Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4143: increase chips

The old emperor stood proudly in front of the five princes, and the four princes looked indifferent. This is the emperor of the previous generation, with a terrifying aura, but he is indeed old.

So they are fearless, and the fighting power of the Four Kings is indeed terrifying!

The power of the peak erupted in an instant, and the aura of humanity one after another was extremely bright, rising into the sky like four pillars of heaven, breaking through the universe!


With an unrivaled blow, unparalleled power erupted, sweeping the surroundings with overwhelming power.

King Chen's blow collided with the old emperor.

One is no longer at the peak, his blood is declining, and he is getting old.

One is at its peak, and its vitality and combat effectiveness are exuberant.

But this blow is still equally divided. The old emperor looks old and his condition has declined, but he still has great power!

There was a shock in the void, and another unstoppable blow struck, as if the universe collapsed and the stars exploded.

This is the blow of the Nine Heavens Saint Golden Emperor, with a power that reaches the sky, almost setting off the ancient, modern and future.

The old emperor's beard and hair were all white, and before this blow arrived, the old emperor's white beard had already been lifted.

However, the old emperor reached out and shook his hand violently.

This grip is unrivaled in the world, and the five fingers are like five kinds of power between heaven and earth, with infinite power and mystery inside!


The void shattered inch by inch, and the four kings flew out instantly at this moment!

This blow not only repulsed the attack of the Nine Heavens Saint Golden Emperor, but also counterattacked, and this blow directly swept away the four kings and knocked them into the air.

This kind of combat power is really terrifying.

This is because the old emperor is already old, and his condition has declined, I don't know what it looks like!

There are endless waves in the void!

The next moment, the same big hand came from the direction of Human Emperor's Department.

This power is equally strong and inexhaustible, and its combat power is astonishing, it can be called invincible!

Such an attack has not yet fallen, and it makes people tremble.

This is definitely another ancient master!

At least once, he was also an ancient emperor who shook the nine heavens and ten earths, just like Tuo!

A terrifying aura came across, and the old emperor stood proudly there, raising his hands, resisting with unparalleled strength!


This time it was the old emperor who withdrew, and the area exploded in an instant

At this moment, the old emperor reached out his hand, grabbed a space the size of the earth and moved it away.

There are the Fifth Prince and Luo Chen in this area.

And at that position just now, at least an area as wide as the Milky Way was completely destroyed!

Before the old emperor looked back, countless spears rushed away

This is the spear thrown by the army of the ancient family, each spear has a terrifying power, and the turbulent universe is shaking like a piece of rag.


Countless spears illuminate the darkness!

But at the next moment, these destructive spears with unparalleled strength stopped abruptly.

It was as if an invisible big hand grabbed it abruptly.

The spear trembled, but could not penetrate an inch.

A powerful field came across the sky.

In the darkness at the end of the void, there, a tall man with disheveled hair stepped into the void!

Needless to say, that breath, another ancient emperor!

Another ancient emperor who is not weaker than killing the emperor!

Gu Di, float!

"Is the Eternal Human Court really planning to betray the Human Emperor?" Fu's voice shook the whole world, pointing directly at the hearts of the people!

And the old emperor waved his hand, and a picture of Jiangshan Sheji slowly condensed in his hand!

As soon as this pattern appeared, the atmosphere between the heaven and the earth trembled violently.

At the same time, the gray-haired old emperor stepped forward and raised his head violently.

His aura rose again, and the aura of his body was powerful and terrifying!

Even in front of the ancient emperor, he never flinched, never had fear!

This time, he spoke!

"Today, mountains and rivers can collapse!"

"The sun and the moon can be broken!"

"I'll die waiting!"

"But this battle cannot be stopped!"

"Soldiers of the Eternal Family, tell me, and tell our enemies, are you afraid of fighting?" The old emperor said loudly.

The sound shook the sky, allowing everyone to feel the burst of heaven and earth, and made people feel the ultimate fighting spirit!


"Fight!" Qi Tian's voice shook the entire universe, and his will to fight was completely ignited at this moment!

The battle flag was flying, and at this moment, the warriors of the Eternal Family drew out their long knives and picked up their spears!

At this moment, there is only crazy fighting spirit in their eyes!

This is the battle where the old emperor leads them!

They knew that they were facing three powerful forces!

But have people from the Eternal Family ever been afraid?

They are, Aeons!


They are an invincible family, they can destroy the world, they can create a prosperous world, and they can also destroy the last days!

Under the outbreak of terrifying fighting spirit, the emperor retreated first, then flung his sleeves and walked towards the ancient emperor!


That direction exploded instantly.

Just the first collision, the old emperor's blood spattered.

After all, this is the ancient emperor, who is like a sculpture on weekdays, suppressing the entire First Era, and generally small-scale battles will not cause them to attack at all.

Even if it is a king-level battle, it will not cause them to attack!

For the rebellion of the group of Eternal Human Family, at present, the top creatures are not suitable for shooting.

After all, it is necessary to give some face to the top creatures of the Eternal Family!

When children fight, how can there be any reason for adults to take action?

However, although the old emperor was bleeding in an instant, he was still calm and calm.

The force of the explosion made his cheeks seem to be shattered!

And the ancient emperor stood there proudly and coldly.

In his peak period, the old emperor might definitely have the power to fight against the ancient emperor.

But the current old emperor's strength is indeed far worse.

However, this does not affect the old emperor's heart to fight!

His hands were shaking, not because of fear or fear!

His hands were shaking because he was excited.

How long have you been waiting for this fight?

How many 10 million years ago?

When he was at his peak, he was slowly aging under the shackles of genes, slowly obliterating that powerful force!

However, his heart has not aged!

He felt the fighting spirit of those warriors from the Eternal Family, the rush of those warriors!

At this moment, he seemed to have returned to his youth, to that peak period!

He is high-spirited, and he is not afraid to fight!

Because they have prepared for this battle for too long, too long!

The old emperor was trembling all over, excited, and the fighting spirit in his heart was endless.

He stepped forward again, and rushed away with unparalleled strength!

But at this moment, the army of the Eternal Family has come to attack again.

It's just this distance, I don't know why it's a bit far!

The old emperor was fighting, and the emperor of this generation was sitting on the steps outside a hall, holding a sword in his hand and bowing his head.

He didn't look at the battlefield, he was silent!

Today, he will lose a lot, a lot! Because the chips are not enough!

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