Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 854: Make sense

Prince Joseph was physically destroyed, the spirit was chopped, and he died completely.

At this moment, the capital of the aurora small country, the whole city is terrifying, and everyone is calm.

"General, please give instructions!"

"Yes, General, my dignified aurora small country, a highly developed country, is it necessary to be stepped on by a human ant?"

"Tolerable, unbearable?"

"We have the most sophisticated war killer on the planet. We have millions of soldiers to call. National power. I don't believe I can't kill this jerk."

"General, my 119th brigade has requested a war and will not shame the mission!"

The general army of the Aurora small country was mobilized, and each hawkish character was impassioned and vowed to kill the young demon king.

The focus of his eyes was on General Padre. He is the commander in chief of the three armed services, so heed everything. №ⅰ№ⅰ

"Juvenile Devil, don't you think you're too much? We have something to say well, and we can sit down and make sense. Why do you have to be aggressive and kill innocent people? In a peaceful era, do you want to stir up disputes between the two countries? "

General Padre faced Ye Tian's edgy face, pretending to be calm, but with some lack of confidence, his eyes moved and his whole body was stunned.

The fight just started was so earth-shattering that many onlookers were stunned because they were too late to dodge. General Padre looked around. There were corpses everywhere, at least hundreds of dead and wounded.

"Juvenile Devil, do you really think you are invincible? Do you dare to oppose this world? Have you considered the consequences?"

Immediately after, General Padre, a slender and sturdy blond middle-aged man wearing a brand-name suit, with a shiny back and a large back, suddenly stood out and said loudly to Ye Tian, ​​his attitude was somewhat Aggressive. №ⅰ№ⅰ

His name is Max, a nobleman, a senior political figure in the world ’s largest country, and also a billionaire with a wealth of status and respect.

"What kind of thing are you? Can it represent this world?" Ye Tian squinted his eyes.

"Of course I cannot represent this world, but my country, the largest country in the world, can represent this world."

The man held his head upright and faced Ye Tian's sharpness without fear.

What is the existence of the largest country in the world? Standing on top of the planet, it can even be said to be the first country in history to be able to step on the entire planet under its feet. With the power of one country, it can shake the entire world.

So Max is right.

"Even if you are not afraid of dying, you must also consider your country, the Eastern Powers, and dare to oppose this world. What you do will have catastrophic consequences for your country. Do n’t you have Ever thought about it? "№ⅰ№ⅰ

Another blond woman walked out from behind General Padre. She was about forty years old. She still had her charm. She was wearing a beige coat and high boots. She looked high and noble. not to be trifled.

"Which country are you from again?" Ye Tianxi asked with a shudder.

"Once the world's largest country." The woman held her head upright and felt good about herself.

Her name is Laura, and she is also a politician. Although a female stream, she is known for her toughness.

She was once the largest country on the planet. Although her status has declined and her status is not guaranteed, she is still one of the most powerful nations in the world.

Next, a few people stepped out and spoke fiercely to Ye Tianfang, various threats.

They are celebrities and politicians from all over the world, and one person can represent a country when they go out. №ⅰ№ⅰ

So many celebrities and politicians represent so many countries and cover more than half of the earth. They were confident that Ye Tian didn't dare to take them because no one dared to offend so many countries at the same time.

What's more, there is also the world's largest country, and the power of one country can shake the utter existence of the entire planet.

Seeing this situation, many people can not help but pinch a cold sweat for the young demon king.

Can he withstand such a powerful force? Can you really admit it?

The nationals of the aurora small country have raised infinite self-confidence. They are not alone, the whole world is with them.

"Juvenile Devil, it is too late for you to apologize. In front of the global audience, kneel down and repent for the trauma caused by your ignorance and recklessness to the small country of Aurora.

Max, a senior political figure from the world ’s largest country, smiled coldly. №ⅰ№ⅰ

At this moment, he stole the limelight of General Padre and became the focus of the audience. A large group of celebrities and politicians were indeed united by his side. The reason why he dared to speak to the young demon king was because of his face.

With so many people helping, General Padre's confidence grew a bit.

"Juvenile Demon King, there is an old saying from the great Eastern nations.

General Padre opened his mouth, impassioned, but before he could say a word, he heard a crackling sound, and a figure flew out.


Ye Tian raised his palms and palms, and Max, the top political figure from the world ’s largest country, was pumped tens of meters, landed in a ruin, and passed out.

"Just an ant, dare to say crazy words in front of me?" Ye Tian hummed. №ⅰ№ⅰ

"Who else wants me to repent?" Ye Tian looked around the celebrities and politicians and asked ~ ~ you, you dare to hit him? How dare you hit him? Do you know who you played? Stupid Oriental boy, you are against the whole planet, you are dead! The good days of your country are over. "

Laura, a female politician who was once the largest power on the planet, is stricken and upset. She didn't understand Ye Tian's courage. She dared to be the enemy of the largest country in the world, and dared to oppose this planet.

"Is it the greatest country in the world?"

Ye Tian snorted, shot again, exhaled a slap, and pumped Laura out.

He didn't know how many women he had killed, let alone hit women.

Suddenly, all celebrities and politicians were calm, panic-stricken, birds and beasts generally spread out, and they could hide as far as they could.

Ye Tianlian dared to fight against the politicians who were the largest country in the world and the former largest country. Let me say that they did not dare to offend.

They didn't know that Ye Tianhe was the world ’s largest country forever, so there was no pressure to do it.

As soon as these people left, General Padre became a lonely man, with only a few scary soldiers on hand.

"What did you just say?" Ye Tian then asked him.

"You have something to say, why do you have to do it?" General Padre's two faces twitched, how ugly and ugly.

"Yeah, reasoning. If I don't use some means, will you sit down and reason with me?" Ye Tian smiled indifferently.

"My little Aurora country is a country ruled by law, and everything is based on justice. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can complain. My little Aurora country will return you justice.

Everyone could hear that General Padre was going to be softened, and he was looking for a step down for himself and the small country of Aurora.

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