Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1800: Corporate meeting

  Chapter 1800 Corporate Meeting

  "What about the child's household registration?" Jiang Xiaobai asked while looking at Song Xin on the plane.

   "It's okay, my dad can help. Besides, for such a small matter, I have something to do with the capital. There must be no problem." Song Xin said indifferently.

   "Okay, if you need my help for anything, just call me directly. I have already notified Lao Song that they will pick us up at the airport..." Jiang Xiaobai said without words.

  The sugar candy on the side is quite familiar to Jiang Xiaobai, and he has been making noises since he got on the plane. Jiang Xiaobai was a little helpless.

  This kid is not cute at all. Find her father another day and clean him up.

  Haha, you bully me, and I will be your father another day.

  Jiang Xiaobai thought about it and became happier. That’s how it is to be a human being, having fun in hardship.

  Beijing, Song Hanbin and Song Mu got up and started to clean up early in the morning.

   "Old Song, the room has been cleaned up. Go and get two toys in the room for the baby to play on the way back from the airport."

   "Oh, on the way back, it's only this part of the road that a rare baby is still rare, but what kind of toys to play with." Song Hanbin was pure lazy.

   However, there is nothing wrong with this, Song Mother nodded and thought.

   "You first contact the driver to see if the car has come over, I will tidy up the girl's room again." Mother Song said.

  Daughter and granddaughter, no, it should be said that the granddaughter came back. Since receiving the news from Jiang Xiaobai, Song’s mother took a few days off and cleaned up the house from inside to outside.

  Furnitures that are not suitable for children, such as furniture with sharp corners, have all been replaced, and Song Xin’s room is also available.

  The bed sheets, quilts, etc. are all new, and after two days of drying, Song Hanbin also took a day off, went to the department store, and bought a lot of toys for his granddaughter.

   "Oh, by the way, I picked up the child in a while, cooked more food, and left Jiang Xiaobai to eat at home. This time I trouble Jiang Xiaobai to go out.

  I stayed for half a month, we must thank others. "Song Hanbin said.

  Mother Song also nodded. They all knew how busy Jiang Xiaobai was. As a result, it took Jiang Xiaobai half a month to go.

  Moreover, Jiang Xiaobai went to Citigroup to eat and chew. I don’t know how much it will cost.

   "Yes, I know, in fact, Jiang Xiaobai is really good. If he is capable and capable, it is a pity that he has no relationship with our Xiner." Mother Song said with some regret.

  Song Hanbin shook his head: "Forget it, don't talk about this kind of thing."

  Mother Song sighed, did not mention it again, unwilling to ruin today's good mood.

   Soon the two of them went out... When Jiang Xiaobai, Song Xin and others got off the plane, Song Hanbin was already waiting outside the passage in the arrival hall.

   Seeing the girl come out, Song Hanbin was very excited, ignoring the others, and ran over.

  Holding Song Xin and Xiao Tangtang in his arms, Song Mu followed close behind.

  The eyes were red, and tears fell before speaking.


   "Just come back, just come back." Song mother choked and said.

   Jiang Xiaobai stood by and watched this scene with a smile on his face.

  "Xiaobai, let's go and eat at home." Song Hanbin then greeted Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Thank you this time, if it weren't for you..."

   Jiang Xiaobai interrupted without waiting for Song Hanbin to finish: "Needless to say, it should be done."

   "And if I go home to eat, I won't go, your family will gather together."

   Jiang Xiaobai did not want to go, Song Hanbin's family finally reunited, Jiang Xiaobai did not want to interrupt.

   "No, you are a great hero, you must have a good drink today." Song Hanbin took Jiang Xiaobai to stop Jiang Xiaobai from leaving.

Song Xin next to    also said: "Don’t go, you have been busy for so long and you have brought so many things to Citigroup. If you leave without a meal, my dad probably feels bad."

   "Okay." Jiang Xiaobai said helplessly.

  Then call Li Longquan over and ask him to take other people to stay first.

   Then we left the airport with Song Hanbin and others. Song Xin, Song Mother, and Wu Ma got on the bus with their children. Jiang Xiaobai and Song Hanbin were smoking cigarettes.

  Song Hanbin patted Jiang Xiaobai’s arm. He was reluctant to say thank you again and again, but he remembered Jiang Xiaobai’s love.

   "By the way, what's the name of that grandson? I'll let someone find it and educate him later." Jiang Xiaobai asked.

  Song Hanbin took a look. The mother and daughter who were talking in the car said, "It seems to be called Downey, a foreign Chinese, who worked in Chinatown for a while, but the picture is not there."

   "Okay, that's enough, it doesn't matter if there are photos." Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and noted Downey's name.

   has also worked in Chinatown, it should not be difficult to inquire, the scope is not large, as long as you are willing to spend money,

  And just so, all Jiang Xiaobai lacks is money.

  After having a meal at Song's house at noon, Jiang Xiaobai resolutely left in the afternoon, but made an appointment with Song Xin. If she has time, she can go to the magic city to take a look.

   "Jiang Dong, Mr. Zhang from the magic city called and said that there was a meeting."

  "Which level of meeting?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a headache, as soon as he returned to China, he had a meeting.

   "It seems to be a meeting in the ministry, and the theme of the meeting seems to be the development direction of the company." Li Longquan said.

   "Well, call Mr. Zhang back and say I will go to participate." Jiang Xiaobai agreed.

  This kind of meeting, if he doesn’t want to participate, Zhang Weiyi needs to come and run a special trip.

  After Jiang Xiaobai stayed in the hotel that night, he called Zhao Xinyi and said that he might have to postpone returning to Demon Capital for two days.

  The next afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai, accompanied by Li Longquan, went to the meeting.

   Originally, Jiang Xiaobai participated in this meeting as a matter of going through a process, but I didn’t expect a lot of people to come.

  Among them, several company leaders were selected to speak on stage. Jiang Xiaobai was also invited. However, Jiang Xiaobai said that he had just returned from a business trip abroad, and he shied away without preparation.

  "Lenovo’s President Ni, please talk about it below," the host said.

  Ni Guangnan stepped onto the stage, holding the microphone and opening his mouth with a smile.

   "In fact, what I want to talk about today is our latest plan from Lenovo, which is the chip plan. We are recruiting talents in Magic City, Xiangjiang and other places, and established our Lianhai Microelectronics Design Center, and our domestic companies.

  Compared with foreign companies, our domestic companies are inferior in technology. Great Wall does IBM, and Stone does Compaq, so I have been thinking about how we can get out of this predicament..."

  (End of this chapter)

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