Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1748: Feelings of loved ones

   Chapter 1748 The feelings of relatives

  When I went home to Sasha in the evening, I talked about it with Jiang Shuwen.

  "Call first to thank Mr. Wang, and then thank Dong Jiang." Said to Sasha.

  Jiang Shuwen nodded in agreement. The couple had a phone call from Wang Chao.

  This is left to them by Chao Wang, so that they can call directly if they need help.

  The phone rang for a long time before Wang Chao picked it up.

   "President Wang, thank you, my job position in the hospital has been adjusted today." Xiang Sha Sha said tentatively.

  She feels that the job adjustment this time is most likely because of Wang Chao, but she is not sure.

  After all, Director Jin did not explicitly say that Wang Chao was helping, and Xiang Sasha also understood that how well such things are made public, that political wisdom is too low.

   "Haha, I don't need to thank him, it was arranged by Dong Jiang. If you want to thank you, please thank Dong Jiang." Wang Chao said on the phone.

   Nodded to Sasha, and she guessed it. Jiang Xiaobai came and adjusted as soon as she left her job.

  Where there is such a coincidence, why would Wang Chao take the initiative to think of helping? After all, their relationship with Wang Chao is average.

  Wang Chao took care of her husband Jiang Shuwen because of Jiang Xiaobai.

  "Which post did you adjust to? Are you satisfied?" Wang Chao continued to ask on the phone.

   Jiang Xiaobai told him to adjust to a relaxed position, and he must take care of this.

  "Satisfied, very satisfied, it belongs to our personnel department, and also became a small leader..." Xiang Sasha nodded repeatedly.

  If such a position is still unsatisfactory, is it possible that the position of the dean is given to her? She is also very satisfied with her job until she retire in this position.

  "Personnel department, good, as long as you like it, if you have anything in the future, please call me in time."

  Xiang Sha Sha listened to Wang Chao on the phone, someone was shouting "Mr. Wang" and the like, the voice was rather noisy, and I knew that Wang Chao, a busy person, had a lot of entertainment at night.

  So after repeatedly thanking Wang Chao, he hung up the phone.

  "Do you still want to call Jiang Xiaobai now? Or tomorrow?" Jiang Shuwen asked while looking at his wife.

  At this time, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

  "Why don't you go to work tomorrow? At this time, people are eating at home. Isn't it bad to call!" Xiang Shasha hesitated.

  But Jiang Shuwen finally thought about it and decided to call now. At eight o'clock, Jiang Xiaobai may be eating or something, not sleeping anymore.

  It doesn’t matter if you bother, the important thing is to thank someone.

  Jiang Xiaobai’s call was connected quickly, and obviously he didn’t go to socialize.

  The phone is also very quiet, after listening to Jiang Shuwen's purpose of the call.

   Congratulations to Xiang Sha Sha with a smile, and said something to Xiang Sha Sha.

  Let Xiang Sasha work boldly in her new job position and learn more about management experience.

  In comparison, Jiang Xiaobai’s attitude made Xiang Shasha and Jiang Shuwen relaxed a lot.

After    hung up, Xiang Sha Sha and Jiang Shuwen had finished the process.

  However, Xiang Shasha still feels a bit too simple. It seems a bit too simple to just make a phone call for such a big matter.

   "Why don't you do this, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, let's go to Dragon City and thank Jiang Xiaobai personally." Xiang Sa Sha suddenly said while lying on the bed.

  Jiang Shuwen was taken aback for a while before he reacted. After thinking about it, he also agreed.

  The lights in the room were turned off. After a while, Jiang Shuwen thought that his wife Xiang Shasha was already asleep.

  As a result, I heard the voice of his wife Xiang Sasha again.

   "Shuwen, why do you think Jiang Xiaobai is so good to us?"

   Jiang Shuwen thought for a long time: "I don't know."

   "Books, let me say one thing, don't be angry!" Xiang Sha Sha said again.

   "I'm not angry, you say."

   "I actually have a feeling when I see Jiang Xiaobai. It's very kind." Xiang Sha Sha said, and then quickly said: "It's the kind between relatives."

  Jiang Shuwen did not speak for a long time.

   Propped up with one arm to Sasha, looked at Jiang Shuwen and asked: "Are you angry?"


   "Then why don't you speak?"

  "Actually, I also feel this way. I feel kind when I see Jiang Xiaobai.

  Jiang Shuwen seemed to have opened up the chatterbox: "In fact, the first time I saw Jiang Xiaobai, I had a feeling. Later, I had a good talk with Jiang Xiaobai.

  I thought this was normal between friends. It was just pleasing to the eye. Later I found out that it was not the case.

  Actually, I really want to help Jiang Xiaobai with some things, but it’s a pity that my business is so big, so where can I help?

  Instead, Jiang Xiaobai helped me a lot..."

  Xiang Sha Sha did not speak any more, and kept listening to her husband's rants. In fact, she felt the same in her heart.

  On the other side, Jiang Xiaobai, who was in the magic city, hung up the phone, feeling a little bit too.

  In the last life, when his father was laid off, he was a worker, and his mother Xiang Shasha was always a nurse.

  Unexpectedly, both of them have become a small leader now. He doesn't know how his father feels when he is a small leader.

  But her mother Xiang Sha Sha always likes to be a leader, not to mention an official fan, but she still likes managers.

  Jiang Xiaobai hugged her daughter Jiang Xin and smiled freely. Although there are some things that can’t be said to his parents, it’s good to know that they are having a good time.

   "Xiao Bai, Dad is back to Longcheng, saying that the New Year is coming soon." Zhao Xinyi walked over and said, she was talking about Jiang Tieshan.

  Jiang Tieshan has been playing outside for more than half a year.

   "Also, my parents are going to help us clean up the house these past two days, and ask when we will go back to celebrate the New Year?" Zhao Xinyi asked.

  Before, Zhao Gang and Han Lin were planning to retire to the magic city at the end of this year.

   Staying with his grandson and granddaughter, but after Zhao Gang reported up here, the leader did not agree. I hope that Zhao Gang can continue this period of time at work and retire next year.

  Zhao Gang thought about it and agreed, after all, Long Gang was his lifetime effort.

  So I haven't seen my grandson and granddaughter for half a year, and I will know Jiang Xiaobai and the others will come back for the New Year at the end of the year.

  Zhao Gang and Han Lin are looking forward eagerly.

  "My side is over, why is it also the twenty-third of the twelfth lunar month, about the new year, when will you have a holiday?" Jiang Xiaobai asked again.

  "The holiday is on the 27th of the twelfth lunar month, but you can leave two days in advance. Then, when you are done, we will go back to Longcheng." Zhao Xinyi said.

  The couple were discussing about going home for the New Year. I don’t know when Jiang Xin has fallen asleep in Jiang Xiaobai’s arms.

   Jiang Xiaobai creptly put Jiang Xin on the bed.

  Jiang Xin was still young, so he still slept with Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi.

  (End of this chapter)

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