everyone continued to work hard, We block the attacks of the Brotherhood of Blood. "

In the live room.

Dubin and the anchors of all countries in the world have their eyes on the war in the Sanyouweimen area. Seeing the situation on the battlefield, even Du Yang, a **** fan of Luyang, has to say with exclamation: "The Japanese side The defensive strength is really sufficient, the Brotherhood of Iron-Blood meets the opponent this time. "

Hitomi said aside: "This time Japan's defense is really unique. For example, the first layer of tunnels, the normal first layer of tunnels should all be offensive players. They are the first position responsible for the output, but the Japanese side is the first. The players in the first floor of the tunnel are all anti-war and the treatment of the paladin. The tunnel they dug has an area to avoid magic skills. The paladin class hiding in the innermost area will still not be affected by the super electromagnetic storm. Fighting and adding blood. "

This is the most proud place of Sanyoumen. In each tunnel, there is a hole where players can rest. Paladin players hide in the hole, and then use a unique magic defense baffle to block the hole. Disturbed by a super electromagnetic storm.

Under such circumstances, before the Battle of Shield and the Iron-Blood Brotherhood, they gave the Shield Battle the Holy Light Beacon and the Blessing of Sacrifice. While adding blood to themselves, they could add blood to the target of the Beacon and also Being able to rely on the special effect of sacrificing blessings and taking 50% of the damage for the target not only reduces the damage suffered by the shield battle, but also improves the survival time of the shield battle.

Under such circumstances, the rear catapults and lightning towers and film shooters, they become the main force of the output, especially the shooters, no one thought that these shooters are specially made by Sanyoumen, he added these shooters The attributes are all punctures.

No crit, no damage, only piercing effect, so that the first-line shooters of these hundreds of thousands of people, each person's armor piercing effect is more than 50%, which is equal to ignoring the 50% armor effect.

In this way, the single output of the shooter may increase the puncture because of gems, enchants, antiques, etc. without increasing physical attacks, resulting in little damage, but when they ignore the armor, once the number is sufficient, they form a super strong Of the attack surface, for a time, a large number of melee occupations of the Brotherhood of Blood on the front line were shot and killed in large numbers.

Sanyou Weimen watched this scene more excitedly, screaming and clenching his fists, and his mustache was raised, and he said with a laugh: "Our tactics worked, and the Iron-Blood Brothers couldn't even break our first line of defense."

All Japanese players and affiliated guild players stood in the distance and cheered, while on the other side, the players of the Brotherhood of Blood were discouraged.

Standing on a high platform in the distance, Lu Yang looked at this scene with some exclamation and said: "Sanyou Weimen really is a powerful opponent. If we don't cut off the world and the next **** profession, we want to break his defense line, we must Pays a very heavy price. "

Jiang Ze and Tu Feng stood beside Lu Yang. Jiang Ze said: "After all, we are fighting a tough battle. Here is the three-month defense team carefully prepared the defense line for 6 months. If we break easily, then it must be inside. There is a conspiracy. "

Lu Yang smiled and said, "That's right."

As soon as the words fell, Tu Feng frowned and said: "Furukawa Taken led 2 million players to march quickly, and has now arrived at the Rainforest Fortress. The president of the affiliated guild there sent us a message for help."

Lu Yang said: "Let them get close to the defensive fortress, all affiliated guilds stop fighting inside, defeat this enemy, only 2 million people, they have 30 million people, even they can pile them up, I can't support them."

The battle has begun in full swing. Even if Lu Yang wants to go, he has no ability to go. He can only hope that the affiliated guilds will not fail so badly.

On the other side.

Under the rainforest fortress, Furukawa Takes the imitation of the daring wolf legion, using the ground dragon skills to build ten large slopes leading to the top of the city wall under the city, and 2 million people swarmed in.

After only half an hour's fight, the defense of the Rainforest Fortress was completely broken, and Furukawa took a call to Sanyou Weimen excitedly and said loudly: "Your Excellency, break the Rainforest Fortress, kill 1 million enemy players, and rob 200 Ten thousand more pieces. "

"Good job." Sanyou Weimen was excited for more than six months. He could finally vent all his dissatisfaction and held his fist. "Continue to attack, I want to see you break through the iron fortress, Hydra Fortress, Dead Sea Fortress, and all Luyang ’s fortresses affiliated with the Guild, robbed them of equipment, lowered their ranks, and attacked their morale. "

"Yes." Furukawa hung up the phone and continued to lead the attack.

On the other side.

Tu Feng said to Lu Yang: "The rainforest fortress is lost, what shall we do?"

Lu Yang said: "If we send 1 million people back, it will take time and effort to say that they will be wiped out by Furukawa Takeshi. If 2 million people are sent, Furukawa Take will hide and seek, and on the battlefield, because there are 2 million fewer people, There may be a defeat in the front, and I ca n’t send people to let them gather together. In the same words, 30 million people gathered together and spit in one person, drowning those 2 million people. ”

Tu Feng nodded and went back to the affiliated guild.

Lu Yang stood on the spot, he had a hunch that the fruit of victory in this battle was much larger than previously expected.

The blood brothers and Sanyou Weimen were excited here. Far away in the northern region, Liu Jie and Steiger finally reassured themselves. At the border, the two who had already been ready to go started a new round of fighting.

In the far west of the new continent, Radvedev received news of the battle between the Brotherhood of Blood and the Three Friends, and said with a sneer: "I finally have the opportunity to wipe out these small guilds in the west. All of them. "

These free guilds and neutral guilds haven't sold Ladvidev's face very much. Now, he can attack at will ~ ~ After knowing the news of Sanyouweimen, Roland called and asked: "I'm on the whole army, why don't I send a part of the Super Electromagnetic Storm Legion to you first, how about supporting you to fight Lu Yang?"

Sanyouweimen is on his head, he can hear Roland's intention to take advantage of the fisherman in one sentence, and said with a smile: "Okay, I need the Super Electromagnetic Storm Legion, you can help me, I'm very happy . "

His tactics can't be cracked in a short time by the Iron-Blood Brotherhood. On this side of the defense, the other side is attacking, and within ten days, not only will he not fail, but he will get more 170-level dark gold equipment to make the guild change. To be more powerful.

As for Tom who is most concerned about the Luyang War, he watched the Iron-Blood Brothers fight for a night without fighting, and said with a sigh: "It is still the method of the Sanyou Weimen. I also learn from him. In addition, 4 million people are sent back. Fire Dragon Fortress, Lu Yang does not need to defend here. "

In just one night, 30 affiliated guilds were breached, and the Jagged Brothers ’Alliance did not completely break the first line of defense. Tom had reason to believe that Lu Yang was already trapped in the quagmire set up by Sanyou Weimen. .

Inside the orange fortress.

Gertz was stunned to hear that Lu Yang did not agree to the Sanyou Weimen, but he saw the defense line set by the Sanyou Weimen and understood why Lu Yang had not fought.

"If it were me, I wouldn't be able to beat it." Gertz murmured.

Vice President Pongs said: "Your Excellency President, we have to find a way quickly, otherwise, we can only insist on two days. After two days, if we still cannot win, we must retreat."

Gertz looked at Tom's already loose line of defense and couldn't retreat at all. He gritted his teeth and said, "Try again, if you still can't win, then retreat."

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