Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1873: Jiang Xiaobai's domineering

  Chapter 1873 Jiang Xiaobai's domineering

  On August 1, 1995, Jiang Xiaobai represented Flower Bank and Lin Sheng represented Lixin Development Company. The two parties signed the contract in Xiangjiang.

  Flower Bank invested 940 million Hong Kong dollars and invested in Lixin Development Company, occupying 49% of the shares of Lixin Development Company.

  Two years later, if Lixin Development Company cannot double the profit of Flower Bank, Lixin Development Company will repurchase Flower Bank’s share of Lixin Development Company at a double price.

  Or compensate Flower Bank for double the shares, that is to say 49% of the shares, then Flower Bank will occupy 98% of the shares of Lixin Development Company.

  In other words, two years later, the profit will not reach twice the expected value.

   Either Lixin Development Company doubles compensation, or the entire Lixin Development Company pays Flower Bank.

  A company that is now valued at 2 billion Hong Kong dollars may go directly to Flower Bank in two years.

  This is a big investment. Flower Bank hasn't made such a big investment for several years. People in the investment department are very excited.

  I have been busy for more than half a month, but for such a big case, in comparison, more than half a month is already short.

  Many investment cases can even reach one or two years in time span, which is not uncommon.

When Jiang Xiaobai left Xiangjiang, Lin Sheng and Mrs. Lin came to see him off.

  Compared with before, Lin Sheng came to greet him alone, which made people feel more comfortable.

  Of course, Mrs. Lin asked to come over.

   Regarding Lin Sheng and Wang Zhuxian's affairs, Jiang Xiaobai just couldn't understand it, so he took it easy, but for Mrs. Lin, it affected her life in the second half of her life.

   "I wish you happiness and goodbye." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and led people into the station.

   "Asheng, this Jiang Dong is very interesting!" Madam Lin said while looking at Jiang Xiaobai's back.

   "Hmm." Lin Sheng nodded and said, "A very powerful person."

  Jiang Xiaobai did not go back to the magic capital, but went to Yangcheng.

  Sun Jianyun and Yangcheng Pharmaceutical's negotiations on the Wang Lao level were not very smooth, when Jiang Xiaobai arrived in Yangcheng.

  Sun Jianyun only arranged for someone to come and pick him up, but he didn't leave.

   "What's your situation, Mr. Sun, are you busy like this? The negotiation is not going well, it has been more than half a month?" As soon as he got on the bus, Jiang Xiaobai frowned and asked.

  Whether Sun Jianyun will come to pick him up, Jiang Xiaobai doesn't care, he is not the kind of person who puts on airs.

  But from this incident, it can be seen that Sun Jianyun must be very busy.

  Being busy like this, he couldn't take down a Wang elder class. This was the reason Jiang Xiaobai frowned.

"Dong Jiang, this... Before, we had a good talk with Yangcheng Pharmaceutical, but later... Forget it, Dong Jiang, I don’t know, I’m still waiting for you to see Mr. Sun, Mr. Sun will report to you. Right." Sun Jianyun's assistant shrank his neck.

  He was a little afraid that Jiang Xiaobai would get angry.

   "Huh." Jiang Xiaobai snorted coldly, not embarrassing an assistant anymore.

  Yangcheng Pharmaceutical is also a giant in Yangcheng.

   However, the specific Wanglao level is only under the control of Yangcheng Pharmaceutical. It does not mean that Wanglao level is Yangcheng Pharmaceutical.

  Wang old class truly became Yangcheng Pharmaceutical, that is after the restructuring of Yangcheng Pharmaceutical and becoming the Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group.

  At that time, Wang Lao-level really became a part of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group.

  At this time, Wanglaoji and several other pharmaceutical companies belong to Yangcheng Pharmaceutical.

  And the predecessor of Yangcheng Pharmaceutical was called Traditional Chinese Medicine Enterprise.

  It is conceivable that Wanglaoji can occupy much position as a herbal tea beverage in this kind of enterprise.

  Otherwise, Yangcheng Pharmaceutical will not give Jiaduobao the formula of Wang Lao level in later generations, and authorize Jiaduobao to produce and sell.

  Because the brand of Wanglaoji is not very important in Yangcheng Pharmaceutical at this time.

  The car stopped at the gate of the old king, it was not that the driver was unwilling to drive in.

   and was stopped by the security at the door, let me register.

   Jiang Xiaobai got off the car directly, looked at Sun Jianyun’s assistant and asked, “Is this the first time this car has come?”

   "No, the car we have been driving before was registered." Sun Jianyun's assistant explained in a low voice.

  "Every time the person is different, how can I not register?" The guard glared at Jiang Xiaobai and said.

   "Registration, no problem, I think you are a full-time employee? Are you so serious and responsible?" Jiang Xiaobai said, leaning on the guard with a smile.

   "Yes, full-time employees." The guard said with a straightened chest. At this time, the full-time employees of state-owned enterprises were all proud.

   "Do you know who I am?" Jiang Xiaobai asked while looking at the guard.

  "Home and drinks..."

   Jiang Xiaobai did not wait for him to finish, so he interrupted him and said, "I am a competitor of your beverage factory.

  This time I came here to buy you. After the acquisition, you are my employee. I will salute when I meet in the future.

  If we can’t buy, we will compete. If you close your doors and go bankrupt, you will be laid off. "

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at the door guard and said word by word, the aura on his body was not something ordinary people could bear.

  In every word and action, there is a strong self-confidence, which makes people very sure and believe that he will be able to do it.

  As if it will be achieved in the next second.

  The guard is also familiar with the situation in the factory in the past two days, knowing that the family and the company are talking about the acquisition.

  However, they are state-owned enterprises, and the company and the company are competitors. The final result is not certain. It is the higher price or the other who wins.

  Nothing has settled yet. Besides, ordinary employees like them don't care about these things.

  On the contrary, he has feelings for the factory, so I was embarrassed, but I didn't expect that this might have provoke a big man.

  "Boss, joked, you can go in." Although the guard was a little embarrassed by Jiang Xiaobai, but for ordinary people, work is the most important thing.

  As for face and the like, it’s important to have a breadwinner.

   So immediately said with a smile.

  However, Jiang Xiaobai sullenly said coldly: "Register."

  The door guard shivered and quickly registered.

   "Huaqing Holding Group Jiang Xiaobai, register me clearly. This is my first visit, and it may be the last time. Either you will change your name in the future, or you will go bankrupt in the future."

  Jiang Xiaobai dropped a sentence and walked towards the factory.

  If it is normal registration, he has no objection, but it has already been registered, and it is too difficult to stop the car and register again.

  Family and company can’t be humiliated by people, and if the talks are successful, they can’t be treated like this.

  (End of this chapter)

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