Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1573: Distance meter

Latest website: Liu Jie and Gailgar and others are also watching, but they look at it from different angles.

"Who can tell me how Zhou Tianming managed to clear out more than 700 people and knew their exact betrayal goal." Stephen frowned.

Tom shrugged and said, "I'm also curious about this."

Sanyou Weimen said affirmatively: "There must be a spy reporter who specializes in investigating internal loyalty beside Lu Yang. Any action of the elite players of the Jagged Brothers Alliance cannot be separated from their sight."

"If that's the case, it would be terrifying." Alice said coldly, if there was such an organization, Alice would not have any more results in the Jagged Brotherhood in the future, even if she did, she couldn't believe it.

Radvidev said: "I'm afraid it's not only the interior, but also the entire China region. Lu Yang walked in front of us. His intelligence system is so perfect that we have been led by his nose in this battle."

"It is necessary to dig out their spy reporters, and it will not be easy to fight afterwards. If you have no covert spies, you will use them now." Sanyou Weimen said.

Radvedev and Olma looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Don't be reluctant, you must enable it now." Sanyouweimen said excitedly.

Tom sighed and said, "Where are there any spies? This battle was used. Not only Zhou Tianming was cleared here, but also the spies I arranged under the vice presidents of Lu Yang were also cleared. I Nothing is known about the Jagged Brotherhood. "

Radvedev said, "So am I."

Olma said, "Me too."

Jerz said: "I didn't expect you to be cleaned up like me."


The nine spies were all cleared up in this war. At first they were a little embarrassed to say it. I did not expect that it was not just one of them, but the nine spies were all dealt with by Lu Yang.

"It's too scary. Lu Yang's spy organization is too scary." Sanyou Weimen said helplessly.

Tom and others were silent.

Where do they know, this time it was Tian Feng who bet on what he learned in his life and worked hard in front of Lu Yang to make sure that Lu Yang knows how useful this spy organization is.

Lu Yang did not expect that Tian Feng could be so powerful. Tian Feng was arrested by nearly 100 hostile guild spy leaders and thousands of guild espionage members in the entire Iron Brotherhood.

This is not like the real world, but can also use torture to torture the rest of their members. It was entirely Tian Feng and Qing Qian Zimeng who cooperated to fish these people out, struggling Tian Feng's full strength.

However, it seems that the effect is very good. Lu Yang was just like a fat man full of moisture. Now he has removed all the moisture, and the body can't speak easily. Anyone around him is his own feeling. , Not generally wonderful.

"Are you free? Would you like to come out and chat?" Lu Yang sat leisurely in the gate of the tiger mouth fortress and sent a message to His Excellency Jerz, the president of the Free Army of the Polish Five-member Federation.

Jerz and Sanyouweimen are thinking hard about the countermeasures. Seeing the little sent by Lu Yang, Jerz has no changes on the surface, but his heart is shocked.

He guessed: What do you mean, showing off to yourself? Impossible, Lu Yang is not that kind of person. Is it divorce? Very likely.

Jerz ignored Lu Yang a little, but in the end, he still couldn't hold back his curiosity and said, "Where to talk?"

System prompt: Lu Yang sends you a special space invitation!

Jerz clicked to agree, a flash of light flashed, Jerz appeared in an office, and Lu Yang was sitting opposite the office round table.

"Sit down." Lu Yang said with a smile on Jerez.

Jerz frowned and sat across from Lu Yang, asked Erlang with his legs raised, "What do you mean?"

Lu Yang laughed and said, "Gossiping, how are you? It's okay these two days."

Jerz shrugged his shoulders and said, "You asked it knowingly, and have to admit that your two tricks are beautiful, once solving the internal problems that Alice created for you, and again and again the problems that Alice made for you. foreign aggression."

Lu Yang said, "Thanks a lot for the praise."

Jerz smiled and said, "Don't forget, our trebuchet parts are on the way. It will be difficult for your tiger to block us when the materials arrive."

Lu Yang also laughed and said, "I'm afraid you will be swallowed by other guilds before you enter the tiger's mouth."

Jerz sneered and said, "Who has that ability can swallow our nine strongest guilds."

Lu Yang leaned forward and said to Jerz across the table: "What if I tell you that it is Claudio, the president of the Sun King Guild in the southeast, and Harriek in the southwest?"

Jerz Haha smiled and said, "Why did they swallow us up? I'm afraid they will be killed when we come out."

"It's normal, but Jerz, let me ask you a word." Lu Yang's expression suddenly became stubborn, sneer and said to Jerz: "If I send 2 million players, start from Blue Island, on the coast The region is at war with you. I will leave the others alone. I will only attack when you and the guild are online. The main target is to fight against the five Polish nations for three weeks. What do you think? "

"You!" Jerz's eyes widened in shock, and he stood up, pointed at Landing Yang and said, "You want to hurt me."

Lu Yang smiled and spread his hand. "This negotiation is just a bit interesting now. Sit down and talk. Don't be so excited. No one wants to hurt you."

Jerz sat back in his chair and frowned.

Lu Yang is not in a hurry, just wait for him. This strategy was designed by Lu Yang long ago. Even if Claudio did not send someone to come to him, Lu Yang would go to Claudio on his own initiative.

The original purpose was for Claudio to kill Gelga. The Sun Kings Association controlled the area where Gelga was located. Many of the Group of Eight are players from the six Argentine countries. The two sides have a high degree of overlap, and Claudio can go there. Takeover smoothly.

According to Lu Yang's idea, Lu Yang nominally allied with Claudio, and actually put Claudio in front of himself, welcoming the attacks of the remaining eight strongest guilds.

Claudio, even if he knew it was a pit, he had to jump in, because Lu Yang had already been exhausted with both sides of the nine strongest guilds before.

Jerz thought about it for a long time and thought of countless options, but he found that Lu Yang's move was a dazzling impunity. No matter what you do, as long as the beginning of this matter goes in the direction of Lu Yang, what will happen next? Using conspiracies and tricks, the results are the same, and Jerz can't crack this trick at all.

Even if Jerz now tells Sanyouweimen and Olma these words that Lu Yang said, they will not give up attacking the tiger mouth fortress, the arrow will have to be sent on the string, they organized for three months, the purpose is to fight This battle today.

At most, they would agree to Jerz, and do his best to help him share Lu Yang's attack, but Lu Yang wanted to fight them, no matter how Jerz hid, he couldn't escape Lu Yang's attack, because Lu Yang planted beside them They couldn't find the secret agents, and the high-level agents they placed next to Lu Yang were all exposed.

"Damn." Jerz slammed the table hard, screaming at Landing Yang. "What do you want?"

Lu Yang smiled and said: "Simple, two requirements, the first one, the team I sent out has a total of 2 million people, of which 1 million will fight with you, and another 1 million will fight with Galga, with you It was a fake, a real fight with Galga.

The second requirement is that today you owe me a favor, and you will return it to me in the future. "

"It's that simple?" Gertz asked.

"It's that simple." Lu Yang signaled that he could leave, and said, "Yes, don't tell other people about this, especially Harricken. I still want to sell mercy, who do you guess?"

"I don't care who he is. It doesn't matter to me. I don't bother to think about it." Jerz said indignantly, turning and exiting the special space.

Lu Yang smiled and poured himself a cup of tea, drank it, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Nice, good taste."

He sent a message to Radvidev and said, "Sir, are you interested in chatting?"

"What do you want me to do?" Radevjev asked vigilantly. If it had been before, he would have refused, but what happened in the past two days made him admire Lu anode. He also wanted to see Lu Yang himself. People, where is the charm, let people like Zhou Tianming willing to die for him.

Lu Yang sent an invitation to Radvidev and said, "Come in a special space, let's talk a few words."

"Okay." Radevjeev agreed, his eyes flashed, and he appeared in Lu Yang's office. He saw Lu Yang sitting across the conference table, sat down with a smile, and asked, "Jiu Yang President Lu Yang, today I finally sat down peacefully and talked to you ~ ~ Lu Yang smiled and said, "President Radvedev, I have long admired you, too. The distance between us should not be an enemy. "

Radevjeev stared at Landing Yang, sneered, and said, "You don't need to say that, you have become an enemy."

Obviously, Radvedev did not show weakness, nor would he bow his head, absolutely not giving Lu Yang any chance to find loopholes.

But Lu Yang didn't care about Radeviev's words, and said with a smile: "It's not necessarily the enemy. For example, now I bring a kind reminder."

"What do you mean? Can you remind me? Harriek?" Radvedev sneered.

Lu Yang Yile said, "It looks like you've been prepared."

Radvidev stood up and said, "If it's just this matter, we don't need to talk about it, I'm leaving."

Lu Yang said with a smile: "If you leave, I promise you will regret it."

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