Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 946: Masters gathered

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Chapter 964 Masters Gather

When Su Mengyao and Zhao Tianlong drove to Longhu Mountain by car, many people gathered here.

At this moment, the sky was just bright, a bright sun emerged from the east, and the golden light spread over the earth. The heavenly master's hall was painted with a layer of gold, looming in the clouds.

At such an early time, it is impossible for tourists to climb.

Moreover, because of the battle last night, Tianshi Mansion was almost destroyed once, Longhu Mountain was closed, and tourists were not received for a short time.

Therefore, the people who have gathered early in the morning are not ordinary people, but various capable people, warriors, or monks.

The news that the young devil may be dead in Longhushan has caused a stir in the world after overnight fermentation.

The news was so weird and weird, countless people cheered, and countless people wept.

However, because Longhushan has no official rhetoric, the news cannot be confirmed 100%.

These fascinating strangers gathered early in the morning, apparently trying to confirm the death of the young demon king to Dragon Tiger Mountain, but secretly harbored a ghost.

There may be immortals in the young demon king. Since Longhu Mountain can see it, how can other schools not see it?

Taking the cultivation of the young devil as the speed of progress, there is little suspense in the breakthrough fairyland. Therefore, we can be sure that the immortal method he built can lead to the immortal avenue.

A rare and immortal avenue of immortality is so invaluable. With this method of immortality, a thousand-year-old parcel can be created. If you repair three or five earth immortals, you can even fight against the Great Empire Chamber, and this planet can be stomped on your feet!

If the young demon king died on Dragon Tiger Mountain, there is a possibility that Dragon Tiger Mountain could get this fairy law.

With so many monks gathered, naturally they wanted to have a good chat with Longhu Mountain.

Now that the war has just passed, it is when the strength of Dragon Tiger Mountain is the weakest. The various martial arts and casual repairs in the world can join the Dragon Tiger Mountain Chamber to resist the ceremony.


Suddenly, a horrible breath came down from the sky, and a purple gas came to the east, one after another, as if a large purple cloud was falling, covering the sky and covering the sun, squeezing the peak of Longhu Mountain.

Among the purple qi, an old Taoist priest with a craving hair looks up and down, standing upright, hunting in a long coat, flowing like a fairy.

"This is, which way?"

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd gathered on the hill, thinking that the gods were here.

"Hahaha!" Suddenly, a burst of laughter came from the crowd, his voice was loud and penetrating, and he said, "Zixiao teaches, what kind of wind blows you?"

I saw that the man was wearing a yellow gossip robe, black cloth fringing, a road hat, a peach sword in his hand, gray hair, age about Mogu thin, but also a Taoist.

He also just arrived a short time ago. When he played, he walked on the peach wood and walked in the air, and shocked everyone, astonished.

His name has spread among the crowd. It is Mao Maoism's contemporary leader, Mao Sandao.

"Lord Zixiao? Who? Why haven't you heard of it?"

"I know who he is, the one that Ziwei teaches in legend."

"Ziwei religion? Is there such a teaching?"


Many people frown, not only unfamiliar with this Zixiao Taoist, but also know little about Ziwei religion.

"I haven't heard that it is normal. Ziwei teaching has always been low-key and hidden in the world."

"I heard that forty years ago, Amber Shengming led the monks to challenge me for the Huaxia Daomen, and Ziwei religion was brutally killed, and was almost flattened by the mountain gate. Since then, Ziwei religion has been reclusive and rested.


Everyone talked, and Zixiao Road was long on the hill. He has a strong breath covering the sky, and he is truly a powerful god.

"In ten years, Maozhang teaches nothing to come." Zixiao Daochang stunned Mao three people.

"Yeah, a decade away, Zixiao's teaching is already a divine state, gratifying and congratulating! Sigh, I can't take that step slowly." Mao Sandao said with emotion. He is already a real person at the peak of the mysterious realm, only one step away from the **** realm.

"If you have accumulated enough, that step will naturally take you. There is no need to worry about the teaching of thatched palm."

"Haha, yes."


Just as Mao Sandao talked with Zixiao Dao, another terrifying breath came.

This is a thin ascetic monk, wearing a worn Buddha clothing, but the atmosphere of the body is as calm as a mountain, the body is crystal clear, flowing out of the metal luster, as if refined into steel.

He held the prayer wheel, chanted the Scriptures, and walked along the climbing stairs step by step. At each step, a thunderous sound sounded, as if a giant monster from across the heavens was terrifying.

"Master Capricorn, one of the guardian monks in the Western Regions' esoteric religion, is said to be second only to the Tianmu Fawang in the esoteric religion. He is here too. Is it possible to find a young demon to find revenge?" Someone exclaimed.

As Master Capricorn nearly reached the top of the mountain, there was a terrifying breath in the void.

In the distance, a dark cloud tumbling ~ ~ can not be thickened, continuous three hundred feet, the endless Yin Sha breathe, covering half a mountain, the temperature suddenly dropped, making the entire ruined Tianshifu as if Instantly turned into a ghost.

In the sky full of black evil spirits, a large blood-colored flag spread out, hunting and hunting.

There were two people standing on the scarlet banner, one was an old man with white hair, and one was a handsome young man, as if walking on the waves.

The old man wore a black robe, fluttering with wide sleeves, like a nine-day god.

The breath of his body is like a mountain like a sea, and the whole body is shrouded in blood, so hazy that people can't see his true form at a glance.

In the surging evil spirit, his eyes were extremely clear, as if two magic lamps were blooming, shining through the void, fascinating and trembling.

The young man was dressed in Tsing Yi, about thirty or more, with a long figure and a crown-like face, as if made by a knife and axe.

"This banner seems to be a magic weapon for the town sect of the Yinshan School. When the magic picture is taken for nine days, is it possible that the Yinshan School came?"

"That's right, it's the Yinshan School's Xuan Li palm teaching and sitting down really telling Ouyang Zhi."

"Yinshan faction usually hides deeply enough, and unexpectedly came."

"Yeah, it is said that in the battle that was forty years ago, the world ’s Daomen gathered forces to confront Dongyu, but the Yinshan faction could not shrink."


Yinshan sent someone, and the audience was exclaimed again.

So many Daomen gathered, and those who did not know thought that the "King of Kings" had come, and blessed Daomen's first ancestor.

"Is the young demon king dead?"

A voice came from the void, as if a thunder exploded on the hill.

Accompanying this voice, Elder Xuan Li and the true disciple Ouyang Zhi sat down in the crowd. With a big move, the sky-high Nine-day Volcano ’s upper phase picture quickly shrank, and the sky ’s evil spirit was included in the banner.

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