Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1526: Steiger's temptation

The range of this island is very large, and the ants are not difficult to find. Lu Yang walked 5 minutes away from the village and saw a large red-brown ant, which was two meters high and extremely large.

Enchanted Ant (Elite)

Level: 170

Qi and blood: 30000000/30000000

The demonized ant seemed to be hunting for prey. When he searched for the left and right, he didn't find it. He came over to the landing sun. After entering the attack distance, the ants' eyes lightened, and the two pairs of mouthpieces swung to the landing sun.

"Nausea." Lu Yang was chilling for a while, and a spell was in his mouth.

"Summon the Wild Ancients"

A flash of light flashed, and the 5 meter-high Xuangu Xeno appeared in front of Lu Yang, and the ant rushed to the front. The Xuangu Xuan raised two sickle arms and hacked, and the ant died instantly!

Lu Yang bypassed the wild ancient aliens and came to the ants. He chose to pick them up. The ants entered the space bag of Lu Yang. The ants are used to make ants, and they can be fried in oil. Well, of course, the taste is benevolent The wise see wisdom.

He looked around and continued looking for ants. It didn't take long. Ten ants were killed by Lu Yang, but he didn't stop. He continued to kill more than two hundred ants. The soldiers at the door were very annoying. He did it more than once. In order for players to find ants, they need to find more than two hundred ants in order to open their reputation and enter the village.

Lu Yang returned to the entrance of the village, saw the guard, handed over 10 ants, and said, "Can these be all right?"

"Oh my God, you got 10 ants so easily." The guard on the left took the ant's body excitedly, and then he said to Lu Yang: "Can you please do one thing? Help me find 50 more ants. "

"Okay." Lu Yang took out 50 ant corpses from his backpack and said, "I just hit them. Can I go in?"

The guard on the left took the ant, and his face was greedy. He slyly looked at Lu Yang and said, "No, you need to help me reach 50 more ants."

Lu Yang then took out 50 ant corpses from his backpack and asked, "Can I go in this time?"

The guard on the left took the ant for the third time, and his face was more greedy. He smiled and said to Lu Yang: "Not enough. Help me get 100 more ants."

For ordinary people, it was too greedy to kill this guard early, but Lu Yang knew that the goods were like this, and then took out 100 ants from his backpack and said, "Can you go in now?"

The guard on the left took the ant, swung to the left, and made a respectful gesture, saying, "Welcome to Shenyue Village."

The system prompts: You open the reputation of Shenyue Village, now your reputation is friendly!

Lu Yang smiled and nodded to the left-hand guard, and walked into the village. Lu Yang had never been here before, but this time he found that it was so simple. There were only fifty or so houses in the village. Made of bluestone, the appearance is untidy, and there are few people in the village. There is an entrance on the mountain directly opposite the village. Many people in the village are walking inside, carrying many things in their hands.

He walked to the entrance of the mountain and looked inside. The mountain was in a hollow state, about 100 meters high. At the position about 200 meters into the mountain, there was a huge stone altar. In the middle of the altar, there was a height. 10 meters, a creature similar to the guard of Shenyue Village is sitting there, his body is flowing black blood out of the park, blood flowing into the altar but disappears quickly, and the creature sitting in the altar has been eating, as if If you don't eat for a moment, you will die.

Godmoon Leader-Bonn (Lord Level)

Level: 170

"Young man, I learned your deeds at the guard, thank you for your dedication to the village and me, and welcome you to our village." Bonn said to Lu Yang with an old voice.

Lu Yang approached Bonn, bowed and saluted, and said, "It is my glory to do my part for the village. Please allow me to take the liberty of asking you what happened to your body and what I can do. Is it? "

A black blood burst out from Bonn's body. He smiled painfully and said, "Of course, our village needs the support of new forces. Young man, I'm in trouble. Can you help me kill the demon ant spider? , I need to refine his toxins to treat my injury. "

Quest hint: Kill the demonized ant spider king and his people, get 500 copies of the demonized ant spider eyes and the corpse of the demon ant spider.

Lu Yang chose to accept the task and said, "Leave it to me."

Of all the current tasks, Lu Yang is the last thing he wants to do. He really hates creatures like ant spiders.

Demonized ant spider, looks like an ant, the first half is brown, the second half is black, the body is not large, only about one meter, but it looks more disgusting and disgusting.

Lu Yang had only killed once before, but was killed with the help of defense. If he came by himself, he would never kill this kind of thing, because the ant spider would jump and it was easy to jump. In front of you, stare at you with his disgusting mouthpiece and six eyes, and the person with poor psychological endurance will probably be ejected from the game at that instant, and the connection with the helmet will be interrupted.

This time, Lu Yang dared to come by himself, but also because of the ancient and alien species, he came to the area of ​​demonized ant spiders. This is a special forest. Each tree is 50 to 60 meters high, the highest even reaching 100. The trunk is extremely thick, and in every two trees, there is an extremely huge spider web.

Demonized ant spiders are swarms of creatures. There are fifty or sixty ant spiders on a spider web, and one is attacked. It is likely to attract all the other ant spiders on the web, which is not a normal response.

Enchanted Ant Spider (Elite)

Level: 170

Qi and blood: 15000000/15000000

The demonized ant spider ’s blood is not high, but their attack power, defense power and magic resistance are very high. The distance they can jump is 50 meters. If they do n’t pay attention, they may jump in front of them and be attacked by them. The mouthpiece bite.

Lu Yang hid in a safe place 80 meters away. He issued an order to the Xuangu Xeno, who was not afraid to demonize the ant spider. He jumped in front of the spider web, and two huge sickle arms waved up and down.

Demonized ant spiders are very fierce. Their attacks hit the ancients of Xuangu with high damage, and they also come with poisonous attacks.

Ten minutes later, the Xuangu xenotypes killed the 56 demonized ant spiders, and the amount of blood left by the Xuangu xenotypes was only 10%.

Lu Yang came to Xuangu Xuan, put on a healing ring to add blood to Xuangu Xuan, and picked up the eyes of the demonized ant spider on the ground. When the recovery was completed, he ordered Xuangu Xeno to attack the next ant spider web not far away.

It took him a little more than half a day to collect enough demonized ant spiders, and the front was also on the spider web of the demonized ant spider king, which is an extremely huge spider web, and it can even be said that half of the forest Covered up.

Lu Yang needs to step on the spider web, first kill the demonized ant spider from the outside, and then go to the deepest place to find the ant spider king. This is a spider web similar to the copy, but more annoying than the copy. If only the ant spider king is killed He will shake the spider web and summon all the ant spiders on the entire spider web. Therefore, Lu Yang now needs to kill the ant spiders around him.

When he was killing monsters here, on the other side, Steiger called and he frowned and asked Lu Yang: "How did your secrets leak out?"

Lu Yang frowned. He felt that something was wrong. Steiger shouldn't tell him this thing, and he could reveal the secret, for fear it was only Zhou Tianming. Steiger's remark clearly led him to talk about Zhou Tianming.

"What secret?" Lu Yang asked, pretending not to know.

"Don't pretend to be with me." Steige said sarcastically: "You told me the quick upgrade method, not only is used by your subordinates, but the other strongest guilds are using it, and now this secret is not considered It's a secret. "

Lu Yang pretended to be surprised, and said, "How can this secret be leaked? I have been fine for months. Is it your leak?"

Steiger froze, he didn't really think of it, but remembered seeing Zhou Tianming with Alice and others at the hotel, he shook his head and tentatively asked: "I suspect it is yours."

If Lu Yang has a little hesitation or cover up, Steiger can immediately conclude that Zhou Tianming's betrayal is false. If it is determined to be false, he will definitely slap Lu Yang fiercely and pay him a great price.

Lu Yang guessed Steiger's thoughts in the first reaction, and he said immediately: "This is impossible. All my Assassins in the game city are closed in the game city. No cell phone can be carried on them, and they cannot be leaked. "

Steiger smiled smugly and asked, "If it's not ordinary elite, but your senior?"

Lu Yang laughed and said, "Don't tease me, what is my senior salary, how can they betray us for such a small profit, not to mention, it ’s okay for me to keep this secret for many months. Why? I told you that something went wrong later, I'm afraid it's your problem. You should look carefully at the people around you, and don't get a few people like Tolomi, then you can't do Liu Jie. "

Steger snorted and said, "I do n’t need to teach me, I know how to check spies, but I tell you, your vice chairman Zhou Tianming has become a traitor. This is the secret that I tell you for free. You are kind. "

Lu Yang pretended to be surprised ~ ~ said: "What kind of human is you? It's human, how can Zhou Tianming betray, what are you talking about?"

Steger snorted again, telling him and Sanyou Weimen and others that they were talking to Alice and Zhou Tianming at the hotel, and he proudly said, "Now believe it."

Lu Yang was thinking about how to answer when Steiger said about this. If he made a mistake, Zhou Tianming must not go to Mexico. He now hates Steiger a bit. This **** is preparing to eat on both sides. Not only to extort himself, but also to take the opportunity to sell him to Alice, Sanyoumen and others. In this way, he will not only get two copies of the money, the key is that Lu Yang and Alice and others will fight for both losses.

Lu Yang could bear these results, but Steiger forgot one thing. If he did damage, and told Alice them when Zhou Tianming went to Mexico, Zhou Tianming would not be able to return.

"Oh, I do n’t believe what you said, I will check this. If you are true, not only do you give me a favor, I also owe you a favor, but if you lie to me, Staith Ge, I would rather join Liu Jie and destroy you. "Lu Yang's words popped out of his teeth.

Steiger suddenly widened his eyes, and the cold sweat flowed down. He found that he did something wrong, but he insisted: "I hope you can do it. I am a German player. You want to destroy us. Without that strength, besides, don't you know if you are investigating yourself? "

Lu Yang hung up the phone directly.

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