Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1568: Rescue operation

Latest website: Zhou Tianming gave Dark Chess a look and signaled that the next step was ready. Dark Chess immediately sent a message to Lu Yang, saying: "The task has been scheduled and you can start at any time."

Lu Yangmeng's eyes widened. He knew that Zhou Tianming's life and death were in front of him. With a little carelessness, Zhou Tianming died in Mexico. He must be rescued before Zhou Tianming announced his attack.

"Master, look at you, and act now." Lu Yang called Han Zhong and said, as if exhausting all his strength.

At this moment, Lu Yang has put all his plans into action in the past two months. The person who can act is not him. Whether he can succeed or not depends on Han Zhong and Hei Bai's usual training of mercenaries such as the Black Sword.

It ’s done, everyone is happy, and failed, Lu Yang regrets today ’s decision forever!

Han Zhong heard the tension in Lu Yang's voice and said, "Keep your heart in your stomach, Zhou Tianming must be fine."

Han Zhong hung up the phone, picked up his cell phone, and sent a message to those who were lurking around, saying, "No. 1, act."

The two mercenaries lurking in the room diagonally opposite the sniper, after receiving the news, put down their mobile phones, and through the tight curtains, they carefully observed the situation in the sniper's room with a telescope.

"Finally, one killer was holding a sniper rifle and aimed at Zhou Tianming's head, and the other was standing by the window to investigate the surroundings."

"I'm here to stun a sniper. You're in charge of the person next to him."

"Okay, count down 5 seconds, and act together."






The blowpipes in both populations blow powerful poisonous needles at the same time.



The sound of two very small steel needles penetrating the glass sounded. Then, the sniper and the person watching the side covered his neck with his hands at the same time. The two pulled out hard, just saw a steel needle, and did not wait for the two to see what was happening. In the next second, the two fainted on the ground at the same time, and they couldn't even speak a word on the telephone.

"Success, the sniper has fallen."

After hearing the report, Han Zhong sent a message to No. 2 and said, "Black sword, look at you. No. 1 has completed its task."

The black knife hid inside the secret passage, looking at the text message with a smile, he looked sorely at a dozen people behind him and said, "Put on your mask and act now."

More than a dozen people wore gas masks, and black knives also wore gas masks. They took out a strange square item from their backpacks and ignited a corner, and then quickly burned, but there was no smoke during the burning.

This item was developed by a high-tech company invested by Qi Yun. As long as one gram, it can bring down a person in a room.

The black knife gently pushed open the authentic door, and jumped out. This is the kitchen on the first floor of the villa. They have already determined the position of the enemy in the room. There are six people guarding the door and six people guarding the second floor.

Among them, the six people at the door were sitting on the sofa, watching TV, drinking beer and playing cards. After seeing the black knife with the electronic corner observation mirror, they pointed at the hall strongly. Within 1 minute, the six people were groggy.

With a wave of the black knife, more than a dozen people rushed up at the same time, took out a white cloth with a stronger stain to completely stun them, and gently placed them on the sofa without any extra noise.

Then, the black knife went to the door of the staircase. The mahogany stairs were not very wide, only over one meter. The black knife looked up through the corner, but only heard the sound above, and he walked up the stairs slowly. The location of the stairs on the second floor.

Six people were on the second floor in the tea room outside Zhou Tianming's room. Zhou Tianming's room was also open. When gradually entering the room, the six people gradually became sleepy.

The black knife saw the first person falling asleep, his eyes brightened, and he waved his head back. More than ten people rushed up to the second floor and fainted the six people with a strong towel.

"Not good, Zhou Tianming is dizzy." A mercenary ran to Zhou Tianming, said with a dumbfounding.

"Get out of here, I have an antidote." The black sword ran to Zhou Tianming. At this time, although Zhou Tianming was wearing a helmet, he had no awareness and the connection in the game was broken.

He knew that such a thing could not be allowed to last for too long. If it lasted for a long time, an accident would happen. He quickly put the antidote on Zhou Tianming's nose to wake him up.

"Where am I?" Zhou Tianming opened his eyes in confusion, looking at the black knife and asked.

Blackknife said: "It's still in your villa, and just fainted you."

Zhou Tianming suddenly widened his eyes and forcibly lifted up his spirit and said, "Give me my helmet, the mission is the last step, and it must be completed."

"We should go." Black Knife said anxiously.

"My mission is not over yet, and you can't leave. Wait for me." Zhou Tianming waited for the black sword to speak, quickly put on his helmet, and reconnected to the game.

Inside the game.

Pang Fei, Li Ze, and others were following Zhou Tianming, and suddenly saw Zhou Tianming stopped in place, several traitors frowned.

"Boss, why don't you move."

"Going to the toilet?"

"No, he will tell us when he leaves."

"Is something wrong with Mexico?"


When a few of them felt confused, on the other side, those legionnaires who were ready to go were even more anxious. They had already walked to the catapult, and passed by without further action.

Dark chess is also covered. When thinking about what to do, Zhou Tianming suddenly moved, looking back to the left and right, and found that under the circumstances of inertia just now, he continued to move forward a certain distance.

Pang Fei asked alertly, "Boss, what happened to you just now?"

Zhou Tianming stared at Pang Fei and looked at the other five traitors. Suddenly, he exclaimed, "Now I announce the dismissal of Pang Fei, Li Ze, Zhang Yu, Qin Fei, Huang Qiang, and Sun He. The deputy commander took over. "

Pang Fei and Li Ze were dumbfounded at the same time.

"Boss, what do you mean by that?" Pang Fei asked anxiously.

Zhou Tianming sneered, tearing a magic scroll, a round stone pillar rose instantly under his feet, pushing him to a height of 30 meters.

"My brothers, Zhou Tianming." Zhou Tianming suddenly tore the big trumpet scroll and roared loudly, "I know that you followed me to renounce the Brotherhood of Jagged Brothers, because you identified me as a person named Zhou Tianming, not that you do n’t recognize Judge. Brothers League, I thank you for your support. "

300,000 people walked down in dismay, seeing Zhou Tianming rise, and hearing what he said, 300,000 people were a little surprised and even puzzled.

Zhou Tianming went on to say aloud: "Now, what I want to tell you is that I did not betray the Brotherhood of Iron Blood. The previous betrayal was just a discussion between President Lu Yang and me. The purpose is to lead all the traitors and let them in advance. The nine strongest guilds wage war without preparation. "

300,000 people are stupid, and their eye circles have turned red. When Zhou Tianming was finishing the team, they took advantage of their free time to open the videos and watch the internal and external wars of the Jagged Brotherhood. When Lu Yang and White Lion and others The players with the Jagged Brothers League shouted the Jade Brothers that they are familiar with, kill them ~! When the slogan of slogan, they can still feel the blood flowing in the body.

Many people, many times, stood up unconsciously when they heard this voice, or clenched the weapon in their hands, four years, four years. This slogan accompanied them for four years, and the slogan sounded. Going forward, attacking bravely, any enemy that stands in front of them will be defeated by their crazy attack.

They like this slogan, nostalgia for life in the Brotherhood of Iron Blood, and they yearn for the living environment of War Studio and Game City. If there is a sacred place in the game, it is the Games City of Iron Brotherhood and the War Studio building.

But Zhou Tianming wants to withdraw from the Jagged Brotherhood. For four years, Zhou Tianming treated them like his brothers, and accompanied them every day. Even Zhou Tianming went to ordinary players, helped them to make copies, and accompanied them to do tasks. When it comes to the next brother, Zhou Tianming always appears first.

For those who are short of money, even if Zhou Tianming has no money, he has to help his brothers to solve the problem. If he lacks equipment, Zhou Tianming went to Tu Feng to ask for it, and even went to help fight it himself.

If he encounters the online but not online, Zhou Tianming can call the player's mobile phone and yell at him, asking him to be online. How many people have been scolded by him, but who hates him among the 300,000 people?


Why do these 300,000 people say that mutiny is mutiny? It is because Zhou Tianming cares about them meticulously ~ ~ From the sea war of the old continent to the new continent, Lu Yang takes full control, but what Zhou Tianming does is Serve your brothers with meticulous attention.

Which of these 300,000 people did not make money in the national war, the least also earned 100,000 yuan in the year of the national war, and earned hundreds of thousands more. What is the reason? Keep pressing, forcing them to go forward.

Foreigners can use this game as a game. Can ordinary Chinese players? For many Chinese gamers, this is not only a game, but also a bread and butter job. Without Zhou Tianming, these 300,000 people will not be as good as they are now. In one year, everyone has made a lot of money and can give their families. They can show off to their friends, and even more excited, they are proud to say that they are Zhou Tianming's subordinates.

"Our boss is Niubi." This is the most common words of 300,000 players under Zhou Tianming.

Therefore, when Zhou Tianming announced the rebellion, the 300,000 tigers, and the other 300,000 inside, at the same time, did not hesitate to follow the rebellion.

But even so, they are still attached to the Brotherhood of Iron Blood, and still agree with Lu Yang's management of Brotherhood of Iron Blood. Everyone knows that Lu Yang is the bone of the Brotherhood of Iron Blood. Zhou Tianming, they are only flesh and blood, no bones.

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