Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 3925: dead millions

The power of the horizontal push continued to hit, and one was stronger than the other.

Almost any path of Luo Chen was blocked.

In the vast starry sky, there is already boiling at this moment, any blow is enough to destroy the world!

And in Luo Chen's eyes, he could always see one point after another.

Those dots are nearby aura, not much, only a little.

Luo Chen's dodge just now seemed to be irregular, but he was collecting these auras.

These auras finally gathered in Luo Chen's palm.

The vast and infinite power kept exploding, and Fanghua was really terrifying in a few hundred thousand moments, and it kept approaching. It seemed that at this moment, they had completely surrounded Luo Chen.

At this moment, Gu Ye, one of the ten kings, looked at Luo Chen coldly, but looking at the surrounded Luo Chen, he felt that the battle was settled. And at the moment of invincible youth and invincible spirit, hunting Luo Chen, all of them looked indifferent, with endless murderous intent, and a sense of oppression, any movement that really made the entire area that had been infinitely shrunk suppressed would encounter them oneness

of the attack.

The war drum is still beating, like the only sound in the world.

Luo Chen took a look, and found that Fanghua was indeed very troublesome.

And the ten kings are also paying attention to Luo Chen's movements at any time.

Tianyu trembled, Fanghua finally approached again at this moment, and finally launched a general attack.

And this kind of attack has the feeling of arranging troops, and even the rhythm of the attack is very good!

If you rush in hastily, you will indeed suffer a big loss.

After all, these are real elite teachers, all of them have experienced many battles, and they are all masters.

But at the moment when the first team was about to attack, Luo Chen's whole body suddenly began to glow with more intense light.

Luo Chen stood with his sword horizontally, and with the other hand, he wiped Taihuang Jianjian with a hint of sarcasm at the same time.

This distance!


The moment the light came on, a terrifying attack was launched.

Thousands of human power poured down crazily at this moment, and the place where Luo Chen was was ignited almost instantly, and it became white hot instantly.

This kind of attack of hundreds of thousands of instant youths together, even the king can't bear it, it's too terrifying.

The light that belonged to Luo Chen was instantly drowned out.

However, at this moment, Jin Tianwang's expression suddenly changed.

"Spell, another spell!"

"Rear, rear army!"

Jin Tianwang took a step forward and moved sideways, spanning hundreds of thousands of light years in an instant.

But it's too late!

The distance Luo Chen wanted was the distance between these hundreds of thousands of instants of Fanghua and the army behind.

Hundreds of thousands of moments of youth are not enough to return to help in an instant!

So while Luo Chen has been collecting spiritual energy, he has been luring the enemy to go deep!

The real trouble is these millions of troops who are not afraid of death!

Luo Chen wouldn't bet on how many of the millions of people could be young in an instant.

But at this moment when Jin Tianwang came back to help, including the other nine kings, their expressions suddenly changed.

They also found out.


"Unfortunately, it's too late!"

Among the army crowd at the rear, Luo Chen was already standing proudly there.

At this moment, the Taihuang Sword in his hand turned cold.

The army in the rear hadn't had time for the instant youth, after all, one hundred thousand instant youths were enough, enough to suppress the entire battle situation.

Instant youth is not without price!

Without talking about the price, the rear is not ready!

Suddenly, a bright light lit up among the army crowd behind.

No one understood how Luo Chen teleported here.

And this moment in the field of forbidden law didn't seem to have much effect on Luo Chen.


All you need is a sword!

Be a master of millions with one sword!

Killing strikes!

The light of the Taihuang Sword flashed suddenly, and the world seemed to be opened for the first time.

Taihuang Sword, coupled with Luo Chen's control, coupled with the supreme power and Taoism that the Sun God Emperor once understood!

I am the only light in the world!

In an instant, all the light disappeared, and everything was gone.


This sword turned out to be radiant and introverted, and it swept across an area of ​​at least 40 million light-years in a single strike!

This area was instantly dark and endless, like a huge black hole.

Then, in an instant, the endless light lit up again!

That is the only light in the world!

It's just a sword.

There are also millions. Although the army of millions came at the beginning, millions are just a general term!

If you have to calculate carefully, it definitely exceeds 1.3 million troops!

Hundreds of thousands of instants of youth are still fifty million light-years away!

And here, Luo Chen went down with a sword.

Millions of troops, including the drums of war, were shattered.

In the void of the universe, there are broken limbs and broken arms floating everywhere!

Blood, torn corpses, densely packed, the scene is very miserable!

It can be said that this one million army died unjustly.

If each of them can have a moment of youth, then a million moments of youth.

It is really invincible, no one can fight against it.

But unfortunately, Luo Chen didn't give them this chance!

It's just a sword!

Millions of soldiers floating corpses in the starry sky!

In the vast and lonely deep space of the universe, only Luo Chen stood there gleaming with gold, and the Taihuang Sword in his hand shone bloodthirsty!

In front of a hundred thousand moments of Fanghua, and in front of ten kings, one trick is replaced by another, and one trick is taken from the bottom of the pot!

This made the scalps of all the spectators go numb!

"Did he already use that method when he didn't kill the Jin Renwang just now?"

"Why not guard against it?" Someone asked angrily.

"How to prevent?" Someone next to him asked.

Yes, how to prevent this trick?

Lock that area and space?

The youth of a hundred thousand moments kept compressing, and kept surrounding Luo Chen, it was already a defense, and it was already trying to find a way to defend.

But still useless!

"Fill the entire universe with King Ren's breath, hurry up!" Jin Tianwang shouted angrily.

He finally knew how to guard against this move.

But the price is too high.

Because this is in exchange for millions of troops!


The entire universe is shaking, every inch of the universe seems to be infused with the power of the king!

And Luo Chen felt the power around him, and then looked at the enemy who turned around in front of him.

These people are finally smart!

His understanding of emptiness and space, especially in terms of Taoism, is like the difference between an almighty **** and a kindergarten!

Of course, those from the First Era were not too stupid, and finally figured out a way.

But to deal with the army of millions, Luo Chen shook the Taihuang Sword in his hand, and he had already won an opening in this battle!

It's too incredible. Even now, many people are still in shock and amazement.

One sword pierced through millions of troops, laying down millions of corpses!

What kind of a heaven-defying level is this power?

Instant Fanghua is invincible, but it takes time to activate it. If you are killed instantly, even if you are strong, you will die. There is no chance to activate Instant Fanghua!

The face of the ten kings was as gloomy as ice. With such a great advantage, Luo Chen still beheaded an army of millions.

Almost right under their noses! "Next, no one will die, except you!" Jin Tianwang was furious!

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