Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1544: Jesse

The woman was a little surprised. Even if she did n’t play the game, she had heard Lu Yang ’s name. The woman looked at Phoenix over the phone and said, “The man on the phone said that he was the chairman of the Jagged Brotherhood. Lu Yang said he Looking for you. "

Phoenix was a little surprised. He reached for the phone and said, "Hello, I'm Phoenix."

Lu Yang heard the sound of Phoenix's aging, and said with emotion: "Hello, I'm Lu Yang, I'm sorry I can only use a translator to talk to you. My English is not very good."

Phoenix smiled and said, "I can hear if you came to me for Mike's sake."

Lu Yang was a little surprised. He couldn't think that the old man had already guessed it, and said with a smile, "That's true. I hope he can join the Jagged Brotherhood."

"You are the twelfth person who wants Mike to join their guild. Tell me, why are you?" Phoenix asked.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Father, I know your body is about to die. I know it's a bit offensive to say this, but time is not waiting for you. Mike is your proudest student. I believe you want his future to pass. Better. "

Phoenix was a little surprised. He was just an unknown child. The news of his illness was insignificant. Lu Yang didn't even know this. He asked, "It's true, I don't have much time, but what can you give Mike in the future? "

Lu Yang said: "I am a few years older than Mike, and I will take care of his growth like my older brother, so that someone in his future will show him the way, so as not to blindly look for women, and not to be deceived by some high society ladies Marriage will not prevent him from signing a premarital property agreement. "

Phoenix was a little at a loss. He thought about Mike's future, but never thought so far, even the marriage agreement.

Lu Yang went on to say, "In the future, Mike will always guide me from the side. He will become a top-level expert. I will take care of your wife with him. I will let him have a correct outlook on life and values. He will not go astray because of your departure. "

Phoenix sighed a long time. He didn't speak, but looked at the woman around him and smiled. For a year, it has been a year since he learned that he was about to die. Now he exposed for the first time. Smile.

The reason why he didn't laugh was because he was worried that he was gone, his wife was left unattended, and because Mike didn't show him the way.

He knows what kind of person Mike is, and he also knows what Mike would be deceived by those bosses and companies without his existence. He is most worried about these two people, but now, someone has solved it for him.

The presidents of a dozen of the strongest guilds and super guilds called him in person. What they said on the phone was how they would make Mike in the future, but none of them said how to help Mike. Phoenix knew their The purpose was to make money from Mike, so he refused. Originally he thought about and refused Lu Yang, but now he was moved.

"President Lu Yang, I am very interested in your speaking. I hope to meet you in person, but, you know, I cannot go to the East China Sea." Phoenix said.

"I'll take a plane over here," Lu Yang said.

"Okay," Phoenix said.

Lu Yang continued: "By the way, don't tell Mike about the news of our conversation. I want to compete with him and don't get distracted by me."

Phoenix showed his incomplete teeth and said with a smile: "Then I will watch the game for a while. I believe you will play very well."

Lu Yang hung up the phone with a smile. It seemed that Phoenix would promise to make Mike his elite signing, but it was a matter of thought, and Lu Yang was relieved.

He quit the game and took a plane to the United States. On the plane, he fought with Mike. As he guessed, this year's Mike's consciousness reaction speed was faster than him, and he had less experience than him, and was defeated by his hands. .

By the evening, Lu Yang's opponent was much worse than Mike, and was easily resolved by Lu Yang. Near the middle of the night, Lu Yang arrived in New York, but it was noon here.

Lu Yang came to the hospital and saw the resting Phoenix. Coincidentally, Mike was also there. When he saw Lu Yang coming, Mike's face showed a dissatisfied expression and said, "Are you Lu Yang? I will beat you next time. . "

Lu Yang smiled and said to Phoenix: "I'm here."

Phoenix's rough veteran grasped Mike tightly. He looked at Lu Yang with excitement and said, "I never thought you would come. You are here. I know you can do it."

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Of course."

Phoenix sighed and said to Mike, "Children, you'll follow Landing Yang in the future. I have decided to transfer you to the Jagged Brotherhood."

Mike looked at Phoenix in surprise and looked at Lu Yang again, and asked, "Why, what is going on?"

Phoenix explained in detail what Lu Yang had found him before the game, and he said to Mike: "I'm dying, old man. In the future, Lu Yang is your elder brother. If you respect him, you must respect me like he You have the right to manage everything about you, just like I am by your side, you know. "

Mike was stunned.

Phoenix suddenly changed her face and asked sharply, "I'll ask you again, do you know?"

Mike knew that Phoenix was going to die. He also knew that Phoenix would find him a good guild. He didn't want to leave Phoenix, but knew that it was impossible. But now that day has finally come, Mike still can't accept it, but it's habitual Questioning Phoenix, he nodded obediently as usual.

Phoenix grabbed Mike's hand and put it in front of Lu Yang. Lu Yang took Phoenix and Mike's hands and said, "Mike is with me, you can be completely at ease."

Phoenix nodded, lying relaxed on the bed, and said, "Let's both go, old man, I can sleep comfortably for a while."

Mike was reluctant, but Lu Yang patted him on the shoulder and said, "Come out and talk with me."

Mike nodded and went out with Landing Yang.


A few years later ~ ~ No one knows what Lu Yang and Mike talked to this evening, but all players in the world know the name of the space law **** Mike, and also know that he has a spiritual teacher called Phoenix .

The day.

Instead of leaving in a hurry, Lu Yang went to Chinatown in New York. In a humble house, he found another girl, her name was Jesse.

Jesse is a player outside the 10,000 ranking in the global competition. Although she has not entered the list of 10,000 people and the technique is also average, his bloodline is very special and is exactly what Lu Yang needs.

"Follow me, I will make you strong and have everything you want." Lu Yang said looking at Jesse, just 16 years old.

"Okay." Jesse didn't hesitate to face Lu Yang, and left without asking about the contract.

On the plane back, Lu Yang breathed a sigh of relief. Basically, all the people he wanted to recruit were recruited. In the subsequent war, he had two trump cards for attacking the enemy supply team.

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