Chapter 1641 Missing a girl

  When Liu Hui opened the door and entered Zhao Xiaojin’s office, Zhao Xiaojin was looking at the keys on the table, beautiful!

   "Xiao Jin, Jin Er..." Liu Hui said with a smile.

   "Hui'er, come on, what do you think this is?" Zhao Xiaojin waved to Liu Hui.

  "Did you buy a house?" Liu Hui asked.

   "Ah, how did you know?" Zhao Xiaojin asked in surprise.

   "How did you know? Look." Liu Hui showed a bunch of keys.

   "Ah, why do you have... Jiang Dong asked you to decorate and design?" Zhao Xiaojin quickly thought of it.

   "Guess is accurate." Liu Hui said with a smile.

   "I said you are too interesting? You don't want to talk to me about buying a house or tell me." Liu Hui complained.

   "Where, I just accompany Jiang Dong to look at the house, just look at the house, and then Jiang Dong lent me the money." Zhao Xiaojin smiled.

   "Borrow money, you really dare to buy, but..." Liu Hui suddenly remembered.

   "Yes, you are now a shareholder, and you also hold shares. You will receive dividends at the end of the year, and you will be a rich woman. Of course you can buy a house. I am different. I have no money..."

   "It's nothing, what a little rich woman is really ugly." Zhao Xiaojin hit Liu Hui.

   "Haha, don't admit it yet, you are a rich little woman, say, how much is this house?"

   "800,000." Zhao Xiaojin said.

  "How much?" Liu Hui's eyes widened suddenly. The price of buying a 100-square-meter house in Modu, whether it is placed in later generations or now, is quite surprising.

   is too expensive for modern times, but too cheap for later generations.

  "800,000 RMB." Zhao Xiaojin said again.

   "Xiao Jin, you are really a rich woman now!" Liu Hui really envied this time, the 800,000 house.

  It is not the same as the leader. In terms of her education and ability, she is not comparable to Zhao Xiaojin.

  I am a college student who graduated from a dignified key university. After graduation, I soon became the vice president of Changxing Real Estate Company.

   Zhao Xiaojin, a college graduate with mediocre ability.

   But now, Zhao Xiaojin is already a senior leader of the head office, holding shares in the branch.

  There is no way to compare, but Liu Hui is not jealous. There is no way to do this.

  Zhao Xiaojin came to Huaqing Holding Co., Ltd. earlier, and he followed Jiang Xiaobai when he came, and has followed Jiang Xiaobai in these years.

  And this is not everyone who has this fate. She hasn't seen anyone in the big city for such a long time.

  A girl like Zhao Xiaojin who works as a secretary, who wants to be a good secretary, faces harassment by her boss.

  If you don’t want to be a good secretary, in the end, you can only be a role like Xiaomi, and there is no end to it.

  Those people are better than Zhao Xiaojin, and they are more beautiful than Zhao Xiaojin, but what's the use?

  Which one can hold company shares in front of the company’s senior leaders like Zhao Xiaojin?

  Not everyone is so lucky to meet such a good boss Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Let's go, I will go to see the house with you..." Liu Hui said.

"right now?"

   "Yes, what's the matter? Isn't it off work now?"

   "Yeah, I mean, is it too late? Tomorrow you will go and look at the design drawings. By the way, don't you see the house!" Zhao Xiaojin said.

   "No, I want to see your house now." Liu Hui said.

   "Okay, you can help me design it by the way. I will keep one for you in the house."



  When Zhao Xiaojin and Liu Hui went downstairs, they happened to ran into Jiang Xiaobai.

   Knowing that the two of them were going to see the house, Jiang Xiaobai felt helpless.

  Longquan asked Li Longquan to drive two people over. Anyway, the company was relatively close, and he went back after a short stroll by himself.

  When returning home, Jiang Xiaobai called Zhao Xinyi and talked about buying a house.

   "Okay, just buy it." Zhao Xinyi didn't respond to the house. For many people, it is a luxurious community.

  For many people, buying real estate is a big event, a big joy, and a happy event.

  But Zhao Xinyi has long lost this happiness, there is no way, the family is too rich.

  At the very beginning, it was still very happy to have the first house, but as Jiang Xiaobai made more money later, she hadn't felt it for a long time.

   "By the way, I will make arrangements tomorrow. I will go home in these two days to prepare for the listing of the home and the beverage factory." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Really?" Zhao Xinyi suddenly asked excitedly. The joy of buying a house in the magic city is far less for her than the news that Jiang Xiaobai is coming back.

   "Really, I will go back after I arrange it. It just so happens that your work arrangement is almost done here in the magic city. It is estimated that there will be a letter in these two days. Then we will come over together." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Okay, when you decide to come back, tell me, your daughter and son miss you." Zhao Xinyi said with a smile.

   "Okay." Jiang Xiaobai hung up the phone, suddenly feeling anxious in his heart.

  The next morning, Zheng Qingyun called and said that the arrangements had been made and it was the Magic Diesel Engine Factory.

  "Modu Diesel Engine Factory." Jiang Xiaobai muttered. How could he be so familiar with this Modu Diesel Engine Factory.

   "Okay, then, when I come back from Longcheng, you will ask them to sit down with the factory director." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "No problem." Zheng Qingyun agreed.

  After half a month in the magic city, Jiang Xiaobai set off again and returned to Dragon City.

   Zhao Xiaojin did not follow, she is now the assistant to the chairman of the company.

  Although it does not look much different from the original, a lot of the company's external business still fell on her.

   Jiang Xiaobai is not here, she will be in charge of external contact and other branch offices and the head office's contact work with Jiang Xiaobai in Magic City.

  When I got back to Longcheng and got off the plane, I felt the weather change. It was almost the end of May, and the weather was still slightly cold.

   "Dong Jiang, are you going home?" Li Longquan asked after taking the driver's car key.

   "Go home, you go to your home and the beverage factory first, I will go home to see my girl, and I will go there tomorrow." Jiang Xiaobai ordered to the entourage behind him.

  As soon as the car stopped downstairs, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't wait to get out of the car.

   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.) As soon as Jiang Xiaobai entered the door, he saw Zhao Xinyi holding her daughter standing at the door waiting for herself.

   "Just now I was holding my girl and looking at the scenery in front of the window sill, and I saw your car came back." Zhao Xinyi said.

  Jiang Xin likes to be hugged by the window and look outside, and he is very curious about the outside world.

  I don’t want to come back every time I hold it out.

  "Hug me the girl." Jiang Xiaobai put down the luggage and reached out to the girl.

  (End of this chapter)

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