Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 554: : A new curse!

The Xuanyuan Demon in the sky also showed a surprised look.

"Rank Six Thunder Explosive Talisman, and its quality is not low!" Xuanyuan Mo carefully inspected the Thunder Explosive Talisman, and found that if it was activated with all its strength, it could blow up the third layer of the hole.

Although there is no threat to them, Lin Hao is only a layer of emptiness. Once the thunder explosion talisman explodes, 80% will explode to ashes!

"Stop! Are you crazy?" Ji Yao exclaimed.

"I'm not crazy, you caught me, my fate will not be any better than being blown into ashes." Lin Hao sneered: "In this case, it's better to commit suicide. It's a hundred!"

At this time, the three of the Demon Cloud Palace had no choice.

They thought that relying on the momentum to suppress Lin Hao would prevent him from exploding, who knew he still had a thunder explosion talisman in his hand!

"What to do?" Ji Yao asked, turning around.

"How do I know?" Ji Ming's expression changed, and both of them looked at the Xuanyuan Demon in the air, where he was the backbone.

Xuanyuan Mo smiled with interest, and solemnly said to Lin Hao: "We will catch you back and will never kill you. It's nothing more than letting you hand over the chance you got. I don't believe it yet. You will really blow yourself up. Up!"

Xuanyuan Mo fell to the ground and walked slowly towards Lin Hao.

Lin Hao's face sank, seeing Xuanyuan Mo getting closer, his eyes flashed suddenly, and he smiled: "It's not impossible to let me hand over my supernatural powers!"

Xuanyuanmo paused before hearing Lin Hao continue: "As long as you kill the old witch, I can do anything."


For an instant, the three of them all looked at Grandma Hong.

Grandma Hong's face suddenly changed, and she hurriedly said, "Don't! Don't believe his nonsense, Lin Hao is tricky, even if you kill me, he won't listen to orders!"

"I can swear that as long as you kill this old witch, I, Lin Hao, will never blew myself up or use any magical charms, let you kill it!" Lin Hao sneered.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the three people suddenly became cold and fierce. Killing an ant from the Tianlong Bank seemed to be nothing difficult for them!

Grandma Hong's face turned pale.

"Brother, how?" Ji Yao said through voice transmission.

"He has the Vientiane Order, we must give the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce a face, but..." Xuanyuanmo smiled coldly.

"I understand!" Ji Yao also understood.

Seeing their eye contact, Grandma Hong, as anxious as ants on a hot pot, quickly took out a big token and shouted: "I have a Vientiane Order, you can't kill me!"

"call out!"

Just as she was talking, Ji Yao's fingers flicked, and a black light burst into Grandma Hong's throat. Grandma Hong immediately pinched her neck and wanted to spit it out, but her face turned blue, almost asphyxiated.

The dragon head on the side didn't even dare to say anything, just trembling.

"You...give me...what?" Grandma Hong's body trembled, her lips trembled, and her cold sweat broke out.

"It's nothing, it's nothing more than a pill that can make you crazy. We didn't kill you. You died by yourself." Ji Yao sneered.

"You!" Grandma Hong suddenly turned purple. Suddenly, her face changed wildly, and she spewed out a flame, her hair scattered like a lunatic.


Grandma Hong went crazy in an instant, laughing frantically, the violent energy in her body rushed around, hitting her skin, blood vessels burst, blood flowed, and she instantly became a blood man.

In a state of madness, her petite body is aging at a speed visible to the naked eye. The face of a little girl turned into an old woman in a blink of an eye. This is her true face.

"Wow hahaha! I'm invincible!"

Grandma Hong laughed wildly and ran out into the distance. After a few steps, she heard a "bang", which burst into a pile of blood fog.

Seeing Grandma Hong's death, the stone in Lin Hao's heart finally fell to the ground. This old witch was like a thorn in her heart.

Now, there is finally a reincarnation in the way of heaven. In the past, he was killed once every three times and five times. Today, he was killed by him.

When Grandma Hong died, her Vientiane Order came down and landed beside the dragon head.

The dragon head shuddered and put away Vientiane Ling.

"Leader, how did Grandma Hong die?" Ji Yao asked with a smile.

With a cold sweat, the leader sneered and said, "Cultivation goes crazy and die."

"Smart man!" Ji Yao smiled satisfied.

The leader can only nod and bow.

Zhuge Guiyuan in the back swallowed his saliva. This group of people is really a more insidious character, who can cultivate to a high level of emptiness, and no one is easy to provoke.

It is said that there is a Vientiane Order that can save your life. In fact, it still depends on your ability. There are not a few brushes, and most of them are means to kill you.

Ji Yao looked at Lin Hao and said, "Now, are you satisfied?"

Lin Hao nodded: "Very good!"

He put away the Thunder Explosion Talisman, turned his head to look at Xuanyuan Demon, and saw that Xuanyuan Demon disappeared in the same place in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he came to him, and a pair of big hands clasped him firmly. .

"Hand over the supernatural powers!" Xuanyuan Demon twisted Lin Hao as if grabbing a big earthworm.

"Okay! Let you see what is supernatural power today!"

Lin Hao looked at Xuanyuan Mo in front of him, and the black hole on the left suddenly turned into golden yellow!


A sudden beam of light hit Xuanyuan Demon's body. All of this happened between the electric light and flint. Before the little devil had time to react, he felt golden light entering his body.

"What are you doing?" Xuanyuan Mo quickly threw Lin Hao away, and everyone's expressions changed suddenly.

"Do you dare to play me?" Xuanyuan Mo was furious.

The golden light entering the body just now made him feel a little uncomfortable, but immediately afterwards, everyone carefully observed Xuanyuan Mo, only to find that he had not changed.

The breath is stable and the body is in good health, as if nothing happened just now.

Lin Hao couldn't believe it. He had obviously used Golden Eye on Xuanyuan Mo just now, but he didn't react at all!

The left eye of the Golden Eye is a curse. Lin Hao just used the effect of the left eye. It stands to reason that a curse should be randomly generated, but why there is no change?

Xuanyuanmo's face was completely gloomy.

"You just scared me?" Xuanyuan Demon stared at Lin Hao, and walked over again step by step.

At this moment, countless thoughts flashed through Lin Hao's heart, and every escape method flashed through his mind, and he rejected them one by one.

"What should I do? Could it be that the golden eye has failed? Should I use it again?" Lin Hao's mind was completely confused.

Even his biggest trump card, Golden Eye has failed?

The current situation is really incredible. For the first time, Lin Hao felt that he could not control the situation.

Coaxing past? How can I coax?

"Lin Hao, since you are unwilling to surrender supernatural powers, well, I will beat you half to death first, and see if you do or not!" Xuanyuan Mo immediately furious and raised his palm.

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