Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1286: Complete logistics

In a matter of minutes, Tu Feng and a group of vice-chairmen received inquiries from hundreds of legionnaires.

"Boss, our martial arts are not enough to be subdued, but we work hard."

"Boss, it stands to reason that we must have a copy of this uniform, but we are elite."

"Apply for uniforms, ask for uniforms to get tasks."


Tu Feng happened to be by his side for half a life, and said with a smile: "Boss this move, all the guild players are excited."

Nostalgic bitterly nodded in admiration and sighed, "I really admire the boss. His head is absolutely different from ours. I can't think of such an idea when I kill him."

Tu Feng said: "It is conceivable that in the next war, for this uniform, how will the various legions fight."

"I do n’t say ordinary players, we vice presidents are desperate."

Tu Feng first froze, and then smiled. Obviously, this is another battle between the vice presidents. Even if they do not want to compare, if most of the commanders of a certain legion are elite uniforms, and There are only a few other vice-chairmen, or none. That would be a shame.

Everyone is a vice president. There is no difference in identity. However, with this competition, there will be a big difference in the ranking of vice presidents in the future. Vice presidents with less elite uniforms will have the right to speak. The lower the level, the more subtle the uniform, the higher the right to speak.

To put it plainly, you have fewer elite uniforms, and no argument can be won!

Painful love rubbed his head and said, "It's a headache. I need to train the boys a little bit when I go back. The others don't say. On the game city side, after the next war, everyone must put on uniforms. "

Tu Feng shook his head with a smile and shook his head. He was not involved in this matter. As a big housekeeper in charge of logistics, sometimes he really admired these vice presidents and really did not know how they let so many players obey the command. You know, most don't give money.

A pleasant bell rang, the radio on the railway station began to broadcast, and the train from the south came in.

"The first brothers are here," said bitter love half an excitedly.

Tu Feng looked towards the exit not far away. Before long, nearly a thousand young people walked out of the platform in a neat line.

The person headed by him seemed to be in his early twenties, with uncontrollable joy on his face, and followed thousands of players who lined up in four columns behind him.

"Old Liu." The bitter love half-life greeted him with a laugh. Although the appearance in the game is different from the reality, the bitter love can still recognize at a glance that this person is Liu Ruohuai, head of the orc warrior army.

Liu Ruohuai just widened his eyes in surprise, bitterly loved him half a lifetime and gave him a hug, holding him and saying, "Good brother, it's finally here."

"Boss." Liu Ruohuai was excited and didn't know what to say.

"Haha, you don't have to be polite with me, you and your kids, you did a good job this time. You follow me and Tu Feng first, the boss is waiting for you." Said bitter love for a long time.

"Yes." Liu Ruohuai and a dry orc warrior said excitedly.

"But we are too many people, how can we get there." Liu Ruohuai shook his head embarrassed. He yelled in the group last night, but did not expect so many people to respond.

Tu Feng said with a smile: "Look at the row of buses in the back, they are used to welcome you."

This morning, Tu Feng immediately contacted the transportation company after learning that there were more than 1,000 people coming by car at the same time. He had previous cooperation experience in traveling abroad. Soon, the transportation company transferred dozens of buses to park outside the train station. Parking lot.

Liu Ruohuai and others looked up, watching 30 buses neatly lined up there, and couldn't help but lament the importance that the Jagged Brothers Alliance attached to them.

"Go, brothers get in the car, let's go to the game city to meet the boss of Lu Yang." Liu Ruohuai shouted.

"Okay!" Thousands agreed.

"I don't want to go home with us, let's go home."

Game City is the home of these people, the most stable home in the future!

Liu Ruohuai and others boarded the bus with excitement. It took one hour from the train station to the development zone. When they arrived in the development zone, it was exactly 11 noon.

"I saw the building of the war studio, I saw it," shouted Yang Ming, deputy head of the army.

Looking from a distance, the 33-storey building of the War Studio stands in the center of the development zone. The towering building and the five large characters are so perfect to them.

From getting off, Liu Ruohuai and the more than 1,000 people walked into the gate of the game city as if they were a pilgrimage.

Starting from the entrance, almost everyone on the road is a player. Game City is a garden-like building group. On this day when they are not at work, there are players everywhere. They discuss games, study games, talk It's a game, and excitement is a game.

The ground is clean and tidy, and the street shops include wooden houses, transparent cabins with full glass, elegant two-story small buildings, and unique exotic restaurants.

There are only two words that Liu Ruohuai can think of, heaven!

On the 7-story steps of the War Studio Building, Lu Yang personally took a high level of the guild to watch the group of people walking in the distance, with infinite emotion in his heart.

"Do you know what they are?" Lu Yang asked Xia Yuwei beside him.

Xia Yuwei shook her head.

"They are the guardians of the Jagged Brotherhood, the real guardians." Lu Yang said with a smile.

Xia Yuwei, who has not been an ordinary player, will not understand. Many times, the guild will recognize a player's sentence, and may be respected and guarded by a player for a lifetime. They are not for money or name, just because it can bring him here. Glory and dignity.

"Boss, I brought you, he is the orc legion in Liu Ruohuai, behind them are all orc warrior players." Bitter love for half a life led people to Lu Yang said.

"Boss is good." Liu Ruohuai and other 1,000 people shouted respectfully together.

Lu Yang looked at Liu Ruohuai and the 1,000 people and said with emotion: "Brothers, thank you for your selfless dedication to the Jagged Brothers. Today, I guarantee that here, here in the future, will be the home of all of you. I Lu Yang will never let any brother who truly pays for the guild suffer a bit of grievance. In the future, you are my family of Lu Yang, and I will treat you with sincerity. "

Where did Liu Ruohuai and these 1,000 people think that Lu Yang could say such a very heavy discourse, in their opinion, it would be nice to get a stable job, but did not expect that Lu Yang regarded them so seriously.

"Thank you, boss." Liu Ruohuai said sincerely on behalf of everyone.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "Today all of you have a holiday. I will let you take half a lifetime to take you around the game city. Everyone will arrange accommodation first, and then I will celebrate the feast in person."

Liu Ruohuai and others thanked Lu Yang again. On the same day, Liu Ruohuai arranged the accommodation for more than a thousand people with half a lifetime of love. After that, the remaining 9,000 people arrived one after another. When the accommodation for everyone was arranged, It's afternoon.

Liu Ruohuai, who was finally busy, left the dormitory alone. He took a mobile phone and walked around every corner of the game city. Whenever he saw a beautiful place, he took a picture and sent it to the group. A group formed by brothers who quit the game.

When they saw the photos sent by Liu Ruohuai, they were excited to discuss in the group, but more people were sentimental.

"Brother, do your best. The future of our legion is all on your own. Have fun for us." Brother said.

"Brother rest assured, brothers rest assured, I will never disappoint your expectations." Liu Ruohuai said excitedly.


The phone rang, and Liu Ruohuai picked it up and saw that he had called for half his life. He quickly pressed the connect button and asked, "Boss, what's the matter?"

"Coming to the War Studio building, the boss will see you in the office on the 33rd floor," said bitter love for a long time.

"It will be here in 3 minutes." Liu Ruohuai put down the phone and ran to the studio building, and only ran to the place in two minutes.

"Boss, what is it?" Liu Ruohuai asked panting.

Biting a bit of his life and holding his shoulders, he said, "Good thing, your kid is very lucky. You are the second one to go up to the 33rd floor as the commander of the army."

Liu Ruohuai repeatedly nodded and followed the bitter love for half a life and took the elevator to the 33rd floor. After a black and white inspection, he entered Luyang's office door.

"Boss, we're here," half-life bitterly said to Lu Yang sitting in a chair.

Lu Yang smiled and pointed to a contract in front of the table, saying: "This is a contract for Liu Ruohuai's new army commander. You two look at it. Ruohuai also thinks about it. I can do anything. It must be done. "

"Thank you, President Boss." Liu Ruohuai took the contract from his half-hearted half-heartedly, and when he saw the word 20,000 monthly salary, he was already stunned.

"Salary 20,000 ?! Contract for 5 years!" Liu Ruohuai stared blankly at Lu Yang. Before he played games, he was able to earn 4,000 to 6,000 a month. This seemed to him very good. He thought that joining the guild would be able to It is good to give him 10,000 yuan, but Lu Yang shot 20,000, or a 5-year contract.

Lu Yang joked: "It's too few."

"No, no." Liu Ruohuai quickly shook his head.

I love half a life and said with a smile: "This is the basic salary, plus various benefits and income from the game. It should not be a problem to earn 30,000 a month. The extra income of your war, the guild will not want it, all of it belongs to you. Personally, once there is a war, doubling your income is not a problem. "

"So much." Liu Ruohuai was excited and didn't know what to say. Judging from the situation of the Brotherhood of Iron and Blood, it was rare to fight a war once a month, that is, he could earn tens of thousands of yuan a month. money.

Lu Yang said: "The orc warrior players under your control are still under your control. Their salary is 3,000 yuan, and other treatments are the same as yours. In the future, you will participate in the battle as my Guardian Corps. All members will own the first batch. "

"Xie Boss." Liu Ruohuai said excitedly.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "What else is required, think about it."

Liu Ruohuai thought for a while, and said, "Boss, can you give me one more uniform? One is enough."

"Why?" Lu Yang asked.

Liu Ruohuai took his elder brother as an outstanding player, took him along the way, and told his elder brother that he had to quit the game in order to support his family.

"I want a suit for him. His strength is better than me. In the early years, he participated in many battles for the guild. If it was not because the family gave up the game, he was stronger than me." Liu Ruohuai said.

Lu Yang lamented that he had seen too many things like this in the last life. Suddenly, he remembered one thing. There were more and more players in the guild. Many people had to gradually get married and have children. But the supporting facilities of the guild were not available. Well-built.

Children's education will soon become a problem facing the Jagged Brotherhood. If this is not resolved, people like Brother Liu Ruohuai will leave the guild more and more.

He thought about it and pressed the speaker. Before long, Tu Feng went up to the 33rd floor with Lu Yang's permission.

"Boss, what are you looking for?" Tu Feng asked.

Lu Yang said: "Allocate a sum of at least 5 million for the construction of kindergartens and elementary schools. There must be only one. The facilities must be world-class, and the strength of the teachers must be world-class. As for the problem of attending secondary schools, I personally go to the leaders . "

"Five million is not enough," Tu Feng said.

Lu Yang said: "You don't need to find me within 50 million. You must supervise it and it must be completed within the year."

"Yes," Tu Feng said.

Lu Yang signaled that Tu Feng could go. He turned to look at the nervous Liu Ruohuai and said, "I will give him a suit of clothes. This is a compliment to him for the guild, but this is not the end. You wait for my news. All I will not treat anyone who has made significant contributions to the Jagged Brotherhood. "

Liu Ruohuai nodded blankly. He is a otaku, a otaku who can't do anything except games. He doesn't understand the human world. In the face of Lu Yang's words, he feels scared from the heart, inexplicably afraid.

A bitter love left Liu Ruohuai, and he didn't want to understand what Lu Yang meant when he returned to the dormitory.

Early the next morning.

Lu Yang didn't enter the game, he went to the Provincial Party Committee Building by car, and found the provincial leader to talk about it directly.

If you want to see other leaders, you must make an appointment in advance. But who is Lu Yang? Two-thirds of the entire development zone is built by him. Half of the population of the development zone is under his management. of.

Coupled with some personal relationships, Lu Yang can walk into the top office with a phone call.

"Xiaolu, what's the matter?" The leader asked with a smile: "Are you going to build a building again?"

Lu Yang said with a smile: "Yeah, this time I want to build kindergartens and schools. This is not the case. There are too many people. They are almost the age of marriage and children. I have to take responsibility for their offspring. I want to build A bigger and better school and kindergarten. "

The leader smiled, handed the four documents to Lu Yang and said, "Look, brother, I have prepared for you already."

Lu Yang was surprised. He opened four documents and looked at them. The first was a kindergarten approval application, the second was a private elementary school approval application, the third was a junior high school private school application, and the fourth was a private high school approval application.

"Brother, don't you know that I want this, God counts." Lu Yang asked with a smile.

The leader laughed and said, "What do I do, your population reaches 100,000, and I know that you need these things sooner or later, but I didn't expect your kid to be amazing. In just 2 years, it brought me 300,000 people. So I will prepare these things for you in advance, and wait for you to come to me to ask for them, and I will give you a stamp. "

Lu Yang laughed and said, "Thank you, brother."

"What are we polite to," said the leader.

Lu Yang nodded clearly and turned to leave. As for the outsourcing of the teaching buildings in kindergartens, elementary schools, junior high schools, and high schools, everything was in the air.

When Lu Yang returned to the game city, the game had already started. He entered the game, and the overwhelming player discussions drowned all communication on the World Channel.


"trash game!"

"Cheat players money!"

"This pit money is too obvious, protest!"


Lu Yang looked at these messages, nodded in peace, and secretly said: "It looks like everything is expected."

"Boss, you're here." Half-life bitter love and a group of vice presidents are waiting for him in the conference room of the city's main mansion.

Lu Yang looked at more than 30 vice-chairmen, and said, "What has been updated, why is the discussion so fierce in the world?"

Tu Feng cleared his throat and said, "Let ’s say, the first update, called the Cultivation System, officially launched the Cultivation Mission. After the guild level has been raised to level 5, the guild can start a cultivation project.

There are four types of cultivation: attack cultivation, defensive cultivation, spell cultivation, and spell defense cultivation, each of which can be cultivated to level 25, which can increase the effect by up to 50%. According to the available information provided by the government, it can be predicted that single cultivation By the 25th level, it will cost 50,000 yuan, which means that the four exercises are full and it will cost 200,000 yuan. "

The so-called cultivation is to improve the attack result. For example, if attack training reaches level 25, normal attacks can deal 10,000 damage, and now it can deal 15,000 damage, as well as defense. The enemy normally deals 10,000 damage. Now only 5,000 ~ ~ The most obvious result is that, if the level 140 dark gold player is full, if the level 130 dark gold player does not learn to practice, the attack can only force the opponent to lose 1 point of blood. Already.

Lu Yang said, the same as the last life.

He said bitterly for a long time: "Officially, this is to make players appear polarized. The rich are getting more and more powerful in the game. Those who have no money can only work for the rich."

Zhou Tianming said: "According to this development, it is very likely that in the future, a player will slaughter a small guild. This is too unfair."

The White Lion said: "In the future, the Elite Legion will be a joke, and there are not one or two players who are fully trained."

Tu Feng said, "Of course, it is not so easy to learn 25-level practice. The 25-level practice can only be learned at 200 level, and the boss 160 can be learned at level 20.

"Still unhappy," said the lovely queen.

Lu Yang laughed and said, "I'll tell you a secret. Don't tell it."

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