Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 895: Shocking confrontation

All stumbling blocks can be killed on the way of the Heavenly Lord's sermon, even those who are close.

Therefore, he punched the two apprentices into a blood mist with one punch, and did not retreat half a point.

I saw him in the form of a rainbow of light, permeating the world, and the Japanese-style King Kong's fist prints collapsed in the void, sending out violent trembling sounds.

Ye Tian was also very strong. He rushed into the sky and came face to face, punched out, and a golden pistol swept across the sky, as if a golden avenue was paved in the void, and the breath of destruction was overwhelming. Day Sun King Kong Fist Print.


This shock shook the sky, as if a thunder exploded, and the void trembled. The sound of Hong Zhongda Lu spread across the entire city of Yancheng in an instant. I don't know how many windows were shattered, and even Shili Yanshan was shaking for a while.

There was also a dazzling light from where they collided, as if it collapsed every day, illuminating a large area of ​​the world.

Boom boom!

With two people as the center, endless storms rushed out like tidal waves, sweeping in all directions, with almost destructive power of nuclear shock waves, winds and clouds, scorching and dying, the sea of ​​transpiration clouds was swept away instantly, and I do n’t know How many trees were broken down and even uprooted, and even pieces of rock were broken into powder.

This shock is too horrible. It can be called a catastrophic attack.

There is a bright sky between the heavens and the earth, and the bright light is shining and dazzling. Two figures wrapped in golden light can be seen in the void. They are vague and can not see the appearance, but the outline can distinguish who is the young demon king and who is the sky. Fawang.

After one blow, Tianmu Fawang receded more than ten feet, and Ye Tian also receded seven or eight feet, seemingly equal, but actually Tianmu Fawang fell into the downwind.

This can be seen from the destructive power at the scene. The 800-meter main peak behind Tianmufa King was bare and all the trees were broken. A pavilion fell into the ruins and was razed to the ground.

The 700-meter-high main peak behind Ye Tian was hardly damaged, and everyone was safe and sound.

One is because his boxer suppresses Tianmu Fawang.

The second reason is because he deliberately led the violent storm of punches down the mountain.

I saw that although the 700-meter-high secondary main peak was intact, but more than 100 meters below, there was a large "barren land", as if washed by a torrent, and hundreds of trees were broken, almost always Extending to the foot of the mountain, the only hiking trail was destroyed.

"Is this the collision of the strongest body art? It's too scary. If everyone else goes up, they will be shocked into blood mud."

The group was dumbfounded and shocked to add nothing.

If Ye Tian had not deliberately led away the fist storm, most people on the viewing platform would be killed or injured, and only some guru could escape by chance.

They thought that the war would be conducted on the main peak. They were safe enough on the sub-prime peak. They did not expect that the state of **** was like a dragon, they could walk in the air. Any place could be the place of the war, and the damage caused was indiscriminate.

The warriors were fairly calm. The family of the tyrants played a retreat, but the mountain road was destroyed. They wanted to go down the mountain for a short while and couldn't go down. They could only watch it hard.


The King of Heavenly Eyes spit out a stale gas, turned it into a light golden horse, and flew away in one direction.


A hundred meters away, a small drone doing live broadcasting was shattered.

"You are very good. You haven't let me down, but you can be with me for a long time." Tianmu Fawang said, sounding like a thunder and a thunder, it stunned Tianyu.

"Really?" Ye Tian flicked his fingers slightly, his eyes squinted, and said lightly.


He also flicked his fingers, and another drone further afield turned into fly ash.

Huang Fu Jingyun's live broadcast was interrupted, and others' live broadcasts were following up.

At this moment, I don't know how many drones are hovering at high altitudes, and a spear and a short cannon are set up, aiming here, there are TV stations and private ones.

Even above Tianyu, there were several spy satellites monitoring every move of Yanshan Mountain.

"If you only have these capabilities, it's better to ask me for mercy as soon as possible." The Tianmu Fawang again sneered.

"Unfortunately, if you ask me for forgiveness, I will not let you go. You dare to hurt my family, only to pay for it."

"Child, you are too arrogant, you don't know the sky is high. Today I want to let you know that some people can't offend you."


The Tianmu Fawang shot like lightning, his eyes glowed like a torch, and he turned into a residual image. The pale golden fists were cast like copper juice, and the lights were dazzling and dazzling.

It is still the punch of King Kong ’s fist, breaking the void, coming through the sky.

The breath on him has risen a bit, and the power of boxing has also risen to a height. It is difficult to imagine how powerful this boxing is.


Ye Tian hit Wu Ji Shen Quan again, breaking his fist with his fist, his golden spirit was surging, his fist moved out of the world, and the void shuddered.


It was another terrifying collision, nearly the devastating power of a meteorite, and the sound trembled for nine days. The glorious Huaguang dazzled people's eyes. The horrible energy storm was like a tsunami, rolling around in the sky and underground.


The 800-meter main peak couldn't bear it, and cracks appeared, making a deafening noise. Numerous rocks broke out, like a cannonball, sweeping indiscriminately in all directions.

After the blow, the two did not close their hands, and they ran into one after another without knowing how many punches. Each blow was shocking and shocking the sky.

In this situation, it seems as if the two gods are at war, everything else is gone, and they are the only in the world.

"It's really two gods fighting!"

Countless people exclaimed, seeing blood boiling and scalp tingling.

"Why is Tianmu Fawang's physical body so abnormal? It can be compared with the young demon king. Want to be invincible in martial arts, Shaolin King Kong is not bad, and the young demon spit blood.

"The King of Heavenly Eyes has created the immortal rainbow body, which is closer to the six golden bodies of the Buddha's abbot in mythology. Shaolin's King Kong is not bad.

"No wonder the King Tianmu is so mad, dare to fight against the juvenile demon king body, the flesh hits hard."


On the observation deck, the discussion sounded loud.

"Undead Hong is the strongest treasure in the world, and the young demon king will undoubtedly be defeated in this battle." Wu Canghai, the head of the Wu family, said firmly.

Bai Wanshan, the host of the Bai family, also smiled and said, "The King of Heavenly Eyes is a living Buddha. Ye Xiaoer is an illegitimate child. How can he be compared with him?"

Ye Changqing looked at him with a glance.

Bai Wanshan was completely afraid, saying "What? Am I wrong? Do you dare to say that your grandson is an illegitimate child? The **** is here, so you can face it."

"Grandpa, you are too much." Ye Lang rebuked.

"Hum, you know how to call me grandfather. The Ye family is over. I will give you one last chance and make a new choice."

"My surname is Ye, this life belongs only to the Ye family. Moreover, my brother will not lose."

"You don't know anything!"

At this time, in the field, endless snow was flying up to the sky, and the transpirational clouds were rolling, and the void was white and blank. Only two golden light groups can be seen clearly. Who is the Tianmu Fawang and who is the young demon cannot distinguish Already.

The two did not know how many times they had fought, and suddenly a figure flew upside down, rumbling, and several hills collapsed, eventually flying for several kilometers and disappearing deep in the mountains.

"Who flew out?"

Everyone stared at ~ ~ with the same question.

"Tianmu Fawang won, it must be Tianmu Fawang."

On the top of the mountain, I don't know who made a random guess, and cheered.

Bai Wanshan laughed loudly and gave Ye Changqing a provocative look.

Wu Canghai also breathed a sigh of relief, and finally his tense nerves relaxed.

"Ah, young devil, I'm going to kill you!"

Suddenly, a terrible roar came from the mountains in the distance. It was stern and high-pitched, shaking the mountains, and the endless snow tumbling.

This is, Tianmu Fawang's voice.

It was Tianmu Fawang flying backwards.

Suddenly, all the people turned wild, and the cheers stopped abruptly. ()

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