Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1201: Press Release (Part 1)

  Chapter 1201 Press Release (Part 1)

  Last time about caffeine, Li Siyan felt that Jiang Xiaobai had planned it behind her back.

  Unfortunately, there is no evidence, but the last time, Coca-Cola was completely choked.

  Jiang Xiaobai’s moves always control the enemy with one move, which makes it difficult for people to accept the move.

  So now, what is Jiang Xiaobai going to do?

  In the evening, Jiang Xiaobai went to Zhao Gang's house.

   "Come on, sit down." Zhao Gang was right at home, but he didn't have a good face for Jiang Xiaobai's arrival.

   Still angry about Jiang Xiaobai’s beating the child last night.

   "Dad, I'm here to apologize, yesterday..."

  "Jiang Xiaobai, you still have the face to mention yesterday's affairs. You slapped the waves in front of us yesterday, do you have any opinion on us?

  Are you beating the child, or are you beating our couple? "Zhao Gang asked with staring eyes.

   "Old Zhao." Han Lin tugged Zhao Gang's sleeve, but Zhao Gang ignored it.

   "Haha." Jiang Xiaobai was not angry, and sat down on the sofa and poured tea for Zhao Gang.

   "You." Zhao Gang also took Jiang Xiaobai out of action, and sat down.

   taught Jiang Xiaobai for a long time, and then let Jiang Xiaobai go.

  Even if Zhao Gang just said something harsh and heavier, but both of them knew it well, Jiang Xiaobai would not dislike Zhao Gang.

   is not intentional...

  "Whether we should pay attention to the methods and methods of educating children, can we educate children who beat and scold them?"

"Yes Yes……"

   "You have to listen."

"Yes Yes……"

   "Forget it, forget it, don't mention this." Zhao Gang waved his hand and asked about Jiang Xiaobai Huaqing Electric Appliances instead.

   "The business over there is finished, and the next thing is the family and the beverage factory..." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Okay, let's eat, let's eat, we haven't eaten yet, let's talk about business affairs." Han Lin came to greet the two of them for dinner.

  After dinner, Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Gang chatted for a while in the study, and then left.

   sent away Jiang Xiaobai, Zhao Gang and his wife were not in a hurry to go home, and they wandered in the community.

   "Lao Zhao, don't talk to Xiaobai like that in the future, it's too heavy." Han Lin said, holding her husband's hand.

   "It's okay, this kid, he beat the child too hard, if I don't say it seriously, he can't remember." Zhao Gang said.

   "Actually, it's normal to hit a child. I also hit Xinyi at that time..."

   "What?" Zhao Gang was a little surprised: "Why don't I know, you have beaten a girl?"

   "Well, I didn't tell you, I'm afraid you feel bad." Han Lin said.

  "How can you beat a girl?" Zhao Gang felt a little distressed: "At that time, the girl was so big and so cute, you could actually beat the girl..."

   "It's alright, Lao Zhao, you are almost done. If it weren't for me, the girl would not know what she would be like." Han Lin gave her husband a blank look.

  However, he didn’t expect that Zhao Gang was struggling: “No, why can’t you hit a child?

  I’m very rare at that time, so you can handle things that are so big and small..."

   "I think you have something wrong." Han Lin is also taking it. Her husband is good at everything, but she is too used to children. She really complies with that sentence. No one is perfect.

  Looking at Han Lin's departure, Zhao Gang was still muttering: "What's the matter? I just can't hit the child."

  On July 25, 1991, in the early morning in the Huaqing Building Huaqing Holdings conference room, there were already staff members setting up the conference room.

  Many newspapers and media are already debugging cameras, watching lights and the like.

  Some media reporters from other places basically arrived yesterday, but they arrived a day earlier and did not find out any news.

  On the speech stage in the conference room, the staff is debugging the equipment, with banners hanging in the middle, saying the press conference of home and the beverage factory.

  Many media became a little angry, and they said it was the press conference of Huaqing Holding Company, but now it has become a press conference for home and beverage factories.

  Although this is the same company as the Beverage Factory and Huaqing Holding Company.

  But Jiahe Beverage Factory is a subsidiary of Huaqing Holding Company.

  The two are not the same size at all.

  Huaqing Holding Company develops the conference. Please media from all over the country will have no problem. However, if the home and beverage factory develop the conference, it will basically be mainly in Shanxi and North China.

  But it’s all here, so I can’t go back now.

  At eight o'clock in the morning, people from home and the beverage factory came, and Song Xin simply greeted the reporters.

  A lot of reporters who rushed over from other places finally felt a little more comfortable.

  It didn’t take long for Shisheng to arrive, and the meeting room became more lively after arriving.

  Huaqing Holding Company’s press conference still invited some partners in Dragon City.

  By nine o'clock, everyone in the conference room was almost there, and Jiang Xiaobai also arrived in his office.

   "Jiang Dong, this is today's manuscript. The statement is below the manuscript. Would you like to read it again, Jiang Dong," Zhao Xiaojin said.

   "No, it doesn't matter what the manuscript is. You know I never use manuscripts. Besides, there is a statement." Jiang Xiaobai threw the bag on the table and said casually.

  "Okay, Jiang Dong, I will prepare two sets of clothes for you, a white shirt and a blue shirt. They have been ironed for you and hung in the closet inside.

  Leather shoes are on the shoe cabinet at the door..." Zhao Xiaojin followed Jiang Xiaobai with the folder and reported.

  Zhao Xiaojin is not only a secretary at work, but also a secretary in life.

   "Okay, I get it." Jiang Xiaobai was already in the bedroom, turned to see Zhao Xiaojin was still following, and then said: "Why? You still want to follow me and watch me change clothes?"

   "Ah," Zhao Xiaojin closed her eyes and walked out.

  But did not leave, and continued to report through the door.

  "About 15 media have come here, among which our local newspapers in Longcheng have..."

   "Also, here is preparations to start at 9:30, and basically end at around 11:00. At noon, a luncheon will be arranged at the Jinling Hotel below..."


  "Stop, stop." Jiang Xiaobai shouted from inside: "Zhao Xiaojin, can you stop for a while, wait until I finish changing my clothes."

   "Oh." Zhao Xiaojin nodded and left the door temporarily.

  However, after Jiang Xiaobai came out, he followed Jiang Xiaobai to report.

   "Okay, let me tell you, one day you will find someone to marry you." Jiang Xiaobai threatened viciously.

  Zhao Xiaojin didn’t care. Jiang Xiaobai didn’t know how many times he said this, but so far, he has not introduced one to him.

  She really hopes that Jiang Xiaobai can introduce one to her.

   Knows to scare people all day long.

  (End of this chapter)

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