Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1306: Siege Architecture

He took out the intercom and called Galgar. After two beeps, Gelgar connected the phone, but what he said made Alfonso like five thunder.

"Dude, it's not that I don't want to help you. Just now Lu Yang sent us a letter. If we dare to send troops, he will attack our Komodo Fortress and Pink Fortress. I can't send troops." Gelga said.

"Lu Yang joined in?" Alfonso exasperated.

Gelgar sighed and said, "Yeah, Fernando has got Lu Yang's support, and I can only help you financially."

Alfonso hung up the phone blankly. In the face of questions from Louis and others, he said the original words of Galga, and a lot of Spanish players were panicked.

"If Lu Yang followed the attack, wouldn't we be driven back to the eastern mountains?" Investor Pedro scolded.

Louis said: "No, Lu Yang cannot participate in the war. There is a group of eight nations by the side. Lu Yang dare not fight. Besides, he will not fight. Now it is time to fight equipment. No one will be willing to participate in the war at this time. Besides, there are the Cavalry Regiment and Liu Jie in the central region and the north. "

"First think of a solution to the problem at hand, and be prepared to gather a large number of players." Investor Pedro still said unhappyly.

Alfonso was already very angry, but he didn't dare to get angry. He controlled 51% of the guild. But this time, he affected everyone, and he could only listen to others with his own head. Anger sound.

"Pierce, you go back to the city to lead the 177th to 227th Army to support, these people are all entrusted to you to command." Alfonso said.

Pierce stunned, showing a random look of joy, and said, "Yes."

Being able to obtain such commander authority proves that Alfonso wants to give Pierce a chance, and Pierce will certainly not miss it.

Soon, Pierce returned to the Purple Lily Fortress and brought 500,000 players to support. At this time, Fernando had just shown his downside.

On a high mountain not far from the Agave Fortress, Lu Yang and Tu Feng watched the situation below the city.

Tu Feng said: "It looks like Fernando cannot support for too long."

Lu Yang said with a smile: "No more than a month, but this is enough."

Time, what Lu Yang needs most is time. This update has a lot of content, one of which is the guild skills siege architecture.

The official statement is that for each level 20 increase, you can make a siege weapon and defensive structure. The most basic level 20 skill is the sentry tower, followed by the arrow tower, frost tower, flame tower, lightning tower, and turret. Or a crossbow, trebuchet, flame trebuchet, artillery and dragon cannon.

The characteristics of siege architecture are that it does not require drawings, and only needs to learn the corresponding level of skill level to research and manufacture on its own.

The only trouble is the materials needed to make these things, some of which need to be purchased in the official mall, which is a lot of expense, and the other needs life occupation to collect, such as wood.

But these problems are not problems here in Lu Yang. He has money, and there are people. As for the person responsible for learning these skills, Lu Yang has already chosen.

Tu Feng said, "Boss, Pan Yuhang and the brothers of the Blood God Warrior Regiment have arrived."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Let's go back."

Since Lu Yang will learn this skill of building a house for free to the brothers of the original cannon fodder group such as Pan Yuhang, now Pan Yuhang can earn 30,000 yuan per month in addition to his salary.

These people originally liked the Jagged Brotherhood, because Lu Yang's preferential policies were even more loyal to the guild. Lu Yang asked Tu Feng to pick out some of them. Now these people have arrived.

Tianhe Fortress, on the left wall.

Pan Yuhang and more than 500 players are gathering there, and everyone's face has an excited look. This is the first time they have returned to the fortress of the Jagged Brothers Alliance.

"Hey, I'm back, I can still see the boss, I'm excited." A player said.

"Our brothers fight, we can't drop the chain," someone shouted.

"Haha, absolutely not, and I won't."


There was a flash of light.

Lu Yang appeared on the city wall. Pan Yuhang and others saw Lu Yang coming and quickly walked over.

"Boss is good." Pan Yuhang and others shouted.

Lu Yang looked at the excited expressions of Pan Yuhang and others with a smile, and said, "Sit down, don't be constrained. I come to you this time, and I have a task for you."

The spirit came.

"Boss, let's just say, we can't let go of what we can do." Pan Yuhang said.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "It's very simple for you. The guild will give you some money to help you upgrade the siege architecture level. Then, you will build the siege equipment for me full time."

The 11 fortresses of the Group of Eight newly occupied by Lu Yang have few places to let go. The four fortresses on the front are within the attack range of the other side.

In order to strengthen the defense, Lu Yang decided to build a war fortress on each side of the fortress as a cover. The war fortress, as the name implies, is a fortress fully functioning as a war. The wall width of each fortress is half smaller than that of a normal fortress. It was covered with trebuchets and lightning towers. In this way, the defense of each fortress has increased several times, and it is no longer necessary to be attacked by the enemy.

After listening to Lu Yang's words, Pan Yuhang showed a hesitant look on his face, and said, "Boss, we can take this job, but the problem is that I worry that other people will also hire us to copy it ~ ~ If we accidentally expose something Something, that's bad. "

Lu Yang said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about this. Whoever wants to build siege equipment for you in the future, help them build as many as they want, I said."

Everyone looked at each other and did not understand what Lu Yang meant.

Lu Yang didn't explain. In fact, when the siege equipment was built, the war between the two sides was no longer a player's battle. Even if the opponent knew what weapons they had, they could not easily attack the war fortress.

Especially when the skill has learned level 160, when it is possible to make a flame trebuchet, the six fireballs thrown by a trebuchet will fall within 10 meters of the attack range. Within these 10 meters, the 160-level gold shield Will die.

If you want to come in, you must either ban the spell from a long range, or attack with more long-range dragon cannons and artillery vehicles. Therefore, in the next period of time, the war will enter a deadlock phase. You want to drive out your opponents in a war like before. The situation on the map will hardly ever happen again.

Pan Yuhang said: "Boss, let us listen to you, you say we don't do it."

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