Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 852: Sword Eruption

"Boy, you have a magic weapon for space, I despise you. But you can't seal me."

In the small world of the Yuan Magnetic Seal, Joseph was not panic and sneered. He is the key to the magic of space and can penetrate the barriers of the dimension, and it is not difficult to come out.

"Really? A small world can't hold you back, so I'll try another one. Sword world, open!"

Just listen to Ye Tian suddenly whispered.

Suddenly, the void of the small world suddenly trembled, and another empty world suddenly appeared, as if it were a thick cloud of lead, extremely thick, covering the sky, and suddenly appeared above Joseph's head.

I can see that the small world is extremely real, with a breathtaking atmosphere, a deep depth like the sea, mountains and water, flowers, birds, insects and fish, but if you look closely, you will find that all the objects are condensed by the meticulous sword-hair spring Cheng, Jinsha's breath is overwhelming, so thick that it can't be thickened, that is, the steel will be broken into powder in an instant. №ⅰ№ⅰ

This sword world is still in the sword fairy valley of Myanmar last year, and the sword world left by Wan Tianzhenjun of Ye Tianhuahua is integrated into every inch of flesh and blood and becomes a part of his chaotic golden body.

On weekdays, he keeps the sword world in his body, and rarely uses it. With the advancement of his chaos gold body, especially the change of chaos gold body, the sword world has also sublimated. It is no longer the same. Every strand of gold in the sword world has chaos. Bonus, lethality is more horrible.

At first his sword realm could slay the sect, now he can slay the realm.

The sword repair power that Ye Tian encountered in previous lives can evolve into the real world in the sword world. Every plant and every leaf can be used as a magic weapon. It contains the sword energy and has a dark cloud. The lethality can be divided into mountains and mountains, crushing the stars. The various birds and beasts in the sword world, just like the real **** beasts, can be scattered outside the sword world and follow the master to kill the enemy. №ⅰ№ⅰ

Compared to them, Ye Tian's sword world is still too rough, and there is still a long way to go for evolution.

At this moment, he took a different approach and merged the sword world into the small magnetic **** seal small world to make up for the shortcomings of the small world.

He shares a divine mind in the small world, just like a real person. After all, the entire Yuanci Shenshan was refined into him and became part of his body.

"This is it?" Joseph looked horrified.

The sword world is the magical power of the Eastern sword repair, and at least the level of the divine realm can be cultivated, which has long been invisible in the secular world. His old man had lived for hundreds of years and had never heard of it before.

However, he felt the horror from the "lead cloud" above his head, and the buzzing of the sword buzzed to the sky, as if the sword of a million-armed sword was suspended above his head, making his soul tremble. №ⅰ№ⅰ

That heavy "lead cloud" burst instantly, and the sword world erupted, as if the sky had collapsed. Flowers, birds, insects and fishes turned into endless sword-shaped hairsprings, dazzling like stars, like a **** waterfall hanging from the nine days, covering the sky. Washed away with a deafening noise.

The outbreak of the sword world is too horrible. The small world with Yuansi Shenyin almost cannot bear it, and the void is cut into numerous black cracks in the sound of the sword.

In the real world, Ye Tian held the metamagic seal, only to feel that the seal violently vibrated and buzzed, as if a living body was threatened by life and death.

However, fortunately, the magnetic seal of Yuan magnetic is strong enough and condensed. If it is an ordinary treasure, 80% will burst.


How could Joseph sit still, a vast and ancient note came out of his mouth. №ⅰ№ⅰ

The void was shocked again, and his entire body bloomed with countless blood, converging into a long river of blood, like a blood-like dragon, winding along his body, winding a solid from head to toe, forming a blood-colored protection, blocking the sword world Scour.

As you can see, the condensed blood of the long river is as substantive as the jade belt in blood color, and its protective power is comparable to that of the copper wall and iron wall.

However, the outbreak of the sword world was too horrible. It seemed as if tens of thousands of bone-scraping steel knives, black cormorants, brushed down, and even the void was cut to pieces. Joseph's blood can't bear the protection of the river Hold on, alas, peeled off layer by layer.


Joseph snarled, his mana surged, and even the essence of the blood was burned. The river of blood flowed on his body like the Yangtze River. The blood glowed like a magic lamp, was constantly stripped by the violent sword gas, and continued to surge. Out, as if inexhaustible. №ⅰ№ⅰ


Joseph seemed to wear countless suits, destroying one, and another. For a while, the sword world failed to kill him.

The outbreak of the sword world is short-lived. If he can't kill him in one go, his successor will be weak. The sword world can not be cast continuously, it takes a long time to brew, and it can only be used several times a day.

"Haha, boy Hua Guo, just this little ability, also want to kill me?" Joseph laughed.

"Your blood is very good. It contains divine energy, which is great for my spiritual practice. Would you like to be a descendant of a certain protoss?"

"You can rest assured ~ ~ I won't kill you, I will imprison you forever, take good pictures, take blood from you every day for me to cultivate. Hahaha!"

Joseph laughed wildly, thinking that he had great powers, and determined Ye Tian. №ⅰ№ⅰ

He saw Ye Tian's unusualness, and he was extremely eager for Ye Tian's blood.

"It's too early for you to talk big, so let's survive and talk." Ye Tian Lengheng.

Suddenly, a huge sword swept across the sky, trembling with horrible sword power, and shattered from the void.

This is a heavenly sword with a length of several feet. It is extremely huge. It has a sun and moon rotation, a sword light shining, a sword force splits down, and brings a violent sword spirit, like a Shenlong roaring from Jiuxiao.

As soon as the Sun and the Moon Sword came out, the world was moving!

This sword leaf balance is rarely used during the day. It is warmly cultivated in Dantian in the form of sword pills. The last time it was used was a few months.

After raising the sword for a few months, she finally got out of the scabbard today.

Wrapped in the blood, Joseph couldn't resist at all.

I saw a bright sword light flashing, like the blood river protection of the copper wall and iron wall, just like the paper paste was split.

Boom boom!

A torrent of sword-like torrents erupted along the torrent, and rushed down the opening.

"Child, stop!"

"I'm the president of the European Darkness Society, the prince of the blood race. How dare you kill me?"

Joseph growled loudly, and he was finally afraid at this moment.

However, Ye Tianli ignored it.


After the blood river protection was split, it was washed away by the torrent of sword gas at the fingertips.

After another flick, Joseph's body seemed to have been stabbed with thousands of knives, leaving only the bones covered with sword marks, which would be broken into powder when touched.

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