Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1233: Call me my name from now on

  Chapter 1233 Call me by my name later

   Jiang Langlang ends school at eleven thirty. At eleven o’clock, Zhao Xinyi stopped shopping and pulled Jiang Xiaobai out of the mall.

  Back to the school gate and waiting, a group of children came out of the school.

   "Teacher, you don't need to lead me, I can go by myself." Jiang Langlang stepped on his short legs and followed Liu Li, walking towards the outside of the school.

   "Don't you like the teacher holding you?" Liu Li asked with a smile.

   "So many children don't lead me, just lead me, others laugh at me." Jiang Langlang said like a small adult.

   "Haha." Liu Li was happy, this kid is big and small.

   "Teacher, there is no my name in that class, or I won't go to school, okay?" Jiang Langlang said, tilting his head.

   "What do you want." Liu Li rubbed Jiang Langlang's little head and smiled. She didn't want to go to school, so what a joke.

  This kid is so spooky, he won't go to school without a name, so what do you think?

Far away, Liu Li saw the couple standing next to the car.

   "Dad, Mom." Jiang Langlang broke free of Liu Li's hand and ran over with Ding Dong Ding Dong.

   "Oh, son." Jiang Langlang plunged directly into Zhao Xinyi's arms, and put his small hand on Zhao Xinyi's neck.

   Buried her head on Zhao Xinyi's shoulders, mother in her mouth, her mother yelled.

   "Teacher Liu, I trouble you." Jiang Xiaobai thanked him.

   "No trouble." Liu Li shook her head, and then asked: "By the way, hello, I want to ask you one thing. When reporting, the name given to him is Jiang Chao..."

   "Jiang Chao, what Jiang Chao...ang, yes, yes, his name is Jiang Chao, and his child is Jiang Chao." Jiang Xiaobai suddenly realized.

  I remembered, Jiang Chao, fucking. When he registered just now, he took his son and waited outside. I really didn’t know what name Zhao Xinyi had registered.

  The name Jiang Chao is Jiang Langlang’s name, but it was registered when he was born, and then he never used it.

  Wang Lang all day, Lang Lang screamed, can't remember Jiang Chao is his son's name.

  Liu Li looked at Jiang Xiaobai a little speechless. Is this the child's father?

  I didn’t even know the child’s name, and it took a long time to remember it.

   "My name is Jiang Langlang." Jiang Langlang got up from Zhao Xinyi's shoulder and said.

It took a long time for Jiang Xiaobai to explain to his son what a big name is and what a nickname is.

After bidding farewell to Liu Li and on the way to pick up Yin Xiaojun, Jiang Langlang was still muttering "Jiang Chao, Jiang Chao."

  Yin Xiaojun got on the car and touched his little brother’s head and asked, "Langlang, how is it at school?"

   "Call me Jiang Chao from now on, I have a big name." Jiang Langlang said with his head held up proudly.

   "Oh, you still have a big name, isn't your big name Jiang Langlang?" Yin Xiaojun asked with a smile, he didn't know that his brother still had a big name, and he had never called him at home.

   "No, the name is Jiang Chao." Jiang Langlang said with a pouting mouth.

   Jiang Xiaobai told Yin Xiaojun with a smile, and it was the first time Yin Xiaojun had heard of it.

   "Jiang Chao, good, I will call you Jiang Chao from now on." Yin Xiaojun said.

   "Hmm..." Jiang Langlang thought for a while, and said: "Call Langlang, Langlang is nice, you call me Jiang Chao outside, or others will laugh at me."

   "Haha, little thing, you know you will save face if you are so big." Jiang Xiaobai said with a big smile.

Two days after going there, Jiang Langlang has completely adapted.

  I don’t think there is anything in the kindergarten. Instead, there are such a bunch of children in the kindergarten, and it’s good to be accompanied by people in the school all day.

  I like to go to kindergarten, but after I come back every day, it is dirty.

   "Jiang Dong."


   "Mouth Mou from Nande has called, saying that Mr. Mou will be here this afternoon and he wants to meet." Zhao Xiao Jinhui reported.

   "Okay, do I have any plans for the evening?" Jiang Xiaobai asked as he was busy with the work at hand.

   "At four o'clock, I made an appointment to meet with the people at the bank, and at six o'clock, I made an appointment with the textile factory..." Zhao Xiaojin opened the schedule and said.

   "Let's contact the bank, advance the people at the bank, and then the people from the textile factory will meet until tomorrow morning..." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Mou Qizhong must have something to come to Longcheng, Jiang Xiaobai has to receive him no matter how busy he is.

  Mou Qizhong has always been very interesting. He used to fight righteously when he was in the Northeast. This time, the fight against foreign brands is also the first time to support Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Okay, I'll make arrangements now." Zhao Xiaojin nodded and walked out.

   "Tingling bell." As soon as he remembered the bell after class, Jiang Langlang packed his things as soon as possible.

   Then carrying his small schoolbag, dingdong dingdong ran toward the classroom.

   "Langlang, Langlang." Two boys followed out behind him.

  Not long after school started, Jiang Langlang has a tendency to become the king of children.

  Of course, in fact, there is no kid king, but there are a few boys who like to play with him.

   "School is over, I'm going home." Jiang Langlang waved behind him, and then rushed out of the school.

  Longgang is too far away from Jiang Langlang’s kindergarten and not far from Huaqing Holding Company, so he let Jiang Langlang leave school at night and go to Huaqing Holding Company.


   "Auntie." Jiang Langlang ran over, and it was Zhao Xiaojin who came to pick him up.

   "Langlang, how is it at school?"

   "Just like that, Auntie, don't come to pick me up in the future, I will go to the mall and wait for my father." Jiang Langlang said.

   "No, your father is worried about you, either I am here or your Uncle Longquan, but your Uncle Longquan drove to the airport today to pick up people, so I just came to pick you up..."

  Zhao Xiaojin took Jiang Langlang's hand and walked towards Huaqing Holding Company.

After arriving on the first floor of Huaqing Building, Zhao Xiaojin no longer worried about Jiang Langlang.

  The security guards at the door knew that Jiang Langlang belonged to him, and Zhao Xiaojin had also ordered him. Jiang Langlang's safety in the Huaqing Building can be completely assured.

   "Well, auntie, I'll play on the first floor, don't worry about me." Jiang Langlang broke away from Zhao Xiaojin's hand and said.

  "Okay, my aunt will give you some money. You can eat whatever you want. If you have enough fun, you can come to the company. You haven't been upstairs yet." Zhao Xiaojin said.

   "Okay, I know auntie." Jiang Langlang nodded.

  Wait for Zhao Xiaojin to leave before he patted his chest.

  It is impossible to go upstairs. The last time he followed his mother to the family building of Huaqing Holding Company, he took the elevator up.

   Scared, he has a little face pale, so he is determined not to take the elevator to the place where his father works.

  He is waiting to play on the first floor. Besides, there are so many delicious and fun things here. He has no interest in going to the place where his father works.

  (End of this chapter)

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