Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1557: Alice's calculations

Among the Fire Mage Legion of the Forbidden Mage Regiment, there are 10,000 Fire Array Masters. They have set up the Fire Array on the second wall. Ultra-long-range fire support can continue to be guaranteed. After being thrown out, the Flame Array Master and Water Spirit Master will become harvesters on the battlefield.

Lu Yang looked into the distance and asked, "When will the enemy arrive?"

White Lion said: "The fastest is an hour later, when you play."

Lu Yang nodded secretly. If he played in his own game, then Zhou Tianming must have declared a rebellion at that time.

"Everyone pushes out, White Lion, you take the team and the other side to fight a decisive battle outside the city." Lu Yang said.

"Fight outside the city?" White Lion was surprised, saying, "the number of enemies is several times ours, and we have no chance to fight outside the city."

Lu Luyang said, "Follow my command line."

"Okay, okay." The White Lion was a little stunned.

Lu Yang did not explain, because only by playing outside the city can he let Zhou Tianming play his biggest role, destroying the enemy's logistical supplies and slinger army in World War I.

"I'll get ready now." White Lion issued an order, among the more than 5 million people who have been inside the fortress, 900,000 main forces and 1 million affiliated players slowly walked out of the fortress.

I was spying on the nine strongest guild detectives outside the fortress. After seeing this scene, the news was sent back to Alice and Sanyouweimen.

Outside the Tongtian Fortress, the nine strongest guilds are marching towards the Tiger Mouth Fortress, with tens of millions of people.

玩家 All players in front of the TV and in the game were originally attracted to the global competition, but at this time they turned their attention to this war.

Numerous media reporters interviewed this army of tens of millions of people in the game, from the presidents such as Sanyouweimen to ordinary players.

Alice and Sanyou Weimen and others just finished their visits and are gathered together to move forward. At about the same time, nine of them received reports from their men.

"It's great." Alice said excitedly, "I can't think of Lu Yang so stupid, dare to fight with us outside."

He Sanyouweimen frowned and said, "Unreasonable, how do they line up?"

His subordinates reported: "Hiding under the fortress seems to want to rely on the fortress gun to fight us."

"Would you like to delay time and consume our curse?"

"Ha." Orma laughed and said, "It must be when Lu Yang was worried that he was playing. We happened to hit his fortress. He used this delay, but he didn't know that our real killer was playing in him. The Zhou Tianming rebellion before. "

Wu Sanyouweimen frowned and asked, "How many of the people out of the city are Zhou Tianming?"

His subordinates reported, saying: "There are about 300,000 Zhou Tianming's main forces, but the 160-level dark gold sleeves have been removed and they are only wearing 150-level dark gold equipment."

Alice said: "Zhou Tianming's team was split into six parts by Lu Yang, with six vice-chairmen in charge. Each vice-chairman controls 100,000 people. Tiger has three vice-chairmen. Here are 300,000 people are not unusual. "

Min Sanyouweimen thought about it and suddenly said, "Do you say there is such a possibility, Zhou Tianming surrendered to us, and while we weren't paying attention, ordered these 300,000 people to attack our trebuchet legion?"

Alice, Radvedev, Olma and others were all stunned.

"It's impossible." Gelgar thought for a while and said, "Zhou Tianming is under my tight control. He does this, doesn't want to live?"

"Are you sure you can be sure?" Sanyou Weimen asked.

当然 "Of course." Gelgar said excitedly, "I have 12 killers beside him, and a sniper outside the window, I can burst his head at any time."

Alice said, "I testify, I do."

He Sanyou Weimen said: "That's what I worry about. Zhou Tianming cannot sacrifice his life to complete a person who is not related to him."

Both Radevdev and Tom were relieved. Radevdev said, "Dude, you are really scared to me."

Tom said, "Just to make sure that Zhou Tianming is okay. He is our arm support. Although there is 300,000 missing in the fortress, the other 300,000 plus Alice's recruits are enough for Lu Yang's first job. "

Alice said proudly: "Of course. I found 10 very guilds this time. The strength is not weaker than the elite corps of the Iron Brotherhood. There are also 12 subsidiary associations of the Iron Brotherhood. "

"Let them act now." Sanyou Weimen said.

Alice shook her head and said, "No, the first game of black gauze and Lu Yang played against. Zhou Tianming's rebellion could disrupt Lu Yang's mind, but the second round did not. I want to rebel them in the second round. Lu Yang's mind was disturbed. "

"It's okay," Santoemon said.

"Hey." Tom sneered and said, "Now Lu Yang is surrounded by enemies, like a big ship about to sink, let us give him a final blow."

"The whole army is accelerating." Sanyouweimen looked at the tiger mouth fortress that can be seen in the distance, crushing the acceleration scroll in his hand.

Alice also crushed the acceleration scroll. She sent a message to Han Sha: "Before the start of the second game, you collectively betrayed and attacked the fortresses of the Iron Brotherhood that had been agreed in advance."

Han Sha and Han Yu are waiting for Alice's order ~ ~ Seeing the news, Han Sha smiled at Han Yu and others around him and said, "What are you guys all about? Message. "

Each of the nine nine said that they all had the same order, apparently sent by Alice. Han Sha said, "This stupid woman, let me report to my brother."

Alice's previous order to Hansha was to attack the Dingzhou fortress, but everyone's order was different. Almost every 3 small guilds cooperated to attack a fortress, mainly to cause trouble for Lu Yang.

In fact, this is also a place where Alice is clever. She did not gather all the guilds together like last time. When the final crash occurred, she collapsed all at once. Instead, the guilds were all dispersed. The way of troops attacked and disturbed Lu Hua in various places in the Huaxia area.

If it is said that Lu Yang did not get the detailed information of these guilds in advance from Tu Feng, it is really a troublesome thing.

After listening to Han Sha ’s report, Lu Yang said, “Ten of you immediately took someone to the Freedom City, and arrived an hour later, and saw twelve such as Xuanshui Pavilion, Tianxiaye, Wang Jue, and Chaotian Yijian. All the guilds are killed. "

The twelve guilds are affiliated guilds of the Brotherhood of the Iron Blood, and the absolute main force of this betrayal. Lu Yang went on to say: "Alice issued orders that were all secret orders. They absolutely did not know the reason for your coming. hit."

"Brother, rest assured, leave it to us." Han Sha said.

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