Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1218: Sun Moon Bow

"My God, this Starbreaker's bloodline is so tyrannical, adding 200,000 agility." Said the King of Hell, the stunned.

"There is also a long-range attack halo, which adds an additional 15% damage. It's too explosive. Our shooter has risen." The shooter said in the shadow of a moon.

The turbid wine allowed the shooter to send him the effects of the power of bloodline. After seeing the improvement of various attributes, the turbid wine also showed a surprised expression.

"It's too strong," Zhuojiu said to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "There can be at least 10,000 Starbreaker bloodline fruits in it, all for you."

"Xie Boss." Zhuo Jiu said excitedly. With the blood of the 10,000 Starbreakers, plus the blood of the former Divine Warrior, the Duo Jiu feels a level 140 copy is not difficult.

Lu Yang said: "Then your task will be a little heavier. Although I still let you take charge of the defense, in fact, in the future battles, your players will be the main force."

Judging from the turbid wine, Lu Yang's operation was equal to the selection of the new army, and he was the first group to be selected from the new army. When the new army is fully formed, this will be an extremely horrifying army.

"Boss rest assured, I will not disappoint your expectations." Zhuo Jiu said excitedly.

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Let's go on, everyone is back in place."

"Yes." The town prisoner Hades and others ran a kilometer away and continued to ambush.

Lu Yang continued to fly into the Kuze Mountain to pull monsters in accordance with the previous method of pulling monsters. However, after Lu Yang cleared the wave of monsters, a shooter responsible for picking up equipment screamed and ran towards Landing Yang.

"Boss, I'm curious, there are two lords running over there." Gu Yingyue shouted.

Lu Yang: "..."

Mud wine: "..."

"Your sister, hurry up and leave me in place, you want to pit us all." Shouted Zhuzhuo.

Gu Yingyue reacted after this and shouted, "Oh, I see."

He stood in place, and soon, the two lords chased him. Both of them were the same height as ordinary players, a golden shooter and a silver shooter.

Marksman Yaoi

Level: 200

Qi and blood: 100000000000/100000000000

"The bow of the sun and the moon." Lu Yang smiled at the corner of his mouth and shouted, "Lone shadow moon, continue to run over, don't die."

"Ah ~!" Gu Yingyue shuddered, and then immediately jumped up and ran over towards Luyang.

"Boss, why did you ask me to come here ~~~, I will hurt you ~~~" Gu Yingyue shouted.

Behind the Sun and Moon **** bow, the nearer it was, it was almost 300 meters.

Zhuo Jiu said: "Boss, these two lords are both level 200. Do you have a way to kill them together?"

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "No."

"That?" Zhuoju blinked, and the other shooters were nervous.

Lu Yang pointed to the town's **** king: "I can kill one, he can pull one for me."

"Haunting Hades?" The shooters looked at him in surprise.

The Pluto King didn't feel timid, and asked, "Boss, what skills does he have?"

Lu Yang said: "If there is only one person, his attack is a single bow and arrow, but the speed is very fast, the range of 300 meters, the reaction from shooting to you is only 0.3 seconds, can you do it?"

"The rate of fire of the bow and arrow is 0.3 seconds, which is too much."

"It only takes 0.3 seconds for 300 meters. How can this be played?"


All the shooters were stunned.

The King of Hell said, "I can hold him for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, I can't keep up."

Lu Yang said, "It's enough. In 30 minutes, I will kill the sun striker and go together."

He ran towards the Sunburst Archer. At a distance of 100 meters, he raised his hand and hit a comet and hit the Sunburst Archer.


The shooting striker of the Sunburst paused for a moment, his uncle's face looked at Lu Yang, just raised his hand, and a light and shadow skipped the space in an instant.


Lu Yang turned into a white light and flew to a location 100 meters away.

"Escape The Dagger"

Lu Yang threw out the escape dagger while he shot the second arrow, and a side flip of the body avoided the arrow.

A blue light flashed, Lu Yang appeared 110 meters away, and he successfully ran out of the attack range of the Yaori shooter.

"Blazing Blaze"

There was a flame at Lu Yang's feet, and he ran into the small house quickly. At this time, the muddy wine stood outside the house. Once Lu Yang was in danger, he was able to rescue in time.

Gu Yingyue and other shooters also stood outside to watch.

Lu Yang stood in the house and said, "Don't take part in the battle. The two lords can shoot as many bows and arrows as they can. It's a 300-meter attack. As soon as you enter the battle, you will either kill him or be killed. "

Gu Yingyue waited quickly to step back.

Lu Yang took a deep breath and listened to the sound of footsteps approaching gradually.

"Yanyang mask"

"Lava Eruption"

"Lava Eruption"

Two consecutive lavas erupted, spreading the flames of the room in a straight line, and at the same time, the footsteps became louder and more rapid, and this rapid sound made the heart beating unconsciously. This is a level 200 lord. In such a small room, the opponent's attack speed is still 0.3 seconds. As long as there is a mistake, it will be seconds.

At this time Lu Yang did not dare to show his head to look outside, because in 0.3 seconds, he could hardly see anything outside, so he could only listen.

Footsteps rustled continuously, getting closer and closer, just as it seemed to be outside the doorway, Lu Yang suddenly spelled out.

"Meteorite Impact"

A reddish meteorite on the beam of the house fell down, and at the moment when it landed, a phantom rushed into the door with a phantom.

"Angry Skills-Devil Slash"

A reddish ray of light hits the body of the Yaori shooter, and the attacked Yaori shooter slams backwards. When he was in the air, Lu Yang kept shining.

"Blazing Heart"

A blazing white flame hit the body of the Sunburst Archer. At the same time, each time the Sunburst Archer stepped back, he was hit by a meteorite and burned once by the flames on the ground.

"5128366" (Critical Strike)

"2136666" (Critical Strike)

"2136666" (Critical Strike)


For 8 consecutive attacks, Yao Sun's body hit the wall, and Lu Yang got 5 points of anger.


The Sunburst shooter fell into rigidity, just at this moment.


22 small melting bombs in the sky hit the head of the sunburst shooter stunned on the ground, and Lu Yang added 2 points of anger to 27 points.

"336666" (Critical)

"336666" (Critical)


Just when the Sunburst shooter was about to wake up.

"Remnant Flame-Activated"

Lu Yang turned into a red light and came to the shooter of the sun, and the magic wand in his hand suddenly bloomed extremely brilliant light.

"Rage Skill-Dance of Red Snake Strangling"

With Lu Yang's right hand as the center, the magic wand in his hand spun wildly. While spinning, the magic wand burst into a fiery red flame, which continued to stiffen the sunburst shooter who just woke up again.

Level 2 wrath skills, the damage is extremely powerful, Lu Yang's first hit with a crit, causing more than 3 million damage, and then each attack is normal 30%, but because Lu Yang more than 90% crit chance Each attack is explosive. Seven consecutive attacks have hit nearly 7 million damage, including the total damage of the first hit, which is more than 10 million.

In addition to being burned for 4 seconds, while dealing 10 million damage, it added 4 points of anger to Lu Yang. Now Lu Yang's anger value is 21, and two anger skills can be released. .

Lu Yang was not polite, and the spell in his mouth was read out again, just as the shooter of Yaori got up.

"Hot Boxing"

He punched the body of Yao Sun's archer with a punch, and originally leaned against the wall. This time the attack hit the Sun Archer against the wall, flew up, and landed behind Lu Yang.

"Earth to Earth"

Lu Yang said in his mouth that as soon as the Sunburst Archer fell to the ground, a cloud of flames rose into the sky and continued to fly backwards.

"Destroy Heavy Artillery"

The skill released with a delay of one second was played when the Sunburst shooter flew to the highest point, and was centered on the position of the Sunburst shooter, moving it backward by 10 meters.

"Earth to Earth"

A second flame blasted into the sky, and the scorching shooter continued to fly backwards.


There were 22 Naruto bombs falling on the beam of the house, but it was not the aim of the Sunburst shooter, but the furthest opposite wall.

"Earth to Earth" (Reverse)

Taking advantage of the delay of 1 second, Lu Yang uttered a spell in his mouth.

"Remnant Flame-Activated"

A ray of light landed on the sun and reached the landing place of the Sunburst shooter. Each ground fire can only crash the target backwards by a distance of 10 meters, and the ground fire's attack distance is 20 meters each time. This requires land Yang assists other skills.

"The Sun Fist"

Lu Yang punched the body of the striker in the left hand with a punch, hitting it backwards for 10 meters and just hit the wall, just after landing, 22 Naruto bombs fell in the sky, then the flames on the ground crashed into the opposite direction. , Flew over in the direction of the landing sun.

"Hot Boxing"

With a phantom left, Lu Yang just caught the shining sun shooter who was about to land, and rushed to the front wall with him.


The Yaori shooter's body rebounded and flew up, fell over the body of Lu Yang and fell to the ground, stunned for 2 seconds.




For 4 consecutive pyrotechnics, Lu Yang accumulated 4 points of anger, plus the anger from the previous set of skills, as well as the flames on the ground and the flames on his body, his anger value returned to 22 .

On the other hand, the shining shooter on the opposite side had not attacked yet, and Lu Yang was killed by more than 500 million.

"I'll wipe it out, the boss's combo skills are too horrible. If anyone is connected by him, a set of skills will definitely die." Gu Yingyue said.

Zhuo Jiu said: "Everyone learns. You are the first master in the world. Although their careers are different, how many people can dream of it, don't miss any details."

"Yes." Gu Yingyue waited quickly.

"Strange, haven't you seen the Hell King? Is he not dead yet?" Asked a shooter called the light and shadow power.

Everyone then remembered that the Hell King of Hell was pulling another 200 level lord to run over the map. This kind of thing, they couldn't do it because they knew how strong they were, and they did n’t have a 0.3 second reaction speed. have.

"Look, over there, I wiped it, and it was also a super big coffee, this dodge speed is absolutely impossible." Gu Yingyue said excitedly.

The crowd looked in the direction of the fingers under the shadow of the lonely moon. From a distance of 100 meters, the Hades of the prison was running horizontally, changing positions every 0.3 seconds, beating quickly in front of them like a phantom.

"Where did the boss find the monster? It's too strong." Light and shadow power said dumbly.

Zhuo Jiu said: "You don't know yet, this person is the seventh in the world in the individual heads-up competition of the last global competition."

"Fuck." Gu Yingxia and the light and shadow power and others were silent for a while. They originally wanted to compete with the Hell King, who played games. No one was better than anyone, but they knew the other's world ranking.

The world ranking can't be fake, especially the world ranking at the contest, the seventh in the individual competition, they can only admit that there are really more people in this world than you, the seventh in the world, that is one they will never dare Achieved height.

Anyone who has ever played in the arena knows that those who have the ability to enter the world's top 100,000 people are all first-rate masters. At this stage, who has played who has played partly by chance and others status.

But I want to enter the top 50,000 in the world. At this step, there is no trace of luck. They are all top powerhouses. But this is the seventh in the world. They do n’t know how to say it anymore. They just want to follow this big guy. Study hard, there is no need to think of confrontation.

Zhuo Jiu said, "I'm going to apply with the boss to make them the chief of your army. Do you have any opinions?"




Just kidding, who is the seventh commander of the legion in the world, isn't that uncomfortable?

Zhuoju nodded with satisfaction and looked into the room. At this time, Lu Yang was about to be 22 angry points.

"Ghost Fire Lamp"

Fourteen ghost fire lamps flew out of Lu Yang's body, collided with the shining sun shooter who had just stood up, and continued to fly backwards, eventually landing on the opposite wall.

"Damn man, I'm going to kill you." Yaori Archer was so angry that he couldn't use his bow and arrow at this distance and quickly retreated.

"Polynuclear explosion"

Suddenly, Lu Yang's body burst into flames, and then a spell was spoken in his mouth.

"Remnant Flame-Activated"

Lu Yang flew in front of the Yao Sun shooter with a light ~ ~ 0.2 seconds before the Yao Sun shooter had just put on his two-handed sword and was ready to pierce Lu Yang.


A fierce shock wave erupted in Lu Yang's body, retreating back and forth from the sun striker.


Even at this time, Lu Yang did not forget to use small skills to disgustingly shine the sun shooter.

"Remnant Flame-Activated"

Lu Yang jumped in front of the Yaori shooter. At 30, his rage was full, and he could release his combo.

"Rage Skill-Dance of Red Snake Strangling"

The Yaori shooter had just stood and was turned 8 times by the circle of fire again. Just after landing, Lu Yang threw another Naruto bomb and read the spell in his mouth.

"red lotus"

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