"You are all there!"

Outside the door of the 508 dormitory, Ye Tian pushed in and saw Huo Tingxuan, Zhao Chuyi and Wang Yan's three roommates.

He's been away for more than two months, and his relationship with his roommates is a bit rusty.

Sure enough, the three roommates did not show much enthusiasm when they saw him come in. Zhao Chuyi and Wang Yan both looked dumb and even a little bit depressed, so Huo Tingxuan gave a grin and was very reluctant.

This is different from Ye Tian's imagination. He thought he would be warmly welcomed, just like when he started school, there was a slight embarrassment.

Like something bad happened, the atmosphere in the dormitory was very depressed.

"Boss, did you drop out of school back to school?" Wang Yan first opened his mouth, calmly, and asked Ye Tian.

"Withdrawal from school?"

Although he was absent from school and wasted his studies, he has not considered dropping out. After all, his girlfriend is still studying here, and he can't leave.

"Let's go, let's go. Pack up, where should I go. I don't understand. Since I didn't want to read, what did I do when I got into the exam?" Zhao Chuyi said with a trace of indignation, a cigarette in his mouth, Suddenly sucked, making the dormitory suffocate.

Xie Yetian looked at Huo Tingxuan, and vaguely understood what was going on.

"Ye Tian, ​​it's nice to see you again."

Huo Tingxuan originally sat on a stool, suddenly got up, hugged Ye Tian for a while, and hugged Wang Yan again, but when he wanted to hug with Zhao Chuyi, he was rejected.

He laughed bitterly, finally glanced at the dormitory nostalgically, and carried away his packed bag.

消失 He disappeared for a week. He suddenly appeared tonight. He said he was withdrawing from school, but he did n’t even go through the formalities.

His condition doesn't look very good. The wind and dust are full of vicissitudes and bitterness on his face. There must be some story, but he doesn't want to tell his roommates.

"If there is anything, you can tell me, maybe it may help you," Ye Tian said to him.

别 "Don't think about it, everything is fine, nothing is happening, I don't want to read anymore. Good luck to you."

His attitude was very decisive. The roommates wanted to send him without letting him go. He left alone.

At this time, it was very late, the snow was snowing, the north wind whistled, the temperature dropped to a dozen degrees below zero, and no figure could be seen under the dim light. The huge campus was silent.


Huo Tingxuan walked along a small road, stopped suddenly, and looked around vigilantly.

He felt weird, and someone seemed to follow him secretly.

无 There was no one on the road behind him, but there was laughter in the woods beside the road.

"My dear brother, in a hurry, where are you going?"

With exaggerated laughter, a thin young man stepped out of the woods, with his hands behind his back, with a magnificent temperament.

His footsteps are very light. He didn't leave any footprints on the snow, and there was no trace on the snow.

"Huo Tingxiao, why are you here?" Huo Tingxuan frowned suddenly, his eyes became cold and very alert.

This is his cousin, a master horseman, who has practiced his skills since childhood.

The Huo family is a very famous celebrity family on the northeast side. It has dedicated a fox fairy for generations. That fox fairy is said to have practiced for thousands of years, and has great magical powers.

The fox, yellow and white willow ash, which respectively correspond to the five immortal homes of fox, weasel, hedgehog, snake, and mouse, are highly respected in the northeast.

The hallway of the Huo family was the main hallway of the fox fairy, and there were hundreds of houses under his command.

In this way, Huo's status is respected, known as the first family of the Northeast Fox Fairy.

All these honours are given by the fox fairy and fox owl worshipped by the family.

The fox foxes not only taught them the ability of the Huo family to go out, but also taught various magical techniques.

So, in the Northeast, Huo's can also be ranked

Ranked in the name of the big family of magic.

When I grew up in this family, in this atmosphere, Huo Tingxuan would naturally be infected with a trace of enchanting fox, so Ye Tian felt strange when he first saw him.

The enshrinement of Daxian is not a long-lived tablet. It is so simple to worship Sanxian in the morning and at night. Xianjia wants to upper body, occupy one's flesh shells, and nourish them with so-called fairy yuan.

In addition, when the horse goes out of the horse, it will bring merit to the heavens, just like the rain dew. It will be absorbed and refined by the fairy house of the occupied body, so as to grow and cultivate.

The Wuxian family cultivates with merit and Buddhism cultivates with the minds of sentient beings. Both have the same effect and are not affected by the exhausted spirit of heaven and earth.

Xunxian's family and Chumaxian are parasitic. When the Xianxian family is completed, Chuxian's life is often not good, often short-lived, and it is said that they cannot be born after death.

Of course, there is no benefit when Ma Xian is born. Their identity and status can protect future generations and make the family flourish.

Huo Tingxuan's grandfather Huo Shi'an was hooded by a fox when he was 20 years old. It took only ten years to become the most famous horse immortal in Northeast China. His prestige in the society is very high.

一个 Just a week ago, Huo Shi'an got a serious illness and was about to die. While preparing the funeral for the grandfather, the Huo family also had to choose another meat shell for the fox owl among the many children of the family.

This sounds scary ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In fact, this is an honor. Those who can be possessed by the fox owl can not only become the top horseman, but also take charge of the Huo family. They can also get a high status in the society, and it is not uncommon to be equal to the city's mayor.

As a result, this honor fell on Huo Tingxuan, who was selected by Hu Ji.

The people of the Huo family were not surprised, because Huo Tingxuan was born with a psychic constitution and was most favored by the Xian family. He was cultivated by his father as a successor from an early age.

I don't know, Huo Tingxuan has no interest at all in Ma Xian, even very rejection. He studied desperately from an early age just to get away from the family.

He didn't expect this day to come, and it came so fast.

He raised resistance, but the resistance was invalid.

At the Huo family, the meerkat is bigger than everything. The meerkat chose him, which is his life and cannot escape.

He returned to school under the pretext of going back to school to complete the withdrawal process, but he didn't want to go home anymore and was going to run away from home.

He did not expect that the family would send someone to follow him.

"Of course I will pick you up." My cousin Huo Tingxiao came to him step by step, his mouth seemed to smile, and seemed to have no intention.

He was very envious of his cousin being selected by the foxtail.

He is a horseman and he also has a fox fairy on his body, but he is not the same as the fox owl, just a little fox fairy.

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