Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 927: 9 Sun Thunder

When the elder Li Huaishan gave a command, the other seven elders quickly acted, stepped on the steps of Yu, followed the pattern of twenty-eight stars, stood above their positions, and were roughly distributed into a circle, trapping Ye Tian in it. .

"Elders, offering a real fire!" The elder cried out again.

Suddenly all the elders moved together again, closing their heads and closing their teeth, teeing their teeth three times, closing their breaths three times, moving their fingers together, and pinching like lightning.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

In a moment, clusters of small flames ignited on the shoulders and the tops of the elders. There were three clusters in total. This is the magical fire, fine fire and earth fire transformed by the human body's yang, collectively known as the Sanmai true fire.


With the wind, the fire became more and more burning, and instantly turned into a row of sky-fire pillars, as if the fire dragons emptied, swept the heavens and the earth, angered Jiuxiao, and made the entire Longhu Mountain peak red.

Gradually, the pillars of fire on the shoulders of the eight became one, and the eight were united, borrowing from each other. And the eight pillars of fire above the head were also intertwined in a vacuum, faintly forming a large net of fire, into a cage of fire.

The fire is refining the sky, burning the sky, and purifying the world, everyone who sees this scene is horrified!

"Elders, offering sacrifice to thunder!" Elder Li Huaishan drank again.


A stalk of lightning splitting a jujube sword was held in the hands of the elders, infused with mana, dancing in a vacuum, the movements were uniform, sweeping out a row of thunderbolts, and being thrown into the cage of fire.

I saw that Sanmei Zhenhuo and Lei Guang were intertwined together. The fire was soaring into the sky, the thunder was surging, and the fierce fire cage became a more terrible Thunder Jail fierce fire cage. Ye Tian was refined in it.

With just a few breaths, Jiuyang Thunderfire formed!

However, they only had eight people, and they should be called the Eight Thunder Thunder.

Jiuyang is the pole of the Yang, and the eight is one less, so the power of the thunderous array is naturally weaker. However, from the scene perspective, the eight fire bursts alone are scary enough. Thunder and fire are intertwined, crackling electric brilliance shines, and the temperature is high enough to melt the rocks into magma, as if the eighteen layers of **** inferno manifested the world. Refine all monsters.

In other words, the air of heaven and earth, the source of yang is the source of all qi. The nine fires of thunderous fire use the human body's real fire to absorb the thunderous air between heaven and earth, and turn it into the fire of yang. The people form a formation, and the thoughts are united, and then the one Yang moves, and the second Yang grows, the second Yang grows three Yang, and the cycle is not endless. The formation of the nine people will form a nine-yang cycle, which will form a place where the nine fires will be killed. That is, ghosts and gods can't be avoided.

"The Jiuyang Thunderfire array is my peerless killing formation for Dragon Tiger Mountain. Once formed, it can be cut off. Seeing the young devil is still arrogant." A Dragon Tiger Mountain disciple crossed his arms in front of his chest, his tone indifferent. Road.

"Unfortunately, Elder Qi and Elder Lu were impulsive and took the lead. They were caught off guard by the young demon king. If one of them is left, the elders of the Nine Greats form a thunderbolt of nine fires and the possibility of killing the young devil will Bigger. "

"You look too much at the young demon king, and it is the fire of Bayang Thunder, and beating him is like killing a dog without any effort."

"The elders won't kill the young devil, that's too cheap for him."

"That's right, the young devil is a treasure boy. It's a shame to kill him."


A group of Longhushan disciples talked up, looking uplifted, looking at Ye Tian's eyes as if looking at a dead person.

The gate of Tianshi Mansion was wide open, and some daring and good people ran in. Seeing this scene on the scene, they were all shocked.

Longhu Mountain came up with lore, obviously it was well prepared, and it might even be waiting for the rabbits, laying down the Tianluodi net, waiting for the young demon king to throw himself in the net.

This is just the elder's shot. He taught Tianjizi and the legendary three gods haven't appeared before. The young demon king has encountered such a critical situation. Everyone thinks that he may really be fierce. .

The elder Li Huaishan suddenly looked relaxed, and he smiled strangely: "You young devil, do you still capture it?"

In the peerless killing battle, Ye Tian was carrying his hands, his face was bland, he could not stand still, his whole body was dazzled with gold, and his body was blurred. He could not see his figure, as if wearing an iron bell shirt and a thunderous surging fire. There is no patience at all.

Under his feet, pieces of rock melted into magma, forming a magma pool, and his feet were stepping in the magma, which was also harmless.

Ye Tian ignored the elder Li Huaishan's questioning.


He stomped abruptly, and the whole mountain was shaking, terrifying air waves were toppling, magma swept like a raging wave in all directions, faster than bullets, hit the boundary film of Jiuyang Thunderfire array, and sent out a dense squint. The snoring sounded, and numerous sparks sputtered. The big front membrane shook suddenly, but there was no sign of breakage.

Ye Tian's eyes were dim, and there seemed to be some surprises.

Seeing this, the elder Li Huaishan was slightly proud, and said, "Children, this Nine Yang thunder fire formation was created by Zhang Daoling, the ancestor of the Longshan Mountain Kaishan, not only killing the sky, but also being trapped. It is like building a Xu Mi It ’s hard to escape if the earth is trapped in a small space. Do n’t waste your energy. Quickly self-defeated martial arts. I am kind and loyal to you, or I will spare you. Today is your death, here. It's a place of burial! "

"The big team is good, but you elders are too wasteful. If you change to eight gods and form this big team, maybe it will take me a bit of thought." Ye Tian said lightly.

When he said this, everyone was shocked.

Everyone has seen cowhide, but never seen cowhide so fresh and refined.

The eight gods alone are terrible to the extreme, the combat power is sky-high, and the power of the gods is like a sea. If they form a thunderous array of Jiuyang again, they will have a fight against the earth fairy.

The young demon king is more powerful ~ ~ After all, it is not a fairy, and I am afraid that it is still far from the fairy. In everyone's opinion, he is just bragging.

"Ignorant fanatic, don't give you a little color to see, it seems that you will not be honest." The elder Li Huaishan immediately became furious, and then yelled, "The Nine-Five Flying Dragon is in the sky, stepping on the position of Great Miro!"

As soon as his words fell, the seven elders stepped on Yu Yu's feet, dancing thunder swords in his hands, the inexplicable machine in the world was spurred, the thunder in the large array soared, and the fire was burning more and more vigorously. Wrap it in layers.

This Yu step is the essence of Taoist steps, the essence of flying, the spirit of the earth, the communication of heaven and earth, the inspiration of Qi, and the mystery is extraordinary.

At this strange pace, the eight's posture is like dancing in the air, their footsteps are getting faster and faster, and the dance of the Lei Cho jujube sword is getting more and more urgent, and more and more Qi machines are activated. The large array seemed to turn into a melting pot of sky fire, and the horror was extremely terrifying.

At this time, a shocking scene happened, Ye Tian suddenly removed the radon shield from his body and let the body bathe in the thunder.

He was actually using the thunder to temper his flesh!

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