Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1863: Send it to school

  Chapter 1863 Send it to school

   "Tingling bell." The big brother in the bag suddenly rang, and Jiang Xiaobai frowned.

  He came out to take a day off. He didn't plan to bring a communication tool like Big Brother. It was very annoying.

  As long as it is on the same area, there is no good thing.

  Jiang Xiaobai answered the phone: "Hello?"

   "Jiang Dong, it's me, Sun Jianyun. It's like this. The two stars of Xiangjiang are here." Sun Jianyun's voice came over the phone.

   "Hmm. What's the matter?" Jiang Xiaobai asked rhetorically.

   "That king master wants to see you today, do you think?"

   "Today." Jiang Xiaobai frowned, thought for a while and said: "Well, I am now in elementary school to celebrate Children's Day for my son. If they want, I will send them over."

   Jiang Xiaobai would never do this kind of thing if he were to be placed in a later life, because in such a crowded place, he might be surrounded by accident.

  It’s not uncommon even if trampling is caused by panic.

  But the star at this time, because of the underdevelopment of the news media, the popularity of the star is far behind the later generations.

  A considerable number of people don’t know the stars. Even if they recognize them, the crazy degree of people chasing stars at this time is not as high as that of later generations.

  At most, take a look from a distance and discuss it curiously.

  That’s why Jiang Xiaobai dared to send people over.

   "Okay, I'm making arrangements now, I disturbed Jiang Dong." Sun Jianyun heard what Jiang Xiaobai was doing? It's better if you are disturbed at work.

  It’s strange to be in a good mood when you are disturbed during rest.

  He is also the leader of the company, and his usual work is messed up, so he can understand this feeling better.

  It seems that this call shouldn’t be made.

After    hung up the phone, Zhao Xinyi asked curiously: “Who do you want to come over? If you have work, I’ll be busy.

  Inviting people to the school, is it a bit unpleasant and disrespectful to people? "

  Needless to say when Jiang Xiaobai sees people, it must be about work, although she is not willing to let Jiang Xiaobai be absent on the children’s holiday.

   But if there is something urgent, there is no way.

  It’s somewhat rude to invite people here.

   "It's okay." Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said, "It's two Xiangjiang stars, a man and a woman. The family and company have invited me to be the endorsement. I have to see me."

   "The star of Xiangjiang, who is the hero?" Zhao Xinyi asked suddenly.

   Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback: "How did you know?"

   "Hehe, is this king and wise man particularly beautiful?" Zhao Xinyi turned her head and asked with interest.

   "I've seen that movie, it's the actor Nie Xiaoqian, I don't know if she is pretty or not.

  As you know, I’m relatively blind..." Jiang Xiaobai pushed it completely.

  Face blindness, I don’t know who invented the word, it is really useful, especially at some critical moments, it can solve the crisis.

   "Blind face? Am I beautiful?" Zhao Xinyi continued to ask.

   "You? Do you mean the appearance or the heart?"

   "Is the appearance separate from the heart? It's on me."

   Jiang Xiaobai is also interested, he rarely sees Zhao Xinyi like this.

   reached out and held Zhao Xinyi's waist and whispered: "Pretty, so beautiful, the only thing I am not blind to is you.

   can cure my face blindness, and other women are the same in my eyes. "

   "Really? I heard that you really want to meet the female celebrities of Xiangjiang? If they are all the same, then see one is fine. How to choose? I feel quite entangled in how to choose?" Zhao Xinyi continued to ask.

  Jiang Xiaobai suddenly screamed that he was wronged, saying that he didn't have it at all.

   "Chuck, all right. I was kidding, but do you know this female star?"

"I do not know."

   "Why do they want to see you when they come?"

   "Then I really don't know, should you ask her?"


  "It's coming in a while, can I ask the head office for help?" Jiang Xiaobai said helplessly.

   "Chuck, tease you." Zhao Xinyi laughed in her belly, almost laughing out of her arms while holding her daughter.

   Jiang Xiaobai had a black line on his face, and suddenly asked: "By the way, you haven't answered me yet, how did you know?"

   "Hehe, I can't tell you that." Zhao Xinyi shook her head.

  Jiang Xiaobai has no way to get his wife, but it is something that can be guessed.

  There are already few people in the company who can come into contact with Zhao Xinyi.

  Sun Jianyun at home and company would definitely not say, Yin Xiaoyin's level is not enough, then there is only Zhao Xiaojin, a little traitor.

   "Dad, will Lord Wang come in a while?" Yin Xiaoyin leaned to Jiang Xiaobai's side and asked in a low voice.

  She is a young man, and of course she pays more attention to celebrities.

   "Yes, and Liu Dihua." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "Really, it's coming soon, can I ask for two signatures?" Yin Xiaoyin asked excitedly.

   "Hehe, whatever, I didn't bring a camera today, otherwise, it would be okay to take a group photo." Jiang Xiaobai said casually.

   "Great, I heard about it in the company before, looking for celebrity endorsements..."

Here Jiang Xiaobai’s family was chatting, and the staff on the other side had already picked up Liu Dehua, Wang Zhuxian, and Lin Sheng in the car, accompanied by Liu Dehua and Wang Zhuxian’s agents, and Lin Sheng was carrying one. assistant Manager,

  As for safety issues, the security of the home and company is responsible.

   "Are we going to your group?" Sitting in the car, Wang Zhuxian asked.

   "No, Jiang Dong is outside today. Let me send you there." The staff explained.

   "So? Where is it?" Wang Zhuxian has a spirit of breaking the casserole and asking the end.

  The staff smiled and said: "When you get to the place, you will know."

   Soon, the car arrived at the entrance of the elementary school, after the staff and the guard passed the ditch.

  The car parked in the small parking lot on the campus, and then a group of people walked into it.

   "This is the school?" Wang Zhuxian couldn't help asking again.

   "Yes, Jiang Dong's child is celebrating Children's Day today, and Jiang Dong's family is accompanied by the school." The staff explained.

  "This school belongs to Jiang Dong Company?" Lin Sheng asked.

  The staff member shook his head in surprise.

  At this time, there are no private schools in China, they are all public schools.

  "Many schools in Xiangjiang are private, and the management of the schools is the responsibility of the school board." Lin Shengzhi explained.

  This is the difference between the two sides of the strait. The staff listened to the novelty, and showed a kind smile to Lin Sheng, and then continued to lead a group of people to the school’s large playground along the direction of the sound.

  On the edge of the playground, I saw Li Longquan who came to greet him.

  (End of this chapter)

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