Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1273: Heavenly Liruma Mountain

"Yes." The pure shooter group of 30,000 people moved forward immediately. The three legions were only players with the second turn. The blood of the shooter's three turns has not yet spread, but even so, they still have a range of 150 meters. Can suppress enemy long-range players in the range of 210 meters to 300 meters.

"The first group, shoot!" Shouted Li Wanan, head of the 66 shooter group.

10,000 shooters are shooting 210 meters high at the same time. Instead of using hash arrows, they shoot with precision. The voice just fell, and almost 10,000 arrows hit. The long-range shooters on 210 meters are always shooting with their heads out. All were shot dead.

"Good job," Lu Yang said.

Zhou Tianming said proudly: "The three shooter players are all veterans with 3 years of shooter experience and all the elite shooters under my command. I put them all together to form these three legions."

The most powerful part of the Jagged Brothers League is that most of the domestic players started to follow the landing. Many of these players only play this profession, unlike other players. Some think that this profession is not fun, and then change the profession. .

Once you change careers, the level may be able to catch up, but the understanding of the profession is much less than others, especially in games like "Second World" that require players to experience. These people have been playing shooters for three years and can almost do it. In the middle of a hundred shots, even if they can't hit the front, they will use throwing or other shooting methods. In terms of mastery of strength, they are obviously different from shooters who have only played for a year or two.




Arrow rain made a harsh buzzing sound. The second and third waves of arrow rain came one after another, and they landed on 210 to 230 meters high like a locust crossing.

The G8 players on the two highlands did not even have the ability to raise their heads. Even if they were hiding in the highlands, the shooters would rely on their strength to send explosive arrows into their positions and cause roars.

In the face of the threat from the upper part, Lei Ming immediately became a lot smaller, and he roared: "Grab the position, the shield team protects and heals."

Thousands of shield battles carried the big shield on the slope, healed the players to hide behind, and 10,000 people accelerated to compete for the 180-meter height. Sure enough, in less than 10 minutes, Thunder threw the flag of the Iron Brotherhood into the battle. 180 meters above the ground.

Zhou Tianming nodded with satisfaction and shouted, "The 33 regiment is preparing to attack the 210-meter high ground, and the 27 regiment is ready for resurrection."

The Silent Hill is 300 meters high. This is only half of the positions. The real difficulty is the ridge position and the top position, where Gherga's strongest line of defense is.

Lu Yang saw that there was no problem with Zhou Tianming. He used the teleportation scepter to fly to the mountain of Liruma where the white lion was.

Liruma Mountain, the most difficult of the six areas, is a towering mountain, the mountain road is difficult and dangerous, not only the offensive side is uncomfortable, the defense side is not too much.

When Lu Yang arrived, he was seeing the Flame Knife personally taking 10 people to fight with the enemy on the 300-meter-high mountain road in Liruma Mountain.

This mountain road can only accommodate 3 people walking side by side, or in a turning position, the flame knife will be attacked by the enemy opponent when it crosses the turning position, and dozens of players have died in a row.

"Phoenix Change"

Lu Yang's body instantly turned into a huge fire phoenix, and he flew to the turning position next to him with a long whistle, and the spell was spoken in his mouth.

"Fire Sword"

Eight crimson flame swords appeared on Lu Yang's body, and countless flames were ejected from the eight swords.




The G8 players in the turning position did not expect Lu Yang to participate in the battle in person, and were suddenly attacked by Lu Yang's exaggerated fire damage.

Flame Knife's eyes lighted and a roar: "Boss is here to help, brothers charge me."

He took two people out of the turning position suddenly, fighting with the enemy. There were more than 30 enemies in the turning position, and he was killed in less than 1 minute.

The Flame Knife breathed a sigh of relief as it looked at the enemy's body, and said to Lu Yang flying high in the distance, "Thank you."

Lu Yang looked helpless for a while. It was too difficult to attack here. The next path the Flame Knife was going was still a winding road with only 3 people to pass.

"Where are the white wolves?" Lu Yang asked.

Flame Knife was about to answer, and suddenly he opened his eyes suddenly and shouted, "Boss news, the enemy has a shooter looking at you."

Not far from the top of the mountain, three Brazilian players with archer artifacts are using bows and arrows to aim at the head of Landing Sun.

"Meteor Breaking Moon"

"Meteor Breaking Moon"

"Meteor Breaking Moon"

Three pure white lights flew towards Lu Yang's location at an instant 2000 meters away. Lu Yang flew up sharply when he heard the flame knife, but his body was too large, and two of the three meteor shattered moons hit Up his body.



Lu Yang's blood volume changed only a moment. He looked in horror to the top of the mountain. The three archers were bending their bows and arrows again, and everyone's face was proud.

Lu Yang knew that he couldn't stay here anymore, and hurriedly flew out of the zigzag route, returned to the foot of the mountain in Liruma, and flew to the side of the White Lion and others.

"Boss, are you okay?" The White Lion asked.

Lu Yang shook his head and said with a smile: "It's dangerous. I was almost killed by the enemy. Sure enough, we can't easily show our heads in this chaotic battle."

The white lion smiled and said, "You only need to plan the whole situation. The guild development is so big ~ ~ It also requires you to go to the battlefield in person. We are not too shameful."

Lu Yang laughed and asked, "What about the white tiger and the white wolf?"

The White Lion said: "There are 7 winding roads in this mountain of Liruma. White Tiger and White Wolf, and Li Wenxing and several other people are leading the team to attack separately. . "

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Know your difficulties, try your best to attack, and don't show your feet."

The original plan was to cooperate with the Blue Dragon Mage and the Grand Druid Army to use the water system high-order spell Hailong Wave to hit the Shalulu Waterfall. However, the enemy's attack has not yet entered the exhaustion period. Shalulu Falls is too fierce, and the enemy may fully reinforce Shalulu Falls, which will have a very adverse effect on the battle situation.

Therefore, Lu Yang decided to attack the six legions with full force until 12 o'clock in the evening. When the enemies were exhausted and the players of the Iron Brotherhood were a little tired, they stormed Shalulu Waterfall and beat them down in World War I. While boosting morale, destroy the enemy's confidence.

"Boss rest assured, I will complete the task." White Lion said.

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