Rebirth of Wild Fire

: 1561 Lu Yang wins 4th championship

Lu Yang looked at the excitement in Heisha ’s eyes and knew what she was thinking, but he could n’t move around. Heiye was indeed a master. Whoever revealed a flaw in the two would definitely lose.

He thought about it, and felt that he should still pretend to be the best, but not the least. The best way is to sweat. The more sweating, the more anxious.

Lu Yang opened the control system while the black yarn was not moving. There was a big expression on it, one of which was sweating, which simulated the sweat of a player, and dense sweat beads would gradually appear on his forehead.

He ticked the option and clicked release.

Tiger mouth fortress.

Alice, Gelga, and Olma are watching the game while watching the Tiger Mouth Fortress. Radvijeff, who is at the top of the command, has led people to break through the 4 walls. With this posture, they can break all the walls today.

The trebuchet legion all reached the entrance of the tiger's mouth. Over 100,000 trebuchets were congested there. As long as the trebuchet was broken in front, someone immediately pushed the trebuchet to the battle.

Zhou Tianming is also conducting at the front line. He has gathered more and more players, all gathered around the slinger and logistics.

Because of factions, no one left the equipment for Zhou Tianming, all of them held their own, so that these men under Zhou Tianming wore 150 dark gold and 160 small amount of gold. Became the worst of all the main groups.

Zhou Tianming made a few times, but Olma and others ignored it. Finally, he gave Zhou Tianming a job and gathered his men to wait for the battle. However, their sequence was the last one. At least they wanted to fight until the day after tomorrow.

"Boss, have we betrayed the Brotherhood of Jagged Brothers like this?" An army chief asked unwillingly.

"Why, do you still want to go back? Still want to be angry?" Another long betrayal questioned.

"Less telling me these things are useless. I respect the boss. He can do whatever he says."

"Then mention the Brotherhood of Iron and Blood," the betrayed legion chief angered.


Noisy on both sides.

Zhou Tianming watched indifferently, and he found that the chiefs of the army were divided into three batches. One batch was regretful. There were about 10 people. One batch was resolutely betrayed. Five people and 15 were firmly support him.

According to the news from Lu Yang, three of these fifteen supporters were bought by Alice, who had been disguising himself in his team to see if Zhou Tianming really rebelled.

Zhou Tianming and someone are now next to the trebuchet. As long as he orders, these 100,000 treblers will be destroyed, but he is afraid to say now that he can't run, only the rescuer will come. He can move, so now he is very anxious inside, but can't reveal any flaws on his face.

"Don't quarrel, you are all my brothers. Follow me in the future, I won't treat you badly." Zhou Tianming said.

The crowd was at peace, and the three mutineers carefully looked at Zhou Tianming's expression, and confirmed that there was no problem, and sent messages to Alice to report.

Alice and others are watching the match between Lu Yang and Heisha. The two are still standing still in the field. Olma said: "It's boring, why don't the two play yet."

Tom said: "Both of them are top-level players. I have test data over there. Their reaction speeds differ by less than 0.02 seconds.

"It's boring, you have to watch them stand still," Stephen said.

"Hahahaha!" Alice burst into a joyous laugh.

Tom tilted his head to look at Alice, and asked with an elegant and charming face: "Beautiful lady, what are you laughing at?"

Alice looked at the crowd and said, "Zhou Tianming's fool even told his men that they will make them better in the future. It's a real nightmare. I can't think of such a powerful person on the battlefield. It's so stupid . "

Tom shrugged his shoulders and said, "Hate makes people lose their mind. Zhou Tianming is a good example. He should not betray Lu Yang."

Stephen sneered and said, "Unfortunately, he has no way back."

Jerz said: "There is no way forward. We broke into the tiger's mouth. The first was to destroy Lu Yang. The second was to kill him. The previous promises were all overturned."

Sanyou Weimen and others glanced at each other, showing inexplicable smiles, and Alice, who wanted to receive Zhou Tianming, also showed a different smile.

"Well," Orma suddenly pointed at Lu Yang on the court and said, "Look, look, Lu Yang seems to be unable to hold on, he is sweating."

Alice and others looked at Lu Yang with curiosity, and she really saw the dense sweat beads on Lu Yang's head.

"It's such a big fire, so I'm in a hurry." Orma said with a laugh.

"It's estimated that Lu Yang's heart was anxious and didn't know what to do. He wanted to win the game, and wanted to hurry to Hukou to direct the battle. Unfortunately, the black yarn would not give him this opportunity.

Sanyou Weimen did not immediately laugh at Lu Yang, but frowned and asked, "Is there an active sweating emoji in the game? Is this Lu Yang's plan?"

The laughter of Alice and others came to an abrupt end, and they all showed an incredible look, staring at the battle in front of them.

In the arena.

Heisa also noticed Lu Yang's sweat, and she felt more and more that the scale of victory was approaching him, and she was about to make a shot.



Sweat flowed from Lu Yang's forehead across his cheek, and finally fell to the ground. Suddenly, a drop of sweat flowed from his forehead and fell on Lu Yang's eyelids. Lu Yang could not help but reach out to wipe his sweat.

Heiyan suddenly opened her eyes, her body turned into a black shadow and disappeared in the same place, and appeared next to Lu Yang's body next second.

"Angry Skills-Shadow Binding"

Five shadows are tangled at the five bodies of the landing sun at the same time. This is one of the strongest killing tricks of the black yarn. Once the target is controlled, it will cause the current physical attack and spell attack damage for 5 seconds. Almost half the blood of a player.

The black veil seemed to have seen Lu Yang being beaten into blood by her, but at the same time she launched her skills, a voice came from Lu Yang's body.

"You are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Lu Yang fiercely turned back, with a flare in his left hand, and punched Heisha's right face with a punch.

"The Sun Fist"

The body of the black yarn was hit uncontrollably and hit the body of the water body, and was stunned for 1 second.


How dare he let Lu Yang control her for 1 second. The reaction speed of both of them was more than 0.2 seconds, which is equal to giving the opponent 5 chances to attack, but at this time, she had no chance.

"Yan Yang Suo"

With one finger on Lu Yang's left hand, the three chains controlled the black yarn that had just been removed from control.


The black yarn disappeared in place for 5 seconds.

Lu Yang controlled the five bodies back by a distance of 1 meter, waiting for 5 seconds, when the black yarn appeared for a split second.

"Shadow Flash"

Chaos and Shadow Flash can be used at the same time, this is the best escape combination, but unfortunately the first game of the black yarn used Shadow Flash, and then used Chaos Shadow, was hit by Lu Yang.

Heisha thought she could escape this time, but just when she appeared 60 meters away, Lu Yang followed.

"Rage Skills-Hot Fist"

Lu Yang grabbed the neck of Black Gauze and ran forward all the way, violently hitting the wall of the arena with a phantom.

In the last game, Lu Yang did not use the anger skill to kill the black yarn. He angered three angers. He just used one and can use it twice, but this is no longer needed.

"Earth to Earth"


Still the same as before, Lu Yang's basic combo, the black yarn that flew in the sky for nearly 10 seconds, when the black yarn landed.

System prompt: Lu Yang won the second game!

Congratulations to Lu Yang for winning the 4th Individual Competition Championship!

Fireworks and flowers bloomed in the venue, and countless colored ribbons flew up from behind Lu Yang. The players in the venue cheered loudly.

Lu Yang breathed a sigh of relief and finally won. He waved to the audience, and when he returned to the front of the black yarn, he was staring at him with jealous eyes.

"Tell me how you did it, did you have any conspiracy?" Heins said enviously.

Lu Yang gave a scornful glance at Heisha and said, "Your failure is not because your strength is worse than mine, but because your mind is not correct, Heisha, your heart is crooked, and it will not be a great thing in this life.

Heisha was stunned in place, and then furious, pointing at Yangyang and cursing: "How can I teach you how to do things? Don't change the subject and tell me what conspiracy you have, otherwise you can't be so calm?"

Lu Yang laughed ~ ~ and said, "You will know soon."

He exited the game and came to the middle of the field, waving his arms around him, exactly. Dubin ran over with a microphone.

Lu Yang took the microphone and said, "Sorry everyone at the scene, I can't talk more with you. You know, the war is going on, I must go back to the war, and the Brotherhood needs me."

After speaking, Lu Yang turned and ran to the backcourt. He went to the parking lot through the back door, got into the car, and landed in black and white. He returned to the war studio. On the road, Lu Yang put on a helmet and entered the game.

He called Li Wenxing and said, "Let the people next to the sentry tower go away, I'm going to you."

"Okay." Li Wenxing was busy sweating, and the entire Korean area was lost. There was only one such fortress, and he was attacked by both sides. He really didn't know what to do.

If this fortress is also lost, he will not be eligible to continue to earn Lu Yang's million-year salary. Now Lu Yang said he would come over. Li Wenxing was so nervous that he was afraid that Lu Yang would withdraw him on the spot. The people next to the sentry tower cleared.

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