Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1474: massacre

The front row of anti-battle and anti-riding did not see the siege monsters who rushed over. They just need to hide under the shield that is one meter and five meters high. They have no brain to thunder and dedication to attract hatred. The attack is a mage. Responsibility for long-range output with the shooter and treatment is the responsibility of the priest. The whole battle has nothing to do with them. Some lazy ones have opened live channels to watch the recent hot female anchor performances.

The output of the mage and the shooter is also a brainless attack. Anyway, the shield in front of the defense is all strange. Throwing magic and bows and arrows at a fixed position is good. Knowing that there is healing and defense, they even played the game when they were bored. New cards.

This is a card similar to poker. The gameplay is very simple. There are 5,000 cards in total. Most of the lord monsters from level 10 to 200 are printed on it. Each lord monster has different roles, including attack, Defense, Assist and Curse.

Each round is played by four people. Each start has a city wall and a king. After the start, each player draws 5 cards. Use the attributes of the lord card to increase the defense and health of the city wall and the king, or attack the opponent's. City walls and kings.

Cards can be chosen to attack together. The most powerful of these is that the five cards are all monsters of the same race. You can play them together for maximum effect.

Mage A: "1 Level 30 Skeleton Tyrant."

Master B: "Side dish, two elite corpse kings at level 30."

Archer A: "Look at me, a Level 50 Demon Soul."

Shooter B: "Not as good as me, I have two 80-headed nine-headed dragons."


The only real priest in the audience was the priest. Suddenly, the priest stared at his eyes and said, "Look, three 170-level curved lords."

The four big names looked at the priest at the same time and asked in unison: "Who, who has such a good card."

When this card is played, the game is over. Three 170 level lords can start a family in seconds.

The priest looked at the four of them, and pointed at the strange monster in front of the defense with a speechless expression, "He."

The four of them blinked, turning their heads blankly and looking straight ahead, just to see the three lords of the King of the Devil Sawhabi, the King of the Devil and the Vanguard General of the Devil.

"Nima, where's the level 170 lord?"

"It's tm waiting for the lord. It's dead."


The four shouted on the spot, and then, the shouts came one after another. All the players who played cards and watched the live broadcast were awakened by the priests around them. Five thousand people were watching the three corner lords and those who appeared at the same time Countless elbows and bosses.

Lu Yang and his four avatars stood in the first row, looking down at the thousands of mage, priest, archer, and dark animal husbandry behind the shield with his 3-meter-high body, a sneer of humanity appeared on his face.

"Finally came to the Purgatory Fortress. Since Olma is so polite and you are so hospitable, then I am not polite." Lu Yang muttered to himself.

The spell in his soil clone reads: "Earth Spear Spikes"

"Thunderstorm field." Master Lei avatar.

Fire Law Essence: "Yanlong Kills the Formation."

Three magical moments merged into Lu Yang's right-hand front end, forming a terrible three-color light ball. The light ball shot out in the next second. At the feet of Vice Chairman Tai Lun, in the terrified eyes of Lu Lun, Lu Yang roared.

"Mixed Spells-Red Lotus Explosion"

The earth shook violently, and even the city walls not far behind them shook. The rock and soil on the ground suddenly turned into spears, rushing out of the ground with flames and thunder and lightning. With Tyron as the center, every inch in the surrounding 500-meter area. There is a spear on the land, and the players in it, including the anti-war, were all pierced by the spear and died on the ground.

System prompt: you kill the player, you get 70,000 experience points


Countless system prompts flew over Lu Yang's dialogue bar. He looked at the countless bodies and countless equipment in front of him, sneered, stepped forward, stepped on a player's body, and walked towards Gate location where Tyren is.

"Curved Demon Legion, attacking both wings." Lu Yang growled.

"Kill ~!" Suhabi and General Angle Demon roared at the same time, and one person led the angle demon and rushed to the sides of the gate.

This is a millions of 140 players! Or players who are fighting the siege monsters, there is nowhere to run.

Lu Yang shouted to the cornered archer behind him: "Army Corps, follow me into the city!"

In this fortress, there are also millions of players. These people are on-hook to set up business. There is no difficulty in killing them. The official stipulates that they must be resurrected 1 minute after death. They are the broilers with Lu Yang's brush experience.

In addition, there are players who were resurrected inside the fortress after being killed by the corner devil on both sides, and those are more.

Lu Yang rushed towards the city gate with a person, but as he passed by Tai Lun, he watched a lot of gold coins, equipment, gems and supplies falling on the corpses of Tai Lun and a dozen players around him, holding back. The impulse to pick it up.

Who would have thought that Tyron had acquired so many good things, the value is definitely over ten million, he shook his head, and just as he was about to leave, he found that there were still many skill books on the ground, three of which were silver. Especially striking.

"Soul Eater", "Hurricane Dance" and "Drink of Alcohol", Lu Yang quickly put these three skill books in his backpack. These three are the combined skills of the Hundred Snakes. I can't think of it here.

"No wonder the world says that killing is the most profitable business, sure enough." Lu Yang laughed secretly and rushed into the fortress.

At this time, the purgatory fortress has no defensive ability. Because of the previous joint attack, the seven strongest guilds temporarily stopped attacking each other. The heavy siege weapons and defensive weapons were either damaged during the war against Lu Yang, It's in the warehouse.

It's Christmas time again. The main players in Olma's hands are fighting all over the place. The only standing unit is trapped in the circular basin by Olma himself, and 30,000 people are searched one by one. It is impossible to end without a few hours.

When Lu Yang entered the fortress, no one defended, only the stupid players and the players who fled in desperation.

"Curved demon enters the city, run away."

"Fly back to Tianyu Shencheng, this can't be beaten."



Lu Yang sneered, and now it was too late to run, his five bodies glowed at the same time.

"Mixed Spells-Ah Bi Hell"

Centered 500 meters in front of the gate of the fortress, Huangquan, Purple Thunder, Flame, Earth Sword, and Wind Knife raged. Tens of thousands of players were killed in this blow.

Lu Yang turned his head and looked to the side, where tens of thousands of people were standing still, and tens of thousands of people were running away.

"Let's accept the punishment." Lu Yang hated them for attacking his tiger mouth fortress, causing him to be almost destroyed, and his staff pointed forward.

"Mixed Spells-Fire and Earth Storm"

A huge range of flame storms drowned these tens of thousands of people. In the next second, all of them died, and Lu Yang's five bodies lighted up, and he upgraded!

"Curved magic shooter, attack at will." Lu Yang ordered.

More than 2,000 corner magic archers no longer protect Lu Yang, rushed to the surroundings, and started crazy attacks. Players wearing a 140-level dark gold sleeve could not bear the three attacks of the corner magic elite archer. AI IQ, several people walk together and use range attack skills. Whenever a player appears, it is a rain of arrows. Each player is attacked by at least seven corner magic archers. Suddenly, one piece is injured and the corner is The golden light on the magic shooters frequently lights up and has been upgraded!

Lu Yang's first task this time was to upgrade the corner devil. He saw that the player had been defeated, so he no longer participated in the attack. He turned around and took a few corner devil shooters to the main city of the fortress. He had several skills in a row. Hit it, and easily entered the basement of the city's mansion, he broke the token with a punch.

[System Channel]: Christmas Siege War, the Devil's Legion successfully laid the purgatory fortress, and now gains control of the purgatory fortress.

Players all over the world are crazy when they see this news. Even if they do n’t pay attention to the game or who the purgatory fortress is, this sentence indicates that the purgatory fortress has been beaten by monsters, and this is already a corner. The third fortress laid by the demon.

Players have asked who the Purgatory Fortress is, and when they learned that it was the Tangerus Guild, countless people mocked Olma on the World Channel.

Who would have thought that Olma, the president of the Tangerlus Guild, one of the strongest guilds in the New World, was so stupid that he couldn't protect his fortress and was killed by monsters.

Inside the annular basin.

Olma was already mad at this time, he only checked more than 20,000 people, and nearly 10,000 people were not searched, and no silver clocks were found on these people, which made him extremely annoyed.

Mares tried to ask, "Boss, or I'll take these more than 20,000 brothers and take back the purgatory fortress."

Olma stared at Mares for a long time and said, "Well, you'll take 20,000 back first."

Marez finally breathed a sigh of relief and shouted, "Mount the first and second legions and follow me back to Purgatory Fortress."

20,000 people were also pardoned, and they quickly put on a mount and ran out of the circular basin. Only the last 10,000 people remained depressed.

"I'll help too," said the night king.

Olma nodded.

The night king put on his mount, caught up with Mares who was running ahead, and asked, "Do you know what the purgatory fortress is now?"

"It's terrible. Tens of millions of people are being slaughtered in the fortress, or the two kings of the corner devil. One flame can hit more than 400 meters. Any skill is 500 meters in diameter. I have never seen such a strong lord. In just such a few minutes, at least a hundred thousand players died under his fire. "Mares said depressedly.

"So strong?" The Dark Lord was surprised, a lord had such an outburst in a short time, they couldn't believe it.

"Who knows what's going on, get the fortress back quickly, or we'll be dead." Mares said.


Inside the Purgatory Fortress.

Lu Yanggang came out of the city's main mansion, a flash of light flashed, and more than 100,000 players appeared in the safe area at the same time. He knew that it was Suhabi and Vanguard that started mass murder.

"Then I'm not polite," Lu Yang said in his mouth.

"Mixed Spells-Red Lotus Explosion"

Tens of thousands of people gathered in the middle area, Lu Yang killed them all, then put a fire and soil storm, and killed tens of thousands of people. Finally, Lu Yang took a spit of fire and wine storm, and killed tens of thousands of people.

These 100,000 people had just resurrected, and they died before they could fly back to the city and fly to the Celestial City. They could only choose to spend a high amount of money to resurrect in the cemetery at a distance of one hour.

Just after they died, another batch of more than 100,000 players died and returned to the fortress. Lu Yang's three skills were exhausted, so he couldn't care less about other things.

"Meteor Falls"

A huge fireball landed on the ground, and all players within 500 meters in diameter were killed in seconds, and then read the spell in the landing sun.

"Meteor Fire Rain"

Countless fireballs in the sky fell like raindrops.

Lu Yang's 2.6 million spell injuries, any fireball can kill a 140-level player, whether he is a defense or a mage, can not resist.

Jin Guang lights up from behind Lu Yang, and his avatar is upgraded again, but his killing speed still can't keep up with the speed of the player's resurrection. He gritted his teeth and would rather be exposed than lose the opportunity to upgrade.

"Forbidden Curse-Demon Flame Burned Out"

With the city's main government as the center, within a range of 2,000 meters, it instantly turned into a reddish light, and a large piece of flame fell from the air. The resurrected players in the four safe areas around the city's main government died.

In 10 seconds, Lu Yanglei's avatars, soil avatars, and wind avatars were all upgraded by 1 level. After another 10 seconds, the three avatars continued to increase by 1 level. After 30 seconds, the three avatars were upgraded by 3 levels to 160 levels.

Unfortunately, even if Lu Yang releases the curse like this, there are still a large number of players resurrected. The severity of the killing outside the city is unthinkable. The level of the general of the cornered magic vanguard has been raised from 175 to 179 and 6. The level reached level 180, and Lu Yang's mission was completed.

Regardless of the task, Lu Yang alone saw the upgrade speed of the General Angle Devil from the team, you can know how fiercely the outside kills, any 140 level players can't stop the general of the General Angle Devil Attack and kill a player with a swipe.

The same is true for Suhabi. His level has reached level 179 and level 8 and he can kill faster than the Devil General.

Lu Yang looked at the resurrected players in the safe area, and the tens of thousands of players who were running towards the other gates. He decided in his heart and read the spell in his mouth.

"Forbidden Curse-Ninth Hell"

With him as the center, all players within 5,000 meters in diameter are attacked by flames at the same time, and the damage is intelligence multiplied by 2.3. This skill consumes a large amount of mana, and it starts with 5 million mana, and then uses 500,000 mana per second.

Lu Yang took the top recovery potion, and only persisted for 12 seconds, and then it was empty, but it was these 12 seconds that his four avatar levels increased a lot, not far from level 160, his body It's 178.

No one knows how many people he killed, even Lu Yang himself could not count. He only knew that anyone who returned from the outside of the city died once at his place, at least six or seven million people, or nearly one Ten million people.

After an hour.

Mares finally arrived at Purgatory Fortress with the King of the Night and 2160 160 players, but when they came to the east gate of the Fortress, they saw only monsters everywhere, and the bodies and countless items of players.

Tyron was staring blankly on a rock one thousand meters away from Ximen. Mares saw Tyron and found that he was in the wrong state. He asked in surprise: "What happened?"

Tyron stared dumbly at Mares. Suddenly, his eyes became fierce, cursing around Mares' neck and cursing: "Where are you going, how did you come, how did you come, the fortress was all The monster captured it. "

Mares frowned and asked, "The whole fortress has fallen?"

Tyron cried, crying loudly and crying, "The evil king of the corners of the devil, the two kings, killed tens of thousands of people with a single flame. The brothers are all dead, and the players who fight against the fortress are also dead. Now, no player is willing to come back. Why did you come here? What use is there? Purgatory Fortress, it's over! "

Whether a fortress can make money or not depends on the number of players. Lu Yang slaughtered the fortress this time. Ordinary players have to go to the surrounding fortresses to fight for life, but this way, if these leaving players are in other fortresses, If I get used to it, I won't come back. Then, the purgatory fortress will only lose money in the future, and it will be difficult to make money again.

Tyron is the boss of this fortress, and he cries for this reason. The fall of this fortress is equivalent to his money bag dwindling, and it is also cheaper to other city owners around. How can he not cry.

Mares knew Tyron's thoughts, and was too lazy to deal with him. It wasn't him who was unlucky anyway. He didn't need to care about it and asked, "What about the corner devil?"

"Curved Demon?" Tyron cried and said, "It's all inside."

Mares nodded, the corner devil didn't have to leave, killing them was considered revenge, and he could play a lot of good things. He shouted to the 20,000 players behind him: "Press the team to attack freely, and quickly enter Inside the city. "

20,000 quickly dispersed and attacked from the surroundings of the fortress in the form of a team of 20 people ~ ~ At this time, many siege monsters came out around the fortress, at least hundreds of thousands, Mares took It took more than 2 hours to kill people before they entered the fortress, but none of the corner devil saw it.

What he didn't know was that as early as 2 hours after he arrived, Lu Yang left the corner devil and his mission was completed. The corner devil king Suhabi and General Vanguard had reached the level of 180. , The men of more than 6,000 corners have almost no damage, all of which have risen to level 180 and level 6.

Lu Yang's fire ontology has been upgraded to level 169, and the four avatars have been chosen to distribute his experience, which has been unified to level 162.

In the mysterious corner of the corner, Suhabi sat in the castle hall and laughed and held a banquet to celebrate victory. He raised his glass like a real person and shouted: "Cheering for our admirable Luyang warrior, it is he who leads us The battle was successfully won, and the time has come for us to revive the devil. "

The crowd raised their glasses and drank, and the elder elbow demon stood up and bowed respectfully to Lu Yangyi, "I apologize for your previous misunderstanding, and thank you for your generous help to the elbow demon legion. To express our sincerity, start today , The Corner Demon Council is open to you. "

Lu Yang made a strong fist, and that's what he wanted.

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