Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2279: The big guy is the big guy

   Chapter 2279 The boss is worthy of being a boss

"Wait until the next ten years, that is, by 2020, this is our future. At that time, after ten years of laying the foundation, it is the time when we need to exert our strength, and we need to sprint with 100 meters every day. speed forward.

   I have a hunch that at that time, the economy was developing rapidly every day, and there were winds everywhere. The deadline for each company to close down would be shortened, and it might close down if it couldn’t keep up. I think it was three months.

   In three months, a large company may fail, or a new large company may be born.

Every day, companies will close down, and countless new companies will appear every day. The competition in the market will become more intense, the product development cycle will become shorter and shorter, and the organizational structure of enterprises will continue to change and optimize. In the future information age, global competition, this state will allow us to develop very fast.

At that time, the domestic economy will also glow with incomparably strong vitality and develop incomparably brilliant. Today, there are only six domestic companies that have entered the world's top 500, but in the future, there may be 60 domestic companies entering the world. The ranks of the top 500, and even 120 companies have entered the ranks of the world's top 500. "

  Jiang Xiaobai said that many of the Fortune 500 giants do not believe it. If more than 100 companies enter the Fortune 500, it is equivalent to the economic volume of eastern countries catching up with Citi.

   How is this possible?

   But Jiang Xiaobai's words were like chicken blood for the domestic companies present, and people kept applauding.

   In the applause, Jiang Xiaobai stepped off the stage and returned to his seat.

  The overall meeting in the morning is over after Jiang Xiaobai's speech, and the next is a group discussion, mainly focusing on global entertainment and energy environment.

During lunch, a leader of Citigroup delivered a speech. The activities in the afternoon were mainly official, such as the construction of New Oriental, entering the tough stage, rural issues, the reform of state-owned enterprises, and the prospect of the market economy, etc. These answers were answered. and interviews are official.

  Jiang Xiaobai and the others just listened, and sometimes participated in some discussions. It is worth mentioning that in the third panel discussion held in the afternoon, the theme was "e-commerce".

   It was 1999, and many people didn't know much about the Internet industry at this time, but at this time, on the occasion of the gathering of the world's top 500 giants, there was already such a subject discussion.

  Really, sometimes the position of the station is different, and the things you see are not the same at all. For many people, it seems like prophecy of unknown things, but many times people have already thought of seeing it.

  The reason why the Fortune 500 can become the Fortune 500 is really not just talking about it.

  Jiang Xiaobai attended the third discussion meeting in the afternoon, but Jiang Xiaobai did not speak, but listened to others.

Mainly, some foreign giants of the world's top 500 are saying that they are still very optimistic about the prospects of e-commerce, which is normal. one of the themes.

   After the afternoon meeting, the day's itinerary is not over, or, tonight is the most important thing, because the leaders from the capital attended this dinner.

  The grand ceremony was very grand, and finally we shared the fireworks on the Huangpu River.

  After the dinner, Wang Chao and Wang Meng were waiting for a good drink, and the big guys got together.

   "It's getting late today, and there will be a meeting tomorrow, so let's wait a day after it's completely over, everyone will get together again then." Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said.

   It's getting late now. If you drink it again, it will be different whether you will be able to get up tomorrow. If you drink too much at such a conference, you will be ashamed and thrown into your grandma's house.

   "Jiang Dong is right, then another day." Zhang Weiyi also said that he also disapproved of going to the party now. Today's excitement is excitement, but the time is not right.

   And there is still tomorrow's conference, and there are people to speak. He still needs to go back and prepare. He can talk to the world's top 500 giants. This opportunity is very precious for everyone.

   "Okay, then another day." Wang Chao and Wang Meng didn't insist either. The group soon dispersed.

  Song Xin looked at Jiang Xiaobai a little weird when she was leaving. Jiang Xiaobai didn't want to go on a date with Li Siqi alone.

   That's why the party was called off, Song Xin muttered, Jiang Xiaobai got closer and heard a black line.

  Is this necessary? The two people met because they hadn't seen each other for a long time, and it was Li Siqiang who proposed it. How could he have the nerve to refuse.

   But this came out of Li Songxin's mouth, as if he was going to secretly meet with his old lover, what is this?

   "What are you muttering?" Jiang Xiaobai said angrily.

   "Anyway, it's still early, I'll go tell Xinyi about the status of this grand event." Song Xin looked at Jiang Xiaobai's righteous threat, and the meaning of what she said was very obvious.

  Jiang Xiaobai is really speechless. If he told Zhao Xinyi about this, he would have caused something to happen.

   "Come here." Jiang Xiaobai reluctantly took Song Xin to the other side. After persuading her with kind words for a long time, Song Xin agreed to go home directly and not go to Zhao Xinyi's place to tell trouble.

   Watching Song Xin and the others go away, Jiang Xiaobai sighed. After walking out of the conference center, he lit a cigarette with the car door open and looked at the sky full of stars.

   After a while, the phone rang, Jiang Xiaobai said his location, and Li Siqi came over.


   "Siyan, where are you going to sit and what would you like to eat?" Jiang Xiaobai got up and looked at Li Siqi and asked. Although the dinner party just now was said to be a dinner party, no one ate too much. After all, it was that kind of occasion.

   Even Jiang Xiaobai, who usually doesn't follow the rules, was embarrassed to go out to eat and drink, and had another afternoon meeting. At this time, he was already hungry and his heart was on his back.

   "I heard that you opened a Jianhua Hotel, where can you go?" Li Siqi asked.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded, let Li Siqi get in the car, and then drove towards the Jianhua Hotel. Li Siqi looked at Jiang Xiaobai's driver with a familiar look, and then recognized Li Longquan and said hello to Li Longquan.

   Li Longquan didn't know what to say, he just called Mr. Li. There was very little contact between him and Li Siqi, that is, when they were in the capital, they only met a few times.

   (end of this chapter)

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