Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1647: Luna Avatar

In order to do the task of inheriting the blood of Luna, first of all, we must help the avatar left by Luna in this world to clear the predicament.

Lu Yang with pride and arrogance they spent to run to the Luna Mountain immediately behind the fortress. As soon as they reached the middle of the mountain, they could feel the chaotic magic power and various suppressed enchantments.

In the broken ancient buildings, a large number of three wolves unconsciously bite the same or other visible creatures. Even the herbivorous demon creatures became extremely violent here, and they did not fall down to fight the three wolves. wind.

Moving on, I reached the top of the mountain. In front of a big crack, there was a row of run-down villages. In the village's first yard, a werewolf-shaped girl more than 2 meters tall was sitting opposite the middle-aged werewolf man who felled wood. Arguing.

"Wow, story mission." Said with pride.

Lu Luyang nodded and led them to the yard.

"Father, I said that, I must inherit the three wolves, we are the servants of the moon god, always will be." The girl said angrily.

The middle-aged werewolf called father sighed and continued to chop wood with an axe and said, "Child, you know, when you take over the inheritance of the moon god, you also need to carry the curse of the devil wolf family. Pain, I don't want you to take it. "

"I can't afford anything. My heart is already very painful. I want this power. I want to protect the person I want to protect." The girl said excitedly.

The middle-aged werewolf looked at the girl and said, "No, I won't make such a reckless decision."

The girl stepped forward and forced: "If you don't want to give it to me, don't blame me and my people for being rude. You know, the people now support me more."

The middle-aged werewolf was a little angry, but he tried to calm down and stared at the girl. "You know, this land is cursing us. I don't want to hurt you."

"No." The girl was even more excited, angrily: "You are not protecting me, you are harming the interests of the people, you cannot protect the people, then give it to me to protect, this is an ultimatum."

"Woohoo ~!"

The howling sounds rang around, and in the dark moonlight, countless pairs of red eyes appeared around the yard. When they entered, Lu Yang and others could see clearly that there were dozens of three devil wolves, each demon wolf Fangs were revealed.

The girl also turned into the form of a devil wolf, staring at his father in the distance, and the father also dropped the axe in his hand and turned into a larger three devil wolf, but the whole body was scarred. Already want to kill me, come on, I look forward to it. "

Now there are two options, one is to let the girl duel with his father, and the girl kills the father. The second option is to stop the duel. The reward given by the two is said to be the same. At that time, the European player chose to watch The girl killed his father.

Lu Yang couldn't do such a cruel thing, took the initiative to walk between the two, and said, "Not to this extent, why should you fight for your life?"

"Hoo ~!" The girl and her father turned three wolf heads and snarled at Lu Yang at the same time, and the girl said angrily, "Who are you? Dare to stop things in our clan."

Lu Luyang said, "Do you want to know about the moon god? Tell you, he still has a clone left in this world."

"What?" Both parents widened their eyes in surprise at the same time, and the surrounding devil wolves no longer approached, and turned to show excited eyes.

"You said that Luna still has a avatar in this world?" Wolf King's father asked excitedly.

当然 "Of course, and not far from you, I want to know if you would like to save him." Lu Yang asked.

当然 "Of course." The wolf king's father changed back to an upright figure and went to Lu Yang and said, "Hello warrior from humans, my name is Fendis, the patriarch of the three demon wolves."

"I'm Connery." The Wolf King's daughter also changed back to human form and came to Lu Yang and asked humbly, "Please tell me where our God's clone is."

Lu Luyang said, "Just in the center of the ruins of the Luna Palace, he was imprisoned by the priest of the Kensya tribe, the priest. With your strength, you can't beat him."

The Kensian tribe is the servant of the **** of the moon and shadow among the nine pillar gods of the New World. It was the **** of the shadow that defeated the moon god, and the Kensian tribe was responsible for defeating the three-wolf tribe and other worshippers of the moon god. race.

After the war, the God of Shadows won, and the Kensya tribe was greatly rewarded. One of them is that all races that believe in the moon **** in this area have become slaves of the Kensya tribe.

The patriarch of the Trikensian tribe was to be guarded in his race, so this area gave his beloved young son Martyr Priest.

Unfortunately, the priest was not a peaceful demonic tribe. After seeing the power of the deities, he wanted to obtain the same power as the deities. Therefore, when he occupied the ruins and rebuilt his castle, he Beneath the ruins, a lunatic avatar almost beaten by the shadow **** was found.

The martyr priest immediately chose to imprison Luna's avatar, and tortured Luna's avatar with torture, forcing him to say how to become a god.

Although the avatar of the Moon God is a avatar, it is also a god. With his pride as a god, he was insulted by the lower creatures, and naturally refused to submit.

Lu Yang told the story, and immediately the three-wolf clan became angry, and Fendith and Connery would immediately take the clan to attack the area of ​​martyr priests.

"Warrior, thank you for the news, for the moon god, we are willing to give our lives." Fendiz said excitedly.

"Yes, for the three wolves, for our gods, we have to fight a martyr anyway," Connally said.

Lu Luyang watched as the two were about to leave, and said, "Since you are going, it would be better to bring us, maybe to help you."

"That's great, if I can save our God, I will give you a satisfactory reward," Fendis said.

System prompt: You have accepted the mission to save Luna!

"Woohoo ~!" Fendis turned back into werewolf and said to the daughter in front of him: "No matter how you look at me, I hope you now obey my order and save our God together."

Connery stared at Fendis, confirming that the other party was serious, and turned into a wolf and followed him.

"Very good, my people, now follow me and save our God together!" Fendi shouted, rushing towards the area where the martyr priest was not far away.

Lu Yang looked back at the enthusiastic Wanrong and others, and said, "In a while, the Wolf King will take us into the copy, and everyone will help these three wolves kill the monsters. Do not let any one wolf die, especially Fendis And Connery, they're dead, and the only task is gone. "

Everyone nodded.

After Lu Yang took their respective mounts, they followed the trio of demon wolves all the way to the palace of the priest, and hundreds of three wolves fought with the soldiers of the priest. Taking this opportunity, Fendi took Kang Nari waited for 20 wolves to rush into a palace gate in front of him, and the gate had an enchantment.

Lu Luyang and others followed.

System Tip: You have found the palace of the Kensya Prince!

副本 This copy is the copy of the famous prince of the last life. From the time of entering the copy, it was full of fierce danger. The originally weak Fendi was just like Er Ha, and launched an aggressive charge on the enemy.

"Our god! Our god! I feel your scent! Marty priest, I killed you, my clan, follow me ~!" Fendith roared and took 20 wolves towards the opposite More than 50 elite Kensiya fighters rushed over.

Kensya Warrior (elite)

Level: 170

Qi and blood: 50000000/50000000

The health of Fendis and Connelly is 300 million, and the blood of the remaining three wolves is only 100 million. Although the health of the Kensiya fighters is not as good as them, they are crushed in number. Suddenly, Finn Diss was in a hard fight.

But the difference is that the 20 wolves brought by Fendi are organized and formed. They have defense, healing, melee and long-range output.

The reason why Lu Yang came in without treatment and anti-war is because they have already taken all of Fendis. As long as the output is enough, this copy can be passed, and even if they are given to Fendis, each of them will eat a heaven. For Pharmacy No. 7, these people do not need Lu Yang to participate in the battle. They only need to watch a play. Only when some three demon wolves have mistakes and are besieged, they can help to clear the siege.

"Eat them for the devil wolves." Lu Yang took out 20 bottles of the Celestial Elixir No. 7 from his backpack and handed them to each of them. He rushed to the melee Fendi with a bottle and gave him food Go in.

She is in charge of Connelly. At this time, Connelly is not only a defensive battle, but also a melee output. The hatred is stable, the defense is high, and the damage is high.

The role of Celestial Elixir 7 is to reduce the damage to the players by 20% and increase the damage by 20% in the blood copy, which will feed the 20 demon wolves of Fendis and Connery. Connery really did. Just like Erha, the output is crazy.

The kenkensian warrior looked like a gray-blue octopus, and was quickly killed clean.

"Continue to charge, for Luna, ooh ~!" Fendi continued to lead the team forward.

With all the pride, Lu Yang followed them from the entrance to the front of the martyr ~ ~ The devil wolves were organized, and none of them died. At this time, all of them were full of blood, making Lu Yang Bai worry field.

I walked under the throne of the martyr priest, and from here we can see the position of the moon god's avatar. Just behind the martyr priest, in a huge black prison cage, the weak moon miracle lay on the ground without any trace of strength.

The martyr priest, holding a black leather whip, watched Connally rushing 10 meters in front of him and sneered: "I know that your foul beasts will not give up, but you think you can beat me if you rush here "Taste the gift I prepared for you, come out, my soldiers."

"Hello ~!"

A roar rang out, and suddenly more than 50 Kensyas leaped out of the shadows, rushing towards Fendis.

"Second Injunction-Meteor Fall"

The spell in Luyang's mouth suddenly read, a huge flame meteorite fell into the ground of Kensiya, who had just landed.


A blaze of fire lit up, and more than 50 Kensiya elites were all stunned in place.

"Hurry, pull hatred, kill them." Fendith growled, as if he were a player.

Pride and enthusiasm and others quickly joined the battle group, each took out the magic scroll in his hand, and bombarded the elite frenzy. Within 2 minutes, more than 50 Kensiya elites were killed in battle, leaving only a priest alone. .

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