Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 869: Undead Xiaoqiang

The girl's eyes fluttered with tears.

I haven't seen her in a while, she is still beautiful, like the fairy Guang Chen, but her cheeks are a little thin and her bones are standing.


She couldn't help herself, and flew into Ye Tian's arms.

Ye Tian stroked her hair and asked distressedly, "Why are you so thin?"

"Woohoo, teacher, it's great that you can come back.

The King of Corpses Jin is gone, all blame me, failed to protect him.

Teacher, punish me! "

The girl sobbed, her body trembling slightly.

"I already know it.

Rest assured, I will rescue Lao Jin. "

Ye Tian said lightly.

Huh! Accompanied by shocking footsteps, two macho men running high and one short rushed towards them.

"I'm going, Ye, it's you, am I right?"

Zhao Tianlong's chin was almost startled.

Ye Tian, ​​who was seen on TV, was still in Northern Europe. I didn't expect that after a few hours, people had come to Tianhai.

His old man was also in a hurry, and came up and gave Ye Tian a bear hug.

The former No. 1 man in Tianhai, the earth emperor in the underground world, has now become a disciple of Ye Tian, ​​obedient and loyal.

Thanks to his care during this time, Ye Tian's family was safe and sound.

"Just come back, just come back."

Ning Haifeng said with a trembling voice, although he was full of emotions, he was very calm.

Ye Tianzhi is half a son to him. He used to be unhappy with each other, but now he is in harmony.

After a while, Ning Xiaoyu and her mother also arrived.

"Oh, brother, I haven't seen you for a while, you look better than ever!"

Ning Xiaoyu laughed.

Mom was crying, tears like rain.

She just experienced the "pain of bereavement." It was an unbearable pain in her life. It was so unforgettable that it was too hard.

Now the son reappeared in front of her, and the joy of reunion was difficult to describe in words.

Seeing this scene at home, Ye Tian felt a tingling in his heart, full of apologies.

"It's really unreasonable to repeatedly put my family in danger.

These are the scourges that I have brought to my enemies.

Back this time, it's time to do a good job! "

Ye Tian thought in his heart, the killing intention in his eyes gradually strengthened.

"Brother, it is rumored that you are dead, why aren't you dead?"

Ning Xiaoyu hurriedly asked him.

"Little girl, how do you say that?

What is it about not dead?

Can't you say it well? "

Gu Xiaoman got angry for a while and gave his daughter a white look.

Ning Xiaoyu pouted his lips and said, "Oh, my brother didn't care about this anyway.

Hurry and say, I guess the story must be wonderful. "

Ye Tian lovingly touched Xiaoyu's head and laughed, "My brother is Xiaoqiang who can't be killed. How could those cats and dogs be his brother's opponents."

"Is it really the ambassador behind the great empire?

When is the conflict between you? "

Ning Haifeng asked with a look of worry.

That's the great empire of the world. The hegemon on this planet, crushing the invincible opponents around the world, dare to offend it, and will never know how to die.

Those countries that were destroyed by the great empire in the world did not know how many.

"The enemy should be solved or not, Xiaotian, the great empire in the world is too scary, we can't mess it up.

If there is any contradiction between you, try to resolve it, and we can even take a step back. "

Gu Xiaoman said that he was also very worried.

She couldn't believe that her son would be in conflict with the great empire in the world, which was too ridiculous.

"That's a long story.

The great empire of the world always regarded me as a nail in the eye and wanted to kill it quickly. "

Ye Tian said faintly, the corners of his mouth seemed to smile, showing a sense of killing.

If he hadn't heard of a change in his family, he should now have reached the realm of the great empire of the time, and a killing is inevitable.

He is not aiming at the entire country of the current great empire. As far as he knows, it is the superpower organization of the current great empire The League of Gods has been opposing him.

This organization is very strange, its energy is astounding, and it looms above the authorities of the great empire, and even nuclear weapons can be said to launch.

"Why do they see you as nails?

How did you offend them? "

Mom continued to ask, a look of doubt.

"It's not because my brother is too high-profile.

Moreover, the killing of the great empire in the world was never justified.

See who is not pleasing to the eye, destroy anyone. "

Ning Xiaoyu said, when it comes to ideas.

"Is it really impossible to resolve it?"

Gu Xiaoman did not give up, she really did not want her son to avenge such a terrible existence.

That ’s why our 1.4 billion people in the Eastern powers are afraid to exist! Even Zhao Tianlong was stunned for a while. He was brave and brave. He would tremble in the face of the great empire of the world. He did not have the courage to fight a battle because there was no chance of victory.

"Yes, if it can be resolved, try to resolve it.

The level of the great empire in the world is not something we can offend. "

Zhao Tianlong also advised.


Ye Tian said indifferently.

"Oh, that's really great."

Gu Xiaoman was happy.

"When I step on them like today when I stepped on the aurora small country, killing them bowing their ears, the contradiction will be resolved."

Although Ye Tian's voice was very bland, everyone sounded like thunder.

What kind of spirit is it to step on the great empire and kill them bowing their heads?

Who can say such words if it is not God-like?

"Brother domineering!"

Ning Xiaoyu wrinkled Xiao Qiao Nose ~ ~ and gave a thumbs up.

"Xiaotian, are you crazy?

I don't allow you to do this.

If you have a three-pronged, two-pronged, your mother will not live. "

Gu Xiaoman almost jumped.

"Xiaotian, your mother's worry is not unreasonable. You should think twice before you go! Safety is the most important thing at any time."

Ning Haifeng also worried.

"The great empire of the time did not know how many times stronger than the small country of Aurora, and had the planet's premier nuclear arsenal.

If they use nuclear weapons, teacher, do you think you have a chance to win? "

Zhao Tianlong looked solemnly.

He is an impulsive person, but at this moment is extremely calm.

Only Su Mengyao stood behind Ye Tian and said nothing.

No matter what decision Ye Tian makes, she will support and be convinced unconditionally.

"Is it nuclear?"

Ye Tian chuckled, "I have already experienced it in the North Pole, and I haven't lived well yet."

When he said this, everyone was stunned.

Even Ning Xiaoyu, who has been very calm, has a small mouth opening into an o-shape, her eyes widening suddenly.

"Brother, have they used nuclear weapons against you?

That didn't kill you, are you too powerful? "


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