Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4148: established cause and effect

Obviously, the damage to the corpse is not that simple.

Even the Heavenly Cave King and Nine Heavens Saint Golden Emperor felt it at this moment.

Their wounds seem to be cursed!

King Hai looked back in disbelief again. His injuries were serious, but it wouldn't mean that he was on the verge of death right now?

However, without waiting for King Hai to struggle a few times, he staggered a few steps, and then he fell down exaggeratedly.

King Hai fell, his body became stiff, and the vitality in his body was lost.

The final situation caused by the six-on-one just now is that King Hai was killed!

But the moment King Hai's body fell, the body quickly decayed.

Obviously this is in the First Era, and these nine kings all have the ability to be resurrected!

It's just that the place of resurrection is not here, but on the other side of the undead lineage.

But no matter what, killing a king instantly changed the atmosphere of the scene all of a sudden.

And in the huge light of the sword flower blooming, the corpse Luo Chen leaned on the Taihuang Sword, closed his eyes, as if he had looked down on the world, and the kings seemed to be no match for him!

King Si looked gloomy, and he attacked again because he was the closest to the corpse.

Before his fist got close to Luo Chen, he made hundreds of fist marks, which were unparalleled and extremely powerful.

Every blow of the punch almost shatters the void, folds the space, and before it gets close, it seems that Luo Chen is about to tear the corpse apart!

However, Luo Chen just kicked the Taihuang Sword with his toe, and the Taihuang Sword was lifted high!

Then, the next moment, Luo Chen slashed hard!

Clang, bang!

Under this slash, the sword energy is endless, and the sword energy at this moment is not like a sword flower, but more like an invincible momentum from ancient times.

The sword qi smashes horizontally and vertically, splits the four fields, explodes the world, and shakes all the void with one sword!

The power of this sword exploded in an instant, forcibly rewinding the hundreds of punch marks of King Si.

King Si's eyeballs were going straight, he couldn't understand.

This is as shocking and incomprehensible as a small ant lifting the Himalayas.

Because you can't understand, how can there be such a powerful force in such a weak body!

The same King Si couldn't understand why a person who was fighting to cross the ninth floor would have such terrifying power?

The rewinding fist print caught Si Wang a little by surprise.

However, the sword energy swept in, causing King Si to explode with extreme strength. His veins burst all over his body, and he used all his strength to resist the incoming sword energy!

Powerful is the sword energy that strikes instantly.

That terrifying power made King Si ooze blood from the pores all over his body!

His whole body was flushed red!

But he bought time for another king!

Noon King!

Wu Wang and Si Wang launched the attack at the same time, almost as soon as Si Wang's fist was punched out.

Wu Wang sneaked up from behind!

Corpse Luo Chen's sword was indeed extremely thick, knocking all the seals of King Si's fist into the air!

However, it also gave Wu Wang a chance!

Wu Wang killed Luo Chen almost silently.

With just one punch, he can blow this ant alive with just one punch!

However, his sworn punch was absolutely impossible to avoid.

Because he has blocked the surrounding space!

At this moment, the corpse Luo Chen seemed to be bound by an invisible force!

However, it was such a punch that was about to hit Luo Chen's back! that moment!

Luo Chen's elbow suddenly shrank back!


The elbow was pressed against the fist, and the powerful force made King Wu's fist click!

Wu Wang was equally astonished!

His fist is shattered, his arm is broken, and he has yet to make a sound!


One kick!

The corpse kicked out!

Wu Wang flew out at the speed of light, lased away, and pulled out a straight line, as if splitting half of the universe!

too powerful!

This kind of power is incomprehensible, this is a kind of power that dominates the world!

Zhengdu Ninth Floor had a head-on confrontation with Wang, and that moment just now seemed like a physical collision to outsiders.

Luo Chen knew it himself, that's not it, it was because the Taihuang Sutra was in his body!

Moreover, Luo Chen was not surprised that he would knock a Wu Wang away with one blow.

How powerful was the Peerless God King at that time?

Although Luo Chen was injured, he still failed to win Luo Chen.

Based on these few kings who are not considered top fighters, it is almost impossible to take down Luo Chen in the state of Xianzun even in the case of a corpse!

At this moment, Dao Zisheng also felt evil!

Six kings besieged a body that was struggling to cross the ninth floor, but they were defeated, and one was killed instead?

Is this corpse really so ridiculously strong?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would believe it?

As for the King of Tianku, the Holy Golden Emperor of Nine Heavens, and the remaining King Si, King Wei is really under pressure at the moment!

It was an inexplicable sense of oppression!

This subverts their worldview and values.

A person who strives to cross the ninth floor can give their kings a strong sense of oppression and pressure!

And just killed a Hai Wang.

King Hai can be resurrected, but Nine Heavens Saint Golden Emperor and Tianku King cannot!

They couldn't understand the dead body Luo Chen's way of killing.

Or they didn't understand why King Hai died.

Before they figured it out, the King of Tianku and the Holy Golden Emperor of Nine Heavens were a little afraid to fight with all their strength.

They are kings, but not fools!

At this moment, they looked dignified, looking at Wu Wang who flew out.

The encirclement is still there!

But he couldn't get close to Luo Chen, after all, the corpse Luo Chen stopped there, the sense of oppression was really too much!

The prince and Long Aotian were also dumbfounded at the moment.

The prince knows that Luo Chen has the Taoist body of the emperor.

But this dead Luo Chen, the crown prince really doesn't know, and this father is also ridiculously strong!

At this moment, he had the feeling that his father insisted on playing the trumpet even though he had many trumpets.

But at this moment, Luo Chen is still cooperating with the Taihuang Taoist body to pull out the little bit of spiritual consciousness of the fifth prince.

Although the Taoist body of the Taihuang is still separated by time and space, the real body has not come over.

But with the addition of Taihuang Dao Body, Luo Chen's own pressure has been reduced a lot!

"Father, his karma is too great and too heavy!"

"Even if it is pulled out by force, it will still be obliterated!" The prince said anxiously, but at the same time he was very sad.

"Send him to reincarnation, wash away the karma on his body!"

"He will go home!" Luo Chen's eyes showed a decisive look, but there was also a trace of helplessness!

Because this seems to be an established cause and effect!

Never mind, this is an established cause and effect, Luo Chen doesn't like it!

No matter, this is the Fifth Prince again!

That's why Luo Chen hesitated before!

"Father, will you really take him home?" The prince was sad and surprised!

In fact, when will you take me home, Uncle Fang of the Fifth Prince, you need to understand that, Uncle Fang, will you take me home?


"Actually, he's already home!" Luo Chen said. "He's already in Panlong Bay!" Luo Chen said slowly.

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